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Say what you like, Jagdeo never lost a general election. At this time he is the most popular PPP, if he is given the clearance to run in 2020, he will be a great threat to the PNC. people like Caribj knows that!!

kp posted:

Say what you like, Jagdeo never lost a general election. At this time he is the most popular PPP, if he is given the clearance to run in 2020, he will be a great threat to the PNC. people like Caribj knows that!!

Wha kind of threat was he when he was in power?

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Regarding your first sentence, Jagdeo will not be PPP Leader forever. 

So why not begin a new era in Guyanese politics and dump Jagdeo. 

At this point in time that's a near impossible task because Jagdeo succeeded in neutering key PPP functionaries. I think that if free and fair election is held in 2020 and if the PPP loses with Jagdeo as presidential candidate, the party membership will be emboldened to call for Jagdeo's resignation.


Let us look at another scenario. Granger is stupid, and incompetent and disrespectful to his base, so many are expected to stay home.  Suppose they do and a vengeful Jagdeo becomes president?

All you have done is to create an Indian Burnham. If you think he was bad before he will be worse then.

kp posted:

Say what you like, Jagdeo never lost a general election. At this time he is the most popular PPP, if he is given the clearance to run in 2020, he will be a great threat to the PNC. people like Caribj knows that!!

If he wins lots of his PPP base will suffer too. As is they fled to Trinidad and Barbados to do all kinds of slave jobs when he was last in power.  This will not be available in 2020. Not only are those economies in a slump but a new group of slaves from China are now being used, and Guyanese cannot compete with them.

Just recall how blacks suffered under Burnham.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

But I don't expect much from the Indo KKK party.  Yes the same one that printed in the Chronicle that blacks are criminal, lazy, violent and of no use to Guyana.


Can you show PROOF of this statement, or copy of the Chronicle Paper. Talk is Cheap.

Use the search function within GNI. This has been brought up many times.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

You seem quite threatened by Jagdeo being Opposition Leader. 

I am actually not. 


Then you do a terrible job showing it. It seems like Jagdeo is stuck in your craw.

RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:

Say what you like, Jagdeo never lost a general election. At this time he is the most popular PPP, if he is given the clearance to run in 2020, he will be a great threat to the PNC. people like Caribj knows that!!

Wha kind of threat was he when he was in power?

His winning did make Hoyte resort to "mo fiah slo fiah" threats. 


I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government. The years may have gone by but their wickedness have not. Let the record show that many will meaning folks chose to give them a second chance (something I will never do) and in just over 2 years, they have disappointed and disgusted those folks. America brags as one of its greatest virtue is the peaceful transfer of power. The PNC doesn't know how to do that. Instead, Hoyte began his "mo fiah, slo fiah" threats and now Granger has indicated that he is not interested in a free, fair and transparent election. The PPP did protest the 2015 elections recount denial but they did it so peacefully. PNC doesn't know what peaceful and honest means. People may be crooked but as long as they can be replaced without bloodshed, you are ahead of the game. It does not seem like the PNC would ever be replaced without shedding blood.

ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government. The years may have gone by but their wickedness have not. Let the record show that many will meaning folks chose to give them a second chance (something I will never do) and in just over 2 years, they have disappointed and disgusted those folks. America brags as one of its greatest virtue is the peaceful transfer of power. The PNC doesn't know how to do that. Instead, Hoyte began his "mo fiah, slo fiah" threats and now Granger has indicated that he is not interested in a free, fair and transparent election. The PPP did protest the 2015 elections recount denial but they did it so peacefully. PNC doesn't know what peaceful and honest means. People may be crooked but as long as they can be replaced without bloodshed, you are ahead of the game. It does not seem like the PNC would ever be replaced without shedding blood.


ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government.

And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people.

When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Say what you like, Jagdeo never lost a general election. At this time he is the most popular PPP, if he is given the clearance to run in 2020, he will be a great threat to the PNC. people like Caribj knows that!!

If he wins lots of his PPP base will suffer too. As is they fled to Trinidad and Barbados to do all kinds of slave jobs when he was last in power.  This will not be available in 2020. Not only are those economies in a slump but a new group of slaves from China are now being used, and Guyanese cannot compete with them.

Just recall how blacks suffered under Burnham.

You will shyte your pants of Jagdeo run for elections. All jackasses in afc/pnc fear this man to the point that you guys dream about him day and night. 

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government.

And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people.

When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government. The years may have gone by but their wickedness have not. Let the record show that many will meaning folks chose to give them a second chance (something I will never do) and in just over 2 years, they have disappointed and disgusted those folks. America brags as one of its greatest virtue is the peaceful transfer of power. The PNC doesn't know how to do that. Instead, Hoyte began his "mo fiah, slo fiah" threats and now Granger has indicated that he is not interested in a free, fair and transparent election. The PPP did protest the 2015 elections recount denial but they did it so peacefully. PNC doesn't know what peaceful and honest means. People may be crooked but as long as they can be replaced without bloodshed, you are ahead of the game. It does not seem like the PNC would ever be replaced without shedding blood.


His Excellency yuji22 has gotten a Crayola coloring set. Thanksgiving gift, perhaps?!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people. When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 

I think Carib was referring to Pulouri Joe Hamilton, ex-Rabbi lieutenant, now PPP MP, and a few more. Personally, I think the PPP erred in accepting such types as members.

Gilbakka posted:
 His Excellency yuji22 has gotten a Crayola coloring set. Thanksgiving gift, perhaps?!

I guess Jalil inspired him.

My head is spinning from reading all these GECOM threads. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:
 His Excellency yuji22 has gotten a Crayola coloring set. Thanksgiving gift, perhaps?!

I guess Jalil inspired him.

My head is spinning from reading all these GECOM threads. 

Amral said he would jook some GECOM threads.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people. When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 

I think Carib was referring to Pulouri Joe Hamilton, ex-Rabbi lieutenant, now PPP MP, and a few more. Personally, I think the PPP erred in accepting such types as members.

Don't think for caribJ, he can do that debacle all by himself. MP's are not hired by a political party, even you should know this. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
I think Carib was referring to Pulouri Joe Hamilton, ex-Rabbi lieutenant, now PPP MP, and a few more. Personally, I think the PPP erred in accepting such types as members.

Don't think for caribJ, he can do that debacle all by himself. MP's are not hired by a political party, even you should know this. 

Bai, like too much bigan seed in yuh brain. Joseph Hamilton was on the PPP list of candidates in 2015. He is occupying one of the 32 precious PPP perches in parliament. Opposition/PPP Leader Jagdeo bypassed some diehard PPP stalwarts on the list in favor of Pulourie Joe. The man is paid by parliament but he was not hired by parliament.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government.

And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people.

When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 


Drugb posted:

You will shyte your pants of Jagdeo run for elections. All jackasses in afc/pnc fear this man to the point that you guys dream about him day and night. 

I will submit to you that you should fear him too.  But from the safety of your NJ home you have no reason to care about a man who claims that he knew who killed a minister in his own government but he did NOTHING to arrest those who were responsible.

Sat Sawh was a staunch PPP Indian.  Take note of that.

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people. When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 

I think Carib was referring to Pulouri Joe Hamilton, ex-Rabbi lieutenant, now PPP MP, and a few more. Personally, I think the PPP erred in accepting such types as members.

Don't think for caribJ, he can do that debacle all by himself. MP's are not hired by a political party, even you should know this. 

MPs are selected by the party

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people. When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

You got your presidents mixed up, it was Burham who hired house of israel goons. Alzheimer must be setting in. 

I think Carib was referring to Pulouri Joe Hamilton, ex-Rabbi lieutenant, now PPP MP, and a few more. Personally, I think the PPP erred in accepting such types as members.

People of that ilk is exactly who I was referring to.

I remind those who run behind Jagdeo that Sat Sawh was a loyal PPP Indian, and look what happened to him.

Have those who masterminded his murder ever been arrested and brought before the courts?

Drugb posted:

Don't think for caribJ, he can do that debacle all by himself. MP's are not hired by a political party, even you should know this. 

Who selects them? The electorate?

Druggie cease to display your ignorance.  MPs in Guyana serve at the pleasure of the party leadership, which in the case of the PPP means Bharat Jagdeo.

These are the types of criminals who a renewed President Jagdeo will bring if he wins in 2020.

If you thought that Burnham was bad......................!!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Don't think for caribJ, he can do that debacle all by himself. MP's are not hired by a political party, even you should know this. 

Who selects them? The electorate?

Druggie cease to display your ignorance.  MPs in Guyana serve at the pleasure of the party leadership, which in the case of the PPP means Bharat Jagdeo.

These are the types of criminals who a renewed President Jagdeo will bring if he wins in 2020.

If you thought that Burnham was bad......................!!

Excuse that fella he just babbles like the rest of the klan.

Django posted:

When all the House of Israel culprits was booted out by Hoyte,they all went and reside at Freedom House,the PPP release their leader Rabbi Washington.

Yes this is true. Its so interesting that the WPA suffered so mightily at the hands of those people acting on behalf of the Afro dictator.

We should have known from then that an Indo dictator was in the making. One who would be even more violent than Burnham with his cynical use of people who had connections to Colombian drug cartels.

Django posted:

Excuse that fella he just babbles like the rest of the klan.

And he is so ignorant that he will even dispute the fact that MPs in Guyana are not selected by the electorate but serve at the pleasure of the party.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I have said it before and I will say it again and again. I will never trust a PNC government.

And Jagdeo hired House of Israel goons and paramilitia thugs to intimidate ordinary Guyanese.  People making threatening phone calls and assaulting people.

When he was president people were afraid to talk politics on the phone.

It has been about a decade now since Jagdeo's government eliminated the Fineman terrorist threat which Hoyte gave a stately funeral to Fineman. Why are you still mad at Jagdeo for that?

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