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Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

This thread is exposing the crab in the barrel mentality. Mr. Badal is showing his confidence in the economy. 

The πŸ¦€ are out scratching around when anything positive happens in Guyana these days.  You are correct, it’s a vote of confidence in the economy.  

Oil will spawn a lot of development and investment in Guyana, so prime hotel space will be in demand. That big new bridge in one such project!

When there was the hydro project on the table, the Chinese had rented out many houses and hotels to house people.  

I would like to see the Hydro Projects back on the charts. I passed by a Hydroplant when I visited Rishikesh. The government should invite the Indians back to the table. They have the experience and expertise in building these dams and installing the plants.

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

This thread is exposing the crab in the barrel mentality. Mr. Badal is showing his confidence in the economy. 

The πŸ¦€ are out scratching around when anything positive happens in Guyana these days.  You are correct, it’s a vote of confidence in the economy.  

Oil will spawn a lot of development and investment in Guyana, so prime hotel space will be in demand. That big new bridge in one such project!

When there was the hydro project on the table, the Chinese had rented out many houses and hotels to house people.  

I would like to see the Hydro Projects back on the charts. I passed by a Hydroplant when I visited Rishikesh. The government should invite the Indians back to the table. They have the experience and expertise in building these dams and installing the plants.

The challenge Indian companies face is the government of India  does not have a development bank which offer financing for such projects. The finance country always want the prime contractor from their country.  Indians get the dub-contracting work!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

This thread is exposing the crab in the barrel mentality. Mr. Badal is showing his confidence in the economy. 

The πŸ¦€ are out scratching around when anything positive happens in Guyana these days.  You are correct, it’s a vote of confidence in the economy.  

Oil will spawn a lot of development and investment in Guyana, so prime hotel space will be in demand. That big new bridge in one such project!

When there was the hydro project on the table, the Chinese had rented out many houses and hotels to house people.  

I would like to see the Hydro Projects back on the charts. I passed by a Hydroplant when I visited Rishikesh. The government should invite the Indians back to the table. They have the experience and expertise in building these dams and installing the plants.

The challenge Indian companies face is the government of India  does not have a development bank which offer financing for such projects. The finance country always want the prime contractor from their country.  Indians get the dub-contracting work!

True. But the Indians are good at putting a consortium of investors to finance their projects.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Can they compete with the marriott?

I’m sure his expansion and upgrade is part of it.  Maybe he gets a US/European franchise license.  

It said in another article that Pegasus is not in competition with anyone. That's yet to be seen. To be in business and stay in business, you must stay ahead of the game. Pegasus is a landmark centerpiece for decades. It have every right to do whatever it takes to stay on top of the game. The artist impression is very impressive. It will change G/T outlook for the better.


Guyana has to prepare for the oil services companies coming to set up shop in Guyana to do business.  Guyana can expect businesses such as drill bits companies, pipeline companies and storage companies all showing up to do business.  It is not just oil extraction.  I think this sector is what Badal is aiming for

Last edited by Prashad

I get the feeling Guyana is getting ready for a major step up.  I hope the recent robbery of the Exxon expat spurs the GOG into high gear and strong and harsh measures.  

I also hope this government brings along the entire population with balanced policies. From what I understand, they are much more receptive to listening to different points of view in coming up with solutions.  Thus far, a β€œcabal mentally” has not yet developed. Let’s see how long that lasts!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Guyana has to put a huge dent in crime, next step try for a bustling night life...dancehalls 'erb bars...bars with nice thick table dancers. Perhaps put out some serious $$ and have (Trump's reason he got cut off) Stormy as special guest performer. 

Guyana needs to be a Christ conscious society. Too many communities in the country. The citizens needs a focus.

Prashad posted:

Guyana has to prepare for the oil services companies coming to set up shop in Guyana to do business.  Guyana can expect businesses such as drill bits companies, pipeline companies and storage companies all showing up to do business.  It is not just oil extraction.  I think this sector is what Badal is aiming for

Real Estate will boom. For industrial lands, it does not exist because governments do not have any ideas of what is involved.

Baseman posted:

I get the feeling Guyana is getting ready for a major step up.  I hope the recent robbery of the Exxon expat spurs the GOG into high gear and strong and harsh measures.  

I also hope this government brings along the entire population with balanced policies. From what I understand, they are much more receptive to listening to different points of view in coming up with solutions.  Thus far, a β€œcabal mentally” has not yet developed. Let’s see how long that lasts!

On crime, there is no approach on curbing it. To bring it under control, it  needs more than just one policy.  

I doan see Ramjattan as a person who has the intelligence to come up with plans of curbing crime. As for Granger, he thinks because he was in the amry he has the inroads in fighting crime. So far, he is failing.

The guy that was beaten was from Guyana Shore Base Inc, not from Exxon. The exxon ppl, all have personal security. High ranking Ex-Policemen are gainfully employed. 


Doh bai Badal is a great businessman. De man succeed outside political connekshun and succeed in spite of attempt to destroy he business. Ayoo doan judge de man because he cyant fix de mess at GPL. That is not he skillset. Doh is massive technical problem. Dey need specilis engineers wid top MBA foh run dat place. Dem kantas with political party conneckshun and online degrees cyant run that place. After all online dem fake dem exams. Dem skool wuss dan August month skool weh Labba went. 

Baseman posted:

I get the feeling Guyana is getting ready for a major step up.  I hope the recent robbery of the Exxon expat spurs the GOG into high gear and strong and harsh measures.  

I also hope this government brings along the entire population with balanced policies. From what I understand, they are much more receptive to listening to different points of view in coming up with solutions.  Thus far, a β€œcabal mentally” has not yet developed. Let’s see how long that lasts!

One of the victim in that robbery weren't  Exxon expat,he was working with a local and foreign formed company which have a contract with Exxon.

Headlines in some of the media,send the wrong message.


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