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Former Member

Pensioner robbed after withdrawing money from city bank

May 12, 2016 9:36 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

Minutes after making a withdrawal from a Robb Street, Georgetown bank, a Charlestown pensioner was pounced upon by a lone gunman on Wednesday and relieved of the bag containing the money and other personal items.

According to information received, Ron Ramkarran, 75, withdrew $200,000 from the bank and while he was walking along Regent Street, the lone gunman attacked him.

The pensioner put up a fight, but the gunman gun-butted the elderly man to his head resulting in him receiving injuries.

Upon seeing this, a businessman who was in the vicinity discharged four rounds from his licensed firearm into the air to ward off the bandit, but instead the gunman pulled away the bag and escaped in a motor car.

From all indications, the gunman might have trailed Ramkarran from the bank to Regent Street where he carried out the attack.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed the robbery occurred, and noted that the Police are in possession of the registration number of the getaway car and are continuing their investigations.

Two Mondays ago, a businessman and his wife withdrew $2.9 million from the same bank and were robbed at La Penitence after being tailed by two gunmen in a white Toyota Corona motor car.

It was reported that on the day in question, the man and his wife had stopped to make a purchase at a grocery store near Ruimveldt Police Station when the robbery was executed.

One of the gunmen reportedly held the businessman at gunpoint and relieved him of the bag containing the money.

The three men were nabbed last Saturday after they were found tailing another businessman from a city bank. Reports are that the businessman observed that a vehicle was travelling behind him for a prolonged period and phoned the Police, who dispatched a patrol immediately. As the Police were about to intercept the vehicle, the occupants attempted to exit and join a minibus, but were captured. (Guyana Times)

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You gave with the left hand and take it back with the right hand. Once again an Indian has been robbed. A poor pensioner who was supposed to enjoy his retirement and eat one loaf of bread per month. Now that bread was stolen from the retiree mouth.

This kind of robbery is very suspicious. 

Last edited by Former Member

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