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Pentagon preparing for possible shutdown


The Pentagon

With less than two weeks to go before a new fiscal year begins and no measure in place to fund federal government operations, the Pentagon says it has begun dusting off and updating plans for navigating a government shutdown.

The Office of Management and Budget earlier this week told federal agencies to begin preparing to shutter most operations, with only “excepted” activities to continue if funding lapses. In the past, the Pentagon has said those are ones essential to maintain the safety of life and property.

Department of Defense officials said Thursday it was too early to offer details of how a departmental shutdown might play out next month, but acknowledged the Pentagon has faced the issue many times in recent years as a deadlocked Congress and President Barack Obama have battled over contentious political issues ranging from national debt to - this week - Obama’s health-care law. House Republicans have demanded funding be stripped for parts of the law as a condition for passing a measure to fund the government.

“It’s prudent management for us to update our plans,” said Cmdr. Bill Urban, a spokesman for the Defense Department Comptroller’s office. “We’re certainly using past plans as a basis for this potential shutdown.

The nearest the Pentagon has come in recent years to a shutdown was in April 2011, when Congressional leaders reached a deal on funding the government about an hour before the deadline.

As the clock ticked down, the Pentagon issued orders to local commanders to quickly determine which civilian employees were necessary to keep on the job for the protection of life and property, with officials estimating half the civilian workforce would be sent home without pay, while the rest would continue to work for delayed pay.

Servicemembers, meanwhile, were told they would stay on the job, serving a country that temporarily would not be paying them. But officials said troops and civilians alike would eventually receive all back pay.

Meanwhile, the looming threat of a shutdown prompted mob scenes at military commissaries as families rushed to stock up on food and household goods. A commissary official at Ramstein Air Base told Stars and Stripes that the store had nearly doubled its normal Christmas Eve sales by midafternoon of the day of the shutdown deadline.

Unlike DOD, the Department of Veterans Affairs, which is funded by multi-year Congressional appropriations, would continue operations in a government shutdown, although some services could be affected, including the processing of new claims.

During past shutdown threats, VA officials said medical facilities and clinics would remain fully operational and benefits payments would continue. Claims processing for education, life insurance, home loans and other benefits would also continue, but may be delayed, officials said. VA call centers and hot lines would stop operating, however. Processing of new benefits claims would be suspended, officials said, and regional Veterans Benefits Administration offices could be closed. Stars and Stripes

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

Obama did what he should do; sign into law what the people via their representatives deemed fair and just in the land. If  you think Jehovah will send down fire and brimstone to purge the place; make like Lot and leave!

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Living here does not means that I should agree with all the shitty ongoings with the Rulers of Sodam and Gomorrah, I do not like it and I voiced my opinion agains't it, but with you dude, you would enjoy donning Nandra's dress and bras and panties and go gallavantin, and shouting hallejah, hooray for that anti man, gay and lesbain laws, as so much enjoyment you have to gain from it. 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Living here does not means that I should agree with all the shitty ongoings with the Rulers of Sodam and Gomorrah, I do not like it and I voiced my opinion agains't it, but with you dude, you would enjoy donning Nandra's dress and bras and panties and go gallavantin, and shouting hallejah, hooray for that anti man, gay and lesbain laws, as so much enjoyment you have to gain from it. 

 Living here and saying it is a cursed place means you get out. You did not stay and develop good practices in Guyana. You sought greener pastures. Just skedaddle again if you so much think this is Satan's dominion.


India did not see it as evil so even there you are going against tradition. India made it a valued resource and created the social structures to include it. The US is not building any such schemes. It simply say that what is the right of normal law abiding people should be universal. That is why we are termed a modern welfare state.


Everyone's welfare is treated similarly. Giving rights neglected here is simply the US living up to the fullest expression of its creed despite the complaints of religious folks. This is after all a secular society in terms of its government.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Living here does not means that I should agree with all the shitty ongoings with the Rulers of Sodam and Gomorrah, I do not like it and I voiced my opinion agains't it, but with you dude, you would enjoy donning Nandra's dress and bras and panties and go gallavantin, and shouting hallejah, hooray for that anti man, gay and lesbain laws, as so much enjoyment you have to gain from it. 

Homophobic folks are actually confused about their own sexuality, thus they tend to lash's ok to come out of the closet

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Living here does not means that I should agree with all the shitty ongoings with the Rulers of Sodam and Gomorrah, I do not like it and I voiced my opinion agains't it, but with you dude, you would enjoy donning Nandra's dress and bras and panties and go gallavantin, and shouting hallejah, hooray for that anti man, gay and lesbain laws, as so much enjoyment you have to gain from it. 

Homophobic folks are actually confused about their own sexuality, thus they tend to lash's ok to come out of the closet


If you think that you are homophobic then it is okay, you want to come out of the closet that is okay too, good for you. Since you were there a long time I figure that you of all person should know the difference between a vagina and an ah, nah I guess that you do not know that, as everything is a vagina for you.


Me, I would continue to speak out agains't it, people like you were before shunned by society. There is still time to be of correct orientation.


Stop following d2 like a slut dog in heat, be your own man.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very DIFFICULT for some to have a BLACK President!!!

Who have issue with a Black president?

A blackman should never be a President of the United States not because he is dumb but because of the many atrocities he has committed in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where countless women and children an babies has been murdered in their sleep in the night on his word.

A Black man should always keep the house, yeah a butler, or the chef but never a President

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very DIFFICULT for some to have a BLACK President!!!

Who have issue with a Black president?

A blackman should never be a President of the United States not because he is dumb but because of the many atrocities he has committed in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where countless women and children an babies has been murdered in their sleep in the night on his word.

A Black man should always keep the house, yeah a butler, or the chef but never a President

guess your Islamic teachings shining thru

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

Unlike you, you would kiss his black ass night and day. Never had it better since he has passed the gay lesbain same sex marriage laws, making the United States (Sodam and Gomorrah) a pleasure for you.

I see you still live you must take some pleasure in it as well

Living here does not means that I should agree with all the shitty ongoings with the Rulers of Sodam and Gomorrah, I do not like it and I voiced my opinion agains't it, but with you dude, you would enjoy donning Nandra's dress and bras and panties and go gallavantin, and shouting hallejah, hooray for that anti man, gay and lesbain laws, as so much enjoyment you have to gain from it. 

Homophobic folks are actually confused about their own sexuality, thus they tend to lash's ok to come out of the closet


If you think that you are homophobic then it is okay, you want to come out of the closet that is okay too, good for you. Since you were there a long time I figure that you of all person should know the difference between a vagina and an ah, nah I guess that you do not know that, as everything is a vagina for you.


Me, I would continue to speak out agains't it, people like you were before shunned by society. There is still time to be of correct orientation.


Stop following d2 like a slut dog in heat, be your own man.

how exactly I following D2...I came on this thread before are a true idiot

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by asj:

Obama had two weeks to set this right.


Tea party against something which has already went thru the whole process...this got nothing to do with Obamacare, they just never liked Obama from the time he elected

It's gang warfare:  the Republicans vs. Obama.  The hotshots who caused the gov't shutdown have nothing to lose; it's the thousands of furloughed workers who are suffering.    


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