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October 4,2016 Source

Dear Editor,

It was roughly 15 months ago that Mr David Granger became the first member of the military to become president of Guyana. The story of his leap from the military to politics grandest stage, without very many people knowing much about him, what he believes and who he truly is, is fascinating and quite remarkable.

There is so much that the public doesn’t know about President Granger. He is a very complex and complicated man. He’s very difficult to understand and to pin down what he believes in. Very few know his political beliefs. Because the President is quiet, soft spoken and of few words, it’s very difficult to figure him out.

Prior to entering politics and becoming president, very little was known about him, except that he was a historian, author and soldier. We do not know who are his confidants and friends, why he got involved in politics, who encouraged him, when he decided to go into politics and who were some of those who helped him to become president. Moreover, there’s so little that is known about the President’s personality and ideology. Like many others, I’m anxious to know if the President is a supporter of Mr Burnham and Dr Jagan’s political philosophy. Is he a capitalist, socialist, communist, democrat or republican? Is he an advocate for the working or the upper class?

Editor, there are so many questions about Mr Granger, but so few answers. What is his worldview, in order words, how does he see the world? Who are some of the world and local leaders who inspired him and whom he admires? What are his views on certain social issues such as same sex marriage, capital punishment, race and religion? What are his greatest strengths, weaknesses, achievements and failures? What does he likes and dislike about being president? What are some of the things he would change about the country’s history? What keeps him up at night and what makes him tick? What keeps him hopeful?

What are his views on the people in diaspora? Does he see them as people who abandoned the country and don’t deserve to be a part of the country’s future? Does he see them as patriotic Guyanese? Does he see a need for their resources, capital, knowledge and experience? Who are some of the people in the diaspora he admires and respects? Who were some of his mentors and role models? Why did he choose to become a soldier and president?

What does he want his legacy to be? What does he want to accomplish before he dies? Why does he not spend more time telling school children about his life story, which could inspire them.

Why is he so private and guarded with his personal life? Did he ever have a traumatic experience? What are some of his childhood memories? What are his views on the developing and developed countries? If he was given a choice between being born in any other country apart from Guyana, what country would it be? What country does he believe is the greatest country in the world, besides Guyana?

On a lighter note, what are his favourite songs, movies, books and TV shows?

Editor, Mr Granger is one of few presidents who is hardly known personally by the general public. I hope that will change soon. Like so many others, I feel like we don’t know a lot about the President. Therefore, together with the public I would like President Granger to answer these questions so that we can better understand him and get to know him more intimately.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz   

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gainjaw is a jackass who supports crookedness.

He is a product of dictator Burnham and it shows. Same DNA to sport, loot, fete and loot the treasury.

Crooked Jackass Grainjaw:





Images (1)
  • Unknown

People don’t know much about the President.

The letter writer Anthony Pantlitz should take a peek here [GNI],lots info about David Granger.

The brighest historian[Yugi] just post some info.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Prince posted:

Granger is a quack. Guyanese don't give a rat's ass who he is. 

Like one of the past leader who was selected for a position by undemocratic means.

Crookkman Grainjaw rigged, YES RIGGED his own leadership race. Like you have short term memory loss. 

Remember the purple man firing shots at the convention when the rigging was going on ?

Short term memory loss there Granger Boy ?

Last edited by Former Member

Anthony Pantlitz has asked 1,001 questions about David Arthur Granger. There are answers to most of his questions in the public domain and the Internet. Mr Pantlitz needs to read more and do his research.

Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

Django is still a PNC man despite stating otherwise.

His words, action and defending this criminal AFC/PNC organization and putting lipstick on the PIG Grainjaw proves my point.

Until he can prove otherwise, posters can clearly see that deep down he is the only standing PNC man defending this criminal AFC/PNC organization. Wait, the racist Carib is also a PNC man.

Gil has already ceased supporting the AFC.



Jackass Granger was a shoo in for lack of a better candidate. He happened to be in the right place at the right time when the afc decided to throw in their lot with these incompetent lot. 

To bring up this question is a day late and a dollar short. It should have been brought up before he became the leader of the PNC. Apparently this is another attempt to shore up Granger's image in preparation for his departure in 2020. 

Drugb posted:

Jackass Granger was a shoo in for lack of a better candidate. He happened to be in the right place at the right time when the afc decided to throw in their lot with these incompetent lot. 

To bring up this question is a day late and a dollar short. It should have been brought up before he became the leader of the PNC. Apparently this is another attempt to shore up Granger's image in preparation for his departure in 2020. 

Sir, even with the AFC on board, the coalition didn't win that election. That election was stolen from the PPP. 


It was rigged by the Crooked Steve S who is now embroiled in alleged scam. No wonder he refused to allow a recount. He is covering up his crookishness.

Any future government should have an independent investigation into the election rigging and jail him when the rigging evidence is produced.

He is not able the law.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

The missteps are pointed out by the supporters and corrective action are taken,credit should also be given to the opposition.

By the way change of government is healthy for any country,when one party is anchored in,the management of the affairs of the people becomes mediocre,the people of Guyana have experienced the outcome of  two periods one party consecutive rule in the past 50 yrs.

yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

Django is still a PNC man despite stating otherwise.


It's common....nothing new,when an Indo disagreeing with his kind,that individual will become an outcast and labeled falsely.

I support any government in the homeland who have the interest of the people,that begins from 1992,


Last edited by Django
Prince posted:
Drugb posted:

Jackass Granger was a shoo in for lack of a better candidate. He happened to be in the right place at the right time when the afc decided to throw in their lot with these incompetent lot. 

To bring up this question is a day late and a dollar short. It should have been brought up before he became the leader of the PNC. Apparently this is another attempt to shore up Granger's image in preparation for his departure in 2020. 

Sir, even with the AFC on board, the coalition didn't win that election. That election was stolen from the PPP. 

This may be so, but what is significant is that the overseas observers sanctioned the PNC win. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

Django is still a PNC man despite stating otherwise.


It's common....nothing new,when an Indo disagreeing with his kind,that individual will become an outcast and labeled falsely.

I support any government in the homeland who have the interest of the people,that begins from 1992,


Are you saying that these AFC/PNC criminals have the interest of the people at hand ?

Please clarify ?

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

Django is still a PNC man despite stating otherwise.


It's common....nothing new,when an Indo disagreeing with his kind,that individual will become an outcast and labeled falsely.

I support any government in the homeland who have the interest of the people,that begins from 1992,


Are you saying that these AFC/PNC criminals have the interest of the people at hand ?

Please clarify ?

Read my statements  and my view about the current gov't,if it's too deep,sorry i can't help you.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Zed posted:

He was a mystery to Django and others here on GNI who supported him and still continue to do so in spite of the mantpy missteps since he became president.

Django is still a PNC man despite stating otherwise.


It's common....nothing new,when an Indo disagreeing with his kind,that individual will become an outcast and labeled falsely.

I support any government in the homeland who have the interest of the people,that begins from 1992,


Are you saying that these AFC/PNC criminals have the interest of the people at hand ?

Please clarify ?

Read my statements  and my view about the current gov't,if it's too deep,sorry i can't help you.

Django bai, don't stretch it here. You are not talking to Warria here.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, don't stretch it here. You are not talking toWarria here.

Duh chap is missing,hope all is well with him.

Remember the man said he is Tarzan. Maybe he is in Hollywood remaking some of Tarzan's old movies.


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