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September 6 ,2020


Dear Editor,

I observe with disbelief the people moving, positions realigning, and consciences adjusting.  I start with an act of contrition.

I do not think that it was made public (and if it were, then my error), that former Speaker Ralph Ramkaran had changed his relationship with ANUG.  Apologies are extended.  The only other thing that I say is that I would not have returned to the public realm. 

On the other hand, I am unable to speak anything glowing about most of the others.  What were they about deep down?  I did not trust them at the beginning.  Constitutional reform?  A good one to be heard.   Race relations?  It was how to stay in the race and be noticed.  As for oil management and oil integrity, now we are talking.  Of course, not about integrity in its management, but how to get a piece of the prize.

I may agree that they possibly started out moonstruck and dewy-eyed with the idealisms of strange visions but ended up with severe sunstroke when the realities of Guyanese politics were encountered.  They got mauled and mangled.  They got flattered and used and, ultimately, compromised.  Some volunteered to be comprised. 

One guy gaining prominence today and earning kudos for making a grand entrance, while introducing a new dress code, is a distasteful study of what I speak about so disparagingly. 

First, there were the ringing speeches from him and all of them about not joining (coalescing) with any of the two major local political forces.  So far, so good; but it was too good to be true; and as I know, when it is so good, it lacks truth.  Because, second, while that was making the rounds, this man of the people, this super salesman, was busily testing the waters with not one, but both of the same two nefarious Guyanese political forces.  Repeat: not one, but both groups.  But he was not done, this man for all seasons, man about town, and man of the people.  For, third, when both sides rebuffed his overtures, he then turned to the new groups with one trial balloon after another for a senior role.  Fourth, my point is that here is a citizen who has adjustable scruples and scripted stories for every circumstance before every new group.   I mean these people do get around.  I must ask, as I cringe: what would have happened if such a man succeeds to become president.  I will take the two we have right now.

When the smaller groups got together, it was my understanding that everybody wanted to be president.  If these characters think that they have what it takes to be president, then I must be the main god from Greek mythology. 

Then when the writing on the wall became indisputable, many quickly identified and aligned shamelessly with the mighty PPP.  I could still hear echoes of their vulgarities: ‘democracy’ and ‘democratic process’ and ‘clean electoral process’ and all the rest of that hogwash that does not mean anything to people of this calibre, but who still possessed a singular political prowess.  Set up self!  Identify with the winner.  Get in line and make good for self later.  Today they experience the joys of payback.  I must wonder how the few that voted for them feels today.  A word comes to mind: treachery. 

In my book, most of the people in the newer parties lacked the rare altruisms to be difference makers.  The action means power; power means oil; and oil means money.  As much as one hates to love the PPP and PNC, there is nothing else.  Zilch.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall

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They all work in the best interest of the country. They helped restore democracy in Guyana and have every right to have a say how democracy should be practiced in Guyana. It also shows PPP's inclusiveness.


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