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Vish did not post the other half of the story that the man was carrying a gun in hand when the police fired shots. I would prefer to wait on the results of the investigation before drawing a conclusion.

Vish, why is a person of colour carrying a gun in hand ? Why did you not mention that in your heading ?

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Baseman posted:

I agree.  He turned out to not be the shooter, but what the hell is he running through the mall with a gun.  An armed civilian could have also taken him out!

There was a shooter in the mall and the guy whipped out his legally owned firearm to protect himself and possibly others from being killed by the gunman. The Republican mantra is a good guy with a gun will take out the shooter. Well that was exactly what he was trying to do. The cops arrived on the scene and shot him by mistake in the back.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

I agree.  He turned out to not be the shooter, but what the hell is he running through the mall with a gun.  An armed civilian could have also taken him out!

There was a shooter in the mall and the guy whipped out his legally owned firearm to protect himself and possibly others from being killed by the gunman. The Republican mantra is a good guy with a gun will take out the shooter. Well that was exactly what he was trying to do. The cops arrived on the scene and shot him by mistake in the back.

Well, running through the mall with a gun where there was an active shooting, you looking for trouble!  No one will stop to ask to see your license/permit!

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

I agree.  He turned out to not be the shooter, but what the hell is he running through the mall with a gun.  An armed civilian could have also taken him out!

There was a shooter in the mall and the guy whipped out his legally owned firearm to protect himself and possibly others from being killed by the gunman. The Republican mantra is a good guy with a gun will take out the shooter. Well that was exactly what he was trying to do. The cops arrived on the scene and shot him by mistake in the back.

You should know better. Look how many times black undercover officers are killed by police mistaking them for the "suspect". What make you think that a mall scenario would be any different, especially when the actual shooter was also a black.  Come on man, don't be naive, reality is different from the republican mantra. 

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

I agree.  He turned out to not be the shooter, but what the hell is he running through the mall with a gun.  An armed civilian could have also taken him out!

There was a shooter in the mall and the guy whipped out his legally owned firearm to protect himself and possibly others from being killed by the gunman. The Republican mantra is a good guy with a gun will take out the shooter. Well that was exactly what he was trying to do. The cops arrived on the scene and shot him by mistake in the back.

Well, running through the mall with a gun where there was an active shooting, you looking for trouble!  No one will stop to ask to see your license/permit!

That's why this suggestion about arming teachers is simply ridiculous. Law enforcement will blow away the first person they see holding a gun.

The guy was probably running for cover trying to save his own life. In the heat of the moment, you don't realize what you're doing and how you can be mistaken by the cops for the bad guy.

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

I agree.  He turned out to not be the shooter, but what the hell is he running through the mall with a gun.  An armed civilian could have also taken him out!

There was a shooter in the mall and the guy whipped out his legally owned firearm to protect himself and possibly others from being killed by the gunman. The Republican mantra is a good guy with a gun will take out the shooter. Well that was exactly what he was trying to do. The cops arrived on the scene and shot him by mistake in the back.

You should know better. Look how many times black undercover officers are killed by police mistaking them for the "suspect". What make you think that a mall scenario would be any different, especially when the actual shooter was also a black.  Come on man, don't be naive, reality is different from the republican mantra. 

I'm not saying what the guy did was the correct thing to do or that he was following strategies suggested by the Republicans. 

He was simply trying to survive by running away from the shooting and whipping out his gun to protect himself. In the heat of the moment, he probably never thought about the danger he was bringing upon himself.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

Well, running through the mall with a gun where there was an active shooting, you looking for trouble!  No one will stop to ask to see your license/permit!

That's why this suggestion about arming teachers is simply ridiculous. Law enforcement will blow away the first person they see holding a gun.

The guy was probably running for cover trying to save his own life. In the heat of the moment, you don't realize what you're doing and how you can be mistaken by the cops for the bad guy.

I don't agree with the Republicians/NRA position on gun control!

yuji22 posted:

Vish did not post the other half of the story that the man was carrying a gun in hand when the police fired shots. I would prefer to wait on the results of the investigation before drawing a conclusion.

Vish, why is a person of colour carrying a gun in hand ? Why did you not mention that in your heading ?


He had a permit for the gun (Alabama laws allow for this).

He was shot in the back (3 times!).

He was not the shooter.

There are too many incidents like this.

Stereotypes are at play here, as in many of the other cases...

These kinds of shootings will only stop when police officers are held personally liable for such killings....Alabama will have to write a check to the family at the end of the day.


Gun violence in America (these and other mass shootings) will only be contained if a comprehensive plan is put in place, including:

The 2nd Amendment is abolished

All soft targets (schools, malls, etc) are protected

America embark on a 10-15 year plan to eliminate and remove all guns owned by the public (and gun shops stop making guns to be sold to individuals).


This is not going to the mass killings (not from Muslims, but home grown) will continue....its a matter of time when we see the next one on CNN

Baseman posted:

It was A fight with some black youths.  Shots fired, couple youths injured, another black youth seen running from scene gun in hand.   

It’s a mistake waiting to happen.  I believe errors were made on all sides.  He should have put it away to avoid further confusion.  

Why? Because he was black? Did we not hear Trump says you have to fight gun violence with allowing more people to have guns?


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