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People putting cat to watch milk at de airport

Jul 03, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-milk-at-de-airport/

De airport people announce how dem investigating all dem case of sexual harassment in de workplace. Of course, a woman got de right to go to work without worrying which man gon hit on her.

She shouldn’t worry about losing she job if she don’t agree to go to bed wid him. And in some cases is not only men does do dis thing. Dem have some workplace wheh women mekking moves on odda women and threatening dem. De situation enough to mek people cry.

Dem boys seh dat dis sexual harassment thing at de airport was reported since last year. Nobody pay attention. Dem ignore de dam woman. Is when she complain de odda day and de story mek de news dat things start to happen.

People who been harassing women and getting away wid it suddenly realize dat dem name calling. Some of dem bareface enough to hire experts to investigate. Wha dem boys want to know is if de expert gon meet wid de people who mek de complaint. If dat happen nuff people career done.

Dem boys want to know who select de experts. Dem want to know if de government had anything to do wid de selection.

De airport is not de only place dat got investigation going on. De people who printing de exercise book had a racket going on fuh years. Without turning a straw dem does mek millions.

If de Education Ministry want 50,000 books, de printing people gon tek de contract to somebody else and tell dem what to charge. Then de Ministry gon get anodda price.

De auditors decide to tek a look because de story buss out when de printing people play smart wid de contract. Dem boys hear how 50,000 exercise books suddenly tun 30,000 and dat is only because de auditors track some schools to find out how many books dem get. Then de auditors do de maths.

De excuse is dat insects eat out de odda books. Is dis situation mek Soulja Bai decide dat he gon ease up jailing people who got up to one ounce ganja. He want de jail clear fuh de new set of criminals.

Talk half but don’t walk wid one ounce ganja in yuh pocket just yet.

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Nehru posted:

Those DUMb Bastrads cannot run a friggin Cake Shop you expect them to run a country!!

Since you are the cake shop expert why not hazzard an explanation as to what would be your plan to leave the airport a predator/thievery/drug smuggling free corridor. Note Mia was able to get her drugs out by placing them among her frillies and make up.


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