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People’s Partnership to challenge T&T elections result

By , September 9, 2015, Source


(Trinidad Express) From: The Hon: Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C.
Political Leader of the People’s Partnership


People’s Partnership to File Election Petitions to Declare Elections Held on September 7, 2015 Null and Void


A decision has been taken to challenge the results of the General Election based on legal advice the People’s Partnership has received. The challenge is based on the sudden decision of the EBC to extend the time for voting from 6pm to 7pm throughout the country without any official notification to the People’s Partnership and its constituent parties.


The rules which govern a general election are quite clear. Strict adherence to these Rules is absolutely necessary to minimize and avoid irregularities. Failure to do so will result in allegations and perceptions of unfairness and favouritism.


Information and data received by the party strongly suggested that the People’s Partnership was comfortably ahead in the polls at 6pm. The march to victory adversely affected by the sudden unilateral decision by the EBC to extend hours of the poll from 6pm to 7pm.


The EBC cannot and should not change the rules of engagement without giving proper notice to candidates, political parties and voters. We have received reports that citizens were unable to cast their vote at certain polling stations because the officials of the EBC were themselves unaware or uncertain about the decision to extend the time of voting until 7pm. Additionally, many citizens were unaware of this extension of time and hence did not cast their vote.

Rule 27 (1) of the election rules is quite clear: the taking of the poll at each polling station shall be between 6 0’clock in the morning and 6 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day. Any suspension or adjournment must be based on fair and adequate prior public notice to ensure there is a level playing field. Thus, the poll could have been adjourned to the following day to facilitate those who were unable to cast their vote for good reason. This has in fact happened in the past.


We have been advised that the decision by the EBC to give an extra hour undermines the legal framework which governed the conduct of the general election and was tantamount of the shifting of the political goal post at the end of the game. This might have very well affected the integrity of the process and the results in critical constituencies.


This is a serious and important violation of the spirit and intention of the Constitution, the Representation of the People’s Act and the election rules. We will therefore file these election’s petitions to ensure that the rule of law is upheld and justice is done.


Kamla Persad-Bissessar S.C.
September 9th 2015

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Rowley sworn in as T&T PM

By , September 9, 2015, Source


(Trinidad Guardian) Dr Keith Rowley has been sworn into office as Trinidad’s seventh prime minister at a ceremony at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s by President Anthony Carmona.


The Diego Martin West MP took the oath of office before a packed audience, which included politicians, diplomats and school children.


The event was broadcast live on television and streamed live on

San Fernando West MP Faris Al-Rawi was sworn in as Attorney General and retired Major General Edmund Dillon, the MP for Point Fortin was sworn in as Minister of National Security.


Minutes after being officially appointed as Prime Minister of T&T, Rowley called on all citizens to “take a little less at the top and leave a little more at the bottom” for the young people in this country.


At the swearing-in ceremony, Rowley expressed gratitude to T&T and promised that his administration would serve the country to the best of its ability.


Among his first order of business, is to prepare for the 2015-2016 budget.
“I am starting with today to make sure everybody else works. I want to make one appeal to our people in T&T, we have a lot to be thankful for. We have a lot to be grateful for. Spend a little more time enjoying it, looking at the positive side of life,” Rowley said.

“If we take this approach, life in T&T can become a whole lot more pleasant and a whole lot more enjoyable.

“Let us remember who put us on this path and what is expected of us.”

Rowley recalled being a member of the faculty of the University of the West Indies and watching students pouring out of school, and asking himself who was looking out for them.


He said, having entered the political arenas, he always felt that those who had “made it” had a responsibility to others.

“I embark on this exercise, this assignment to have responsibility to all the people of T&T, to manage their affairs.


He thanked God for bringing him to be of service to the people of T&T and specifically thanked people at the Seventh Day Adventist church in Mason Hall, Tobago who raised him along the way, and everybody else who gave him advice.

“You got an opportunity, take it, behave yourself and make good. That was the advice I got from the village of Mason Hall and I have taken that advice. Today I give you assurance that the team you put in place as government of T&T will make every effort that whatever is available to us, we’ll take the best opportunity to be the best that we can be.

Rowley was elected as the seventh Prime Minister of T&T in a 23 to 18 victory to the People’s National Movement on Monday.


No date has yet been fixed for the swearing in of the other members of Cabinet.


Did Kamla protest when the EBC extended the hours?  No because the worst flooding occurs in the UNC heartland, and so she thought that she would benefit.


In addition she lied when she said that the PP won the popular vote.  The EBC released that the PNM won 378k votes, and the PP 341k of which the UNC won 290k.


Kamla is like Jagdeo.  These folks don't know how to accept the fact that the people do NOT want them.

Last edited by Former Member

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