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People’s Republic of China celebrates 66th Anniversary… China to establish US$30B fund for public infrastructure cooperation with Caribbean Region

By Kiana Wilburg, September 25, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


The importance of the invaluable relationship between Guyana and China was reinforced on Friday night at the Chinese Embassy on Mandela Avenue, Georgetown.

There, members of the government, the diplomatic community and the business community joined Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Limin and his wife to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

Ambassador Zhang said that over the 43 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-Guyana relations have maintained sound and stable development.

He said, “We have constantly enhanced traditional friendship. There have been frequent interactions at top and other levels. Pragmatic cooperation in economic and trade and other fields keeps expanding. Deepening the mutually-beneficial relations of cooperation serves the common interests of both countries and is also the common wishes of their peoples.”

He noted that the new Guyana administration has made new plans to improve infrastructure and develop a green economy.

“I believe that it will create more opportunities and greater space for the future cooperation between China and Guyana. China is willing to undertake joint efforts with the government and people of Guyana to further enhance the friendly relations of cooperation between our two countries and bring more benefits to our peoples,” said the Ambassador.

He said that the China-CELAC forum was successfully launched early this year. During his visit to the region in May, Chinese premier Li Keqiang proposed a “three times three” mode of cooperation in production and equipment manufacturing between China and Latin America.


The Ambassador added, “A special fund of US$30 billion will be set up by China for this. Meanwhile, China has begun accepting the applications for Special Loans for Infrastructure Building Projects, Fund for China-Latin America and Caribbean Cooperation, and Preferential Loan for Latin American and the Caribbean Countries. These measures will help integrate the adjustment of economic structure and development strategies, and further elevate the scale and level of cooperation between the two sides.”

He emphasized that Guyana is an important partner of China in Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Ambassador asserted that the development of the relationship between China and Guyana has been fully supported by the successive administrations of Guyana.

The Chinese diplomat said that since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, 66 years ago, especially the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy over three decades ago, earthshaking changes have taken place in China.

He said that China’s overall strength was remarkably enhanced and its status in the world greatly elevated. The Ambassador said that all these great achievements must be attributed to the socialist path of development with the Chinese characteristics trail-blazed by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

He said that not only is the system guaranteed for China to realize the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation, but it also sets a successful example for other developing countries in their exploration of development path.

Being the second largest economy, Ambassador Zhang said that there remains stable growth and the country is moving in a positive direction despite the moderation of speed.

He said, “In the first half of this year, on the basis of last year’s GDP of US$10 trillion, China’s economy increased by seven percent, which still ranks one of the highest among the world major economies.

“The volume of increase is even bigger than that brought by the two-digit growth in the past. This is very rare and commendable given the slowdown of global growth.”

The Chinese Ambassador continued, “The steady development of China’s economy also greatly benefits the world. In the first half of this year, China contributed about 30 percent to the global growth. China will continue deepening reform, improve economic structure, maintain the constant and stable growth of its economy, and make greater contributions to the recovery and development of the global economy.”

Ambassador Zhang emphasized that China can not develop separately from the world.

While pursuing its own development, he insisted that China is committed to pushing for the building of a new type of international relations centered on win-win cooperation.

He said that all countries are welcome on board the train of China’s development to share opportunities of development for common prosperity.

The envoy then made reference to the “The Belt and Road” Initiative proposed by China. This initiative is designed to promote the connectivity of policy, transportation, trade, currency and the heart of the people of the countries along the ancient Silk Road on the Asian, African and European Continents.

Its approach is intended to be a win-win cooperation through common development.

The Ambassador said that this fully demonstrates China’s good wishes to achieve common development with the rest of the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.

He said, too, that there are some similarities between this initiative and the advocacy of the government of Guyana to promote regional interconnectivity and integration.

He said that it is also a reference for the countries around the world in their alignment of development schemes and complementation of advantages.

The Chinese Ambassador reiterated that China attaches great importance to its relations with the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region, which is the most dynamic region with greatest potential of development.
Prime Minister and First Vice President, Moses Nagamootoo also delivered remarks at this red carpet occasion.

Nagamootoo recalled that Guyana was the first English-speaking, Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, on June 27, 1972.  Since then, he said that Guyana has consistently supported the “One China” policy, a support based on the principles of the United Nations Charter and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China.

Nagamootoo asserted that Guyana also fully respects the right of all countries to choose their own development-path, and has consistently advocated the right to self-determination and pursuit of socio-economic and cultural goals within secured borders.

In this regard, the Prime Minister said that Guyana expects the support of its friends for the country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, especially at this time when fresh threats are being raised.

The First Vice President said that the fresh movement of people from China has added to the population of Guyanese of Chinese origin, and has strengthened not only the business, but Chinese culture, cuisine, tradition and language.

He emphasized that these have enriched the multi-ethnic fabric of Guyanese society.

“China also remains a valuable partner with Guyana in building human capacity and in supporting infrastructural development.  Several key projects are ‘in the pipe-line’, and we look forward to their execution to the satisfaction of all parties,” said the Prime Minister.

“Guyana welcomes the Fund for China-Caribbean cooperation under its broader US$30 preferential-loan project.  We hope to access this facility, as Guyana takes a fresh approach to realizing the good life in a Green economy.”

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