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Originally Posted by Cobra:

The opposition bell ringers are taking cassava bread to a new dimension to make mockery and  insult to our Honorable President. This is the kind of subject matter they see as important to discuss. Can you imagine how their leadership would be for Guyana? Please, don't ask! I am sure you get the message. 

On Feb. 19th 2009, President Barack Obama visited Ottawa and made a quick stop at Le Moulin de Provence to buy a cookie.  Ever since, we’ve been creating these same cookies (now appropriately called â€Obama Cookies&rdquo, with the same recipe as always. â€Ļâ€ĻThese cookies (simple shortbread in the shape of a Maple Leaf, with “Canada” written on them), represent a new era in US-Canada relations. â€Ļâ€ĻWith the exclamation “I love this Country!”, Obama warmed the hearts of every Canadian on this cold February afternoon, during this historic visit to Ottawa.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The opposition bell ringers are taking cassava bread to a new dimension to make mockery and  insult to our Honorable President. This is the kind of subject matter they see as important to discuss. Can you imagine how their leadership would be for Guyana? Please, don't ask! I am sure you get the message. 

On Feb. 19th 2009, President Barack Obama visited Ottawa and made a quick stop at Le Moulin de Provence to buy a cookie.  Ever since, we’ve been creating these same cookies (now appropriately called â€Obama Cookies&rdquo, with the same recipe as always. â€Ļâ€ĻThese cookies (simple shortbread in the shape of a Maple Leaf, with “Canada” written on them), represent a new era in US-Canada relations. â€Ļâ€ĻWith the exclamation “I love this Country!”, Obama warmed the hearts of every Canadian on this cold February afternoon, during this historic visit to Ottawa.

 Like wise president Ramotar warms our heart by being humble and associating with the people of all races and class of Guyana.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

AH deh man Dat fuh RULE Guyana Bhai. Abee president is the BEST in the whole World. GOD BLESS ABEE PRESIDENT.

Does Ramjattan or Granger look anything like prestigious, Nehru?  

A scraven overweight, fat pig drooling over what looks like the biggest rotie yuh ever see ain't "prestigious" buddy...he is simpy scraven...

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The opposition bell ringers are taking cassava bread to a new dimension to make mockery and  insult to our Honorable President. This is the kind of subject matter they see as important to discuss. Can you imagine how their leadership would be for Guyana? Please, don't ask! I am sure you get the message. 

With all the shit you post, you should be the last one commenting about "important" matters to discuss


Well said, Ray. when the plight of that four year old boy who was begging with his mentally challeged mother was presented here, he said that Gerhard should donate two barrels. Didn't see the significance of the post. Now Ramoutar was being shown waiting eagerly for the cassava bread to be done and it's a big deal. I really don't understand how some of you guys could take Paul seriouly.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Donald Ramotar is a

prestigious presidency for "Guyana". 

Where is danyaella when we need him to shed some light on the significance on this occasion?

 What significance would that have beyond the obvious? And do you think that pretending you are speaking to a woman makes any difference to the answer? But then again you are a backwoods dalit with little regards for women having been raised on the knee of an illiterate drunk and most likely inculcated with the idea that "women" is a synonym for "lesser than". Chew on that you stupid old louse.


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