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Even as the latest 'Corruption Perception Index' released by Transparency International (TI) rates Guyana poorly questions continue to surround the methodology used and that fact that it may influence the actual perception of corruption because of the media attention the report receives.

Dr. Elaine Byrne, a columnist with the Sunday Independent and the Irish corruption consultant with the European Commission, recently wrote that "perception-based corruption indexes may influence the actual perception of corruption because of the media attention they receive, thus raising the possibilities that the indexes influence the very same perceptions on which they are based. This circularity reinforces perceptions of corruption, creating a vicious cycle between perception and fact. Therefore, the perception of corruption does not always reflect the reality or complexity of the actual level or experience of corruption within a country".

Byrne noted that "there is growing concern among anti-corruption agencies and the international community that perception-based indexes are not accurate measures. The best perception-based surveys do not always account for indirect effects of subjective factors, and their margins of error are large when compared with actual corruption (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2001)".

"A 2006 report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development notes that at least one donor stopped funding a country because of its standing in the CPI (Arndt and Oman 2006, p. 48). That same report also notes that the dominance of perception indexes may be contributing to the emergence of a “corruption trap.” As development aid is increasingly made conditional on the implementation of reforms, those countries with the least resources to implement “good governance” stand to suffer most from the withdrawal of precisely the support they need to stand any realistic chance of tackling corruption. In this way, perception-based indexes can become entirely counterproductive".

She went on that "such indexes do not reveal the real context of a situation, and may even be counterproductive to a nation’s efforts to develop its economy and improve its citizens’ standards of living. An inverse effect may occur under which countries are discouraged from undertaking serious anti-corruption measures because their attempts at reform are neither revealed nor regarded as successful by an improved score in the CPI".

TI international relies on information garnered by a local transparency body which the government of Guyana objected to citing its population of persons critical of its management of the country as well as affiliated to the two opposition political parties. Among those are Christopher Ram, Enrico Woolford and Keith Parks. Ram is the legal counsel of the Transparency International Guyana and also had a hand in writing the opposition PNC/R 1G manifesto for the 2006 elections.  He recently represented the Alliance for Change(AFC) at during a segment of the NCN Corruption Debates.

Woolford, like Adam Harris of the Kaieteur News, functioned as a senior information disseminator under the illegitimate PNC Government of the post 1992 era and he operates a news programme that's noted for its sarcastic, anti government coverage. Parks is closely affiliated to a political party, through family relations.  His son in law, Mr. Mike Singh, is the opposition PNCR international relations liaison. Mr. Parks brought Mr. Singh to have a meeting with the Guyana Chapter only recently.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The corruption perceptions are pretty well founded in Guyana. Take for example the US$ 2 mill house built on the sea wall. That is a displayed asset. The flow of incomes minus expenditures Jagdeo made as President cannot sum up to the stock of the displayed asset, let alone assets that are banked. They same could be said for a young minister of only a few years. The same can be said for the award for teh contract to Fip Motilall. It is against logic why he would have been offered the contract. The only reasons why Indos like Conscience is not angry is because his/her type is doing it. If it were blacks in the PNC they would have shouted as loud as possible. 


You have to also note the fact that a weakling was made auditor general and the wife of the MOF is there to look over the head auditor. NICL has not given us any audited reports for seven years. I'd say the opinion piece is irrelevant to Guyana where the perceptions are there founded on good reason. There is also the issue of over billing of contracts. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Unfortunately as long as AFC/PNC elements are in govt, police or army, then corruption will live on, these fools always demanding bribes. 

You are a brainless jackass and you should think ( that is if you could) twice before calling anyone a fool.


Guyana most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean


“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.”- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.




Aya cant stop thief??????

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Unfortunately as long as AFC/PNC elements are in govt, police or army, then corruption will live on, these fools always demanding bribes. 

Ayo hear what dis daag shit brain a seh here?

Originally Posted by TK:

You have to also note the fact that a weakling was made auditor general and the wife of the MOF is there to look over the head auditor. NICL has not given us any audited reports for seven years. I'd say the opinion piece is irrelevant to Guyana where the perceptions are there founded on good reason. There is also the issue of over billing of contracts. 

A dah exact ting meh a tell da Canciance. He nah gat sense. Dem PPP bais nah tief pun de books. Dem a tek kickback.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Nehru...Cancience...Skeldan---Aluh tell meh wah de contracta name who bin a tek de buildin material to pradoville?

He name PRK pappa(yu mumma man).

Skeldan meh daddy nah tek material and steel a pradoville. he a do he busines de ole way.

Corrupt police officers another plague in societyPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS  
Thursday, 06 December 2012 23:58

A HOT topic in the news (earlier this week) is the court orderly in a Sparendaam Court who took bribe from the accused in a domestic abuse case. We are told that the policeman was given an inducement, not to testify or to bungle his testimony so that the accused can walk free. When the complainant failed to testify (which most silly women do) against her mate the charges against him was summarily dropped and the case struck off the record. Now, the accused recognising that there was no need for a bribe after all,

promptly requested his money back to which he was denied. He then reported the matter which resulted in the officer being caught red handed. This is good work by all the parties involved but we have to go a step further in rectifying this other plague in society, that is, corrupt officers.

Here we have a corrupt cop and there are quite a few in the Guyana Police Force who can brazenly pervert the course of justice with their corrupt ways. The domestic violence scene is already riddled with problems of its own only to be further infected by cops of a depraved character. My position on this one is that they both ought to be charged, the accused for offering a bribe to a peace officer to pervert the course of justice and for the officer for accepting the bribe. And the punishment: a few months jail time for both of them. Well, the accused might have averted imprisonment in the case brought against him due to the silly action of his spouse, but now should do jail time for that bribe of his. Likewise, the officer must also suffer the consequences for his corrupt actions. In addition, when he is released, fire him. I can guarantee you this is not the first time he has done this. It will send the strongest message to abusers as well as cops that corrupt practices will not be tolerated in our society.

Last Updated on Friday, 07 December 2012 00:01
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


Dem bhais guh start to count your money soon. Na worry you turn gon com


You have a way of displaying warped logic. I don't have my hand in jar of the people's money. 


How ironic, the AFC preaches about corruption, yet they are sweeping serious allegations within their ranks under the carpet?....What the outcome of the Dr.Ramaya investigation as it relates to the campaign fund?.....were the allegations made by Mr.Yusuf ever investigated?....the list is long......TK you have my blessing, shade some light on those issues

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Guyana most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean


“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.”- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.




Aya cant stop thief??????

Ahbee pun tap.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

How ironic, the AFC preaches about corruption, yet they are sweeping serious allegations within their ranks under the carpet?....What the outcome of the Dr.Ramaya investigation as it relates to the campaign fund?.....were the allegations made by Mr.Yusuf ever investigated?....the list is long......TK you have my blessing, shade some light on those issues


I have done this on numerous occasions. But since you have asked let me repeat one more time. First thing you should note is I have not participated in any decision making in the AFC since Nov 29, 2011. I am certainly sympathetic to the cause of the third party and the AFC. Second thing you must note is Yusuf has no credibility in my book. I have always thought he was a trouble maker even back in the ROAR days. And I suspected he was PPP a mole back then. Nothing that Yusuf said, absolutely nothing, strikes me as comparable to NICL not giving audited reports for seven years, the corruption at NCN, the award of a contract to Fip Motilall, the serious accumulation of displayed wealth inconsistent with the income levels of even a senior public servant, the many unsolved crimes and various cover up, etc. You focus on an obvious storm in a teacup. But you conveniently overlook the serious national problems and plague of corruption in the government.  


TK you seems to be jumping on the bandwagon to assassinate Mr.Yusuf character, solely because he speak out about corruption within the AFC. should one conclude,that anyone who dare to speak out about the ills of the AFC, faces character assassination?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK you seems to be jumping on the bandwagon to assassinate Mr.Yusuf character, solely because he speak out about corruption within the AFC. should one conclude,that anyone who dare to speak out about the ills of the AFC, faces character assassination?


I am not in any way assassinating his character. I just don't trust him as you do. If I were making decisions in the AFC he would have been fired a long time. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK you seems to be jumping on the bandwagon to assassinate Mr.Yusuf character, solely because he speak out about corruption within the AFC. should one conclude,that anyone who dare to speak out about the ills of the AFC, faces character assassination?

That's your peroragative to form your conclusion. But then you have dog shit in your brains. Go suck Kwamee big toe.


Mr. Yusuf is seen by many as a bold individual, who is not afraid to speak against corruption, even if it exists with his political gathering, no amount of character assassination seems to be stopping him, it was not wild accusation he was making, the AFC even acknowledge that they were going to investigate those allegations, unto to now, nothing seems to be forthcoming.....instead the populace are observing how his own party, who he work so feverishly attempting publicly to assassinate his character

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Guyana most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean


“When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of the education, health care and other essential services.”- UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon

Four days before the world observes the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day, new rankings have placed Guyana as the most corrupt country in English-speaking Caribbean countries.




Aya cant stop thief??????

Ahbee pun tap.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Mr. Yusuf is seen by many as a bold individual, who is not afraid to speak against corruption, even if it exists with his political gathering, no amount of character assassination seems to be stopping him, it was not wild accusation he was making, the AFC even acknowledge that they were going to investigate those allegations, unto to now, nothing seems to be forthcoming.....instead the populace are observing how his own party, who he work so feverishly attempting publicly to assassinate his character


It is certainly in your right to see him as your hero. I just don't because I just can't trust the man. You obviously have much faith in him. That is your right. You have very low standards for what involves being bold. It takes much more courage for someone to speak up against the government than for someone to do same against a 7 seat mini party. 


The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Councillor Philip Rose supported the investigation, pointing out that corruption is plaguing society.
“All must take ownership and operate above board.”
Regional Vice Chairman and Works Committee head Baupaul Jagroo told the council that anyone found guilty of any such act should be expelled, while AFC Councillor Ervin Abullah in support of his colleagues said the investigators must look to see if the contractor’s work was poor, hence, the non-payment.
Jaggassar said the contractor produces the poorest quality work in the region and expects payment for it.
He, however, admitted to signing certificates indicating that the said contractor has produced work to Jaggassar’s satisfaction and should be paid.
The regional chairman said if that is so, then the AFC councillor may be guilty of fraud.
The investigating team is being headed by the regional executive officer and includes a member from each of the three political parties.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Dr. Elaine Byrne . . . recently wrote

actually, the article is more than 2 years old (October 2010), and does not apply to Guyana [at all] where ACTUAL, monstrous, unpunished corruption is the order of the day . . . off the top of my head:


Fip Motilall/Amaila Falls disgrace; NCN tiefmen impunity; BK contracting follies; Jagdeo/Ramroop/MOH tiefman procurement; druglord(s) impunity (Sash Sawh anyone?); giveaways of key resource development rights to dubious 'middleman' fly-by-nights (CGX anyone?); etc., etc., [PLACE YOUR EXAMPLE HERE]


Misir's (Goebbels) propaganda unit desperate for product . . . not capable of proper research or analysis . . . cutting corners . . . hoping nobody will notice

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:




Aya cant stop thief??????


Oi conscience, stop speading crap and answer this.

If there is "supposedly" no stealing,no corruption in the Govt why does the pic confirm this?


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