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@Former Member posted:

Fool, you are no better than a condom! Use it and discard! The black man's claim to fame, huh? I've made black women give up on their black men for my talents in bed! You're just a disposable tool like a dildo! Why, I even had a nurse in a hospital call another to view my magnificence, thinking I was asleep but my tool was awake and looking for action! You know nothing about the art of making love and your tool is deficient, I'm sure, or you wouldn't boast!

Is this why a black man had to take over, when you father failed to make you ?

@Former Member posted:

Shallyv, Tola, Totaram, et al...

Extremely far more than enough with the un necessary comments.

Comments should be focused on the focused topic ...

"Person of the Year -TIME"

Thank you.

Demerara Guy -- Moderator

DG, take a good look and you will see the moron who is arguing with everyone, it's easy to spot the flipping idiot that's stirring up trouble.

@Former Member posted:

Fool, you are no better than a condom! Use it and discard! The black man's claim to fame, huh? I've made black women give up on their black men for my talents in bed! You're just a disposable tool like a dildo! Why, I even had a nurse in a hospital call another to view my magnificence, thinking I was asleep but my tool was awake and looking for action! You know nothing about the art of making love and your tool is deficient, I'm sure, or you wouldn't boast!

This man is nuts.  Now, he is reporting on his sexual prowess and his best example? From a hospital bed! A sick di.k no doubt!

@Former Member posted:

Why, I even had a nurse in a hospital call another to view my magnificence, thinking I was asleep but my tool was awake and looking for action!....


Youknow nothing about the art of making love and your tool is deficient, I'm sure, or you wouldn't boast!


@Former Member posted:

I am not saying he is Viper. Far from it. However I wouldn't be surprised if he were close to one who believes "black people are the scourge of the earth". The sentiments are similar, craziness aside.

Re : 'Black people are the scourge of the earth' . The Florida swamp rat is know to resurface with a different name.

@cain posted:

I just noticed this. This poster is a real fkin piece of shit. I bet the sleazy piece ah shit wouldn't dare speak this way in person.

And why would you think that bold and brave black man, a keyboard warrior? Because I'm too old to get into fisticuffs? I know that too and am prepared to blow your worthless, ignorant black ass all the way to heaven! See how kind I am? No waiting for you!


I've had a conspirator tell me "You're just a ******!" I replied, "That means black! On the other hand, you are just a piece of shit!" and I repeated this in court when I, later, had been charged with 'Uttering threats", a false charge which was dismissed! But you are too cowardly to tell that to a 'white' man to his face wouldn't you? But you think to threaten Indians! I once asked Hamilton Green when an Indian warship called on Guyana, if Indian guerrillas came to the aid of Indo-Guyanese, how will the tiny GDF and GPF going to defeat them. Will they ask for IDs? And receive bullets in reply? But monkey know which limb to jump on, huh?

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