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When Khemraj Ramjattan said that he will accept and honor the speaker's decision to reinstate Minister Rohee's right to speak and table bills in parliament, he lied to the nation with a straight face. He said what he was going to do and he teamed up with APNU to struck down the fire arm bill and leave the nation at the mercy of criminals, drug pushers and gun smugglers.
1) The Speaker's ruling means nothing to them.
2) The chief Justice ruling means nothing to them.
3) The COI report means nothing to them.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. There are three things to consider:
1) It's all personal politics and screw the nation.
2) They have no regards for the constitution and the laws of Guyana.
3) They use bullyism by a one seat majority to play down the nation's progress.
Guyana don't need "personal politics" to take precedent and allowed the nation's crime infestation to grow. This selfish act by APNU & AFC to vote down the crime bill proved to the nation that they're in support of crimes, drug smuggling and gun dealing and leave the nation vulnerable to criminals.

This never happened in no other country but Guyana by two illiterates who called themselves Statesmen. This tragic decision by APNU & AFC was purposely intended to cause Guyana grave consequences in the near future, and to send a signal to the government that they have no interest to the nation's safety but their own selfish craving for power. 

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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
When Khemraj Ramjattan said that he will accept and honor the speaker's decision to reinstate Minister Rohee's right to speak and table bills in parliament, he lied to the nation with a straight face. He said what he was going to do and he teamed up with APNU to struck down the fire arm bill and leave the nation at the mercy of criminals, drug pushers and gun smugglers.
1) The Speaker's ruling means nothing to them.
2) The chief Justice ruling means nothing to them.
3) The COI report means nothing to them.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. There are three things to consider:
1) It's all personal politics and screw the nation.
2) They have no regards for the constitution and the laws of Guyana.
3) They use bullyism by a one seat majority to play down the nation's progress.
Guyana don't need "personal politics" to take precedent and allowed the nation's crime infestation to grow. This selfish act by APNU & AFC to vote down the crime bill proved to the nation that they're in support of crimes, drug smuggling and gun dealing and leave the nation vulnerable to criminals.

This never happened in no other country but Guyana by two illiterates who called themselves Statesmen. This tragic decision by APNU & AFC was purposely intended to cause Guyana grave consequences in the near future, and to send a signal to the government that they have no interest to the nation's safety but their own selfish craving for power. 

Lie my foot, he said he will respect Rohhe right to SPEAK, not pass bill as Home Affairs Minister?


The PPP get caught with their pants down.


All bill in future in the home affairs sector will be voted down once ROHEE in charge.




They got 20 something other Ministries for him to serve and if he want none, he can always be the General Secretary of the PPP.


Remember, the GS wins the Presidency, even if you are dotish duck!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Lie my foot, he said he will respect Rohhe right to SPEAK, not pass bill as Home Affairs Minister?

That is personal and children politics by yours truly, Ramjattan. There is no place for child's play in our nation's parliament.

Bhai, For Ramjhaaaaatan, Moses and GR it IS ONLY about REVENGE, POWER, WEALTH GRAB, DELAY, DESTROY and HOPE a weak Govt will fall. To HELL with The People of Guyana. These People are dangerous, Ruthless and should NEVER be given POWER!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Lie my foot, he said he will respect Rohhe right to SPEAK, not pass bill as Home Affairs Minister?

That is personal and children politics by yours truly, Ramjattan. There is no place for child's play in our nation's parliament.



So what you think about this?


1. The AFC should sit outside the chambers when he speaks and then return when he finish to vote him down.


2. The AFC should not attend any official function in which ROHEE is giving a public speech as Minister of Home Affairs.  TOTAL ISOLATION.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Lie my foot, he said he will respect Rohhe right to SPEAK, not pass bill as Home Affairs Minister?

That is personal and children politics by yours truly, Ramjattan. There is no place for child's play in our nation's parliament.

Bhai, For Ramjhaaaaatan, Moses and GR it IS ONLY about REVENGE, POWER, WEALTH GRAB, DELAY, DESTROY and HOPE a weak Govt will fall. To HELL with The People of Guyana. These People are dangerous, Ruthless and should NEVER be given POWER!!!!!!!!!

Nah, we voting for everything Robeson Benn bring to the house and Priya Maniachand.  We treating them nice, it is not personal.  They have the AFC's FULL confidence.


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