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Persons with unacceptable behaviour will be “thrown out” – APNU/AFC promises Code of Service

April 14, 2015 9:52 am 

By Jomo Paul

David Granger and Cathy Hughes at the forum.

David Granger and Cathy Hughes at the forum.

[] – A Partnership For National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) says that if it forms a the new government post May 11; it will not be tolerating any wrongdoings within the government realm and anyone who is found to be culpable of any illegality will be “thrown out.”

The sentiment was expressed by AFC Executive Kathy Hughes on Monday April 13.

Hughes was at the time responding to questions posed by youth and women faction of civil society at a Guyana Women’s Roundtable (GWR) and Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC) coordinated forum held at the Theatre Guild.

“If we have deviations from the norm…normal acceptable behaviour and if we have criminal activity in terms of sexual liaisons or anything of that nature…we would throw the person out,” Hughes said in response to a question from a member of the audience.

She made it clear that “there is no way that we would be keeping on board anybody that displays unacceptable behaviour.”

 The APNU/AFC Presidential Candidate David Granger pointed out that the “APNU did promulgate two codes of service; one for the RDC and one for the National Assembly and after the 11 of may we will have one for member of the cabinet as well.”

This Code of Service will hold the members of the National Assembly and Regional Democratic Councils to certain standards that must be adhered to.

During the question and answers Granger also pointed to the reformation of the Public Service with the view of having more qualified and competent persons to foster development in Guyana.

“What we have here is a weakened public service and we will –re -professionalize the public service by appointing people based on merit…and that is a decision that we have taken already…Persons who have been brought it because of who their father is or who their uncle is will not find a place in the Upper echelons of the new public service,” Granger posited.

Hughes explained that “we have to put good people in place because we have to deliver to you. You are not going to give us 20 years to do as we like and not deliver…so we are going to put the best people in place so that they deliver for this country.”

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This is good news. The PPP has not disciplined anyone in its many years in office.  Ramotar still reading the NCN report to decide what to do with the people who put NCN millions in their personal accounts.


Coalition should not be afraid to throw out anyone who becomes a bad egg.


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