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BREAKING NEWS- Chairman of the Guyana elections commission Justice Claudette Singh is in receipt of a petition for her to resign from the post...
See below the petition which was sent to Nightly News.
Dear Madam Chairman,
We, the undersigned, write to you out of a deep concern for our beloved nation Guyana. We acknowledge the confidence placed in you by His Excellency David Granger MSS, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, at the time of appointing you as Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).
Since that time, however, we have taken note of your actions as Chairman as follows:
1. The decision to terminate the House to House registration process resulted in a flawed and bloated voters list which is at the very heart of the fraud that was uncovered during the March 2 General and Regional Elections.
2. Refusal to declare the results of the March 2 General and Regional Elections as per reports provided to you, by the Chief Elections Officer, as required and prescribed by the Constitution of Guyana.
3. Refusal to vitiate the tainted elections of March 2, 2020.
4. Unilaterally including the results of approximately 49 ballot boxes from the East Coast of Demerara which were revealed during the Recount Process to have been affected by widespread fraud.
5. Constantly changing the parameters of the Recount Process and procedures as per opposition PPP demands
6. Unilaterally including fraudulent votes in the recount process.
7. Unilaterally setting aside the lawful ten declarations from the respective electoral districts.
8. Constant yielding to PPP Commissioner’s demands at the commission
9. Illegal instructions issued to the Chief Elections Officer seeking to dictate to him how he should execute his function which is clearly outlined in the Constitution of Guyana
10. Stated intention to bypass the Chief Elections Officer
In view of the aforementioned actions, along with your clearly partisan and biased approach to executing your function as Chairman of GECOM, we regret to advise you that we have lost confidence in your chairmanship.
No Guyanese can, any longer, repose in you, any level of confidence that you will serve as GECOM Chairman fairly and impartially. Your actions have been biased, prejudiced, and partisan.
We request, nay plead, that you now do the honorable thing and resign and release the people of Guyana from a prejudiced and biased Chairman of GECOM.
We are unprepared to allow you to continue serving as GECOM Chairman and offer you an opportunity to depart peacefully. Should you resist, we will pursue every lawful means of effecting your removal.
We implore you to act in the interest of the nation and the people of Guyana.

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