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Phagwah's meaning can be translated into people’s everyday lives - President - at Phagwah celebrations

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, March 06, 2015, Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar joinedGuyanese in Phagwah celebrationstoday, at the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) in Bel Air, Georgetown.


The atmosphere was one of enjoyment as the gathering; both young and old, Hindus and non-Hindus celebrated Holi, the festival of springwith a mix of water and colourful powders.


President Donald Ramotar during the Phagwah celebration at the Indian Cultural Centre

President Donald Ramotar during the Phagwah celebration at the Indian Cultural Centre


“This festival has a lot of meaning for people that can be translated into their everyday life, one of which is celebrating their achievements, particularly when they have a good crop, and we in Guyana have a lot to celebrate,” President Donald Ramotar said.   


Celebrants enjoying Phagwah 


The president, in highlighting things that Guyanese should celebrate, highlighted the strides that Government has made in the transformation of Guyana, from a heavily poor indebted country to a middle income developing country.


Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand during the Phagwah celebration at the Indian Cultural Centre


He also spoke of the restoration of critical infrastructure, and how the Government was able to build and replace existing ones. “We could have gone much further, but we had impediments in the way and therefore we have to work hard to continue to build and never to regress, we must never go backward, our charge must always be to go forward, be progressive, and build on the solid foundation that we have laid over the years,” the President urged the gathering.


Children playing Phagwah at the Indian Cultural Centre


This is what the Administration will do in the future to make Guyana strong and ensure that the citizens have a better quality of life, the Head of State noted.


Phagwah or Holi which is ushered in with the burning of Holika, is observed as a national holiday in Guyana and is the Hindu celebration of the Spring festival and the dawning of the New Year. The festival was brought to British Guiana by Hindus who arrived as indentured labourers to work on the sugar plantations.


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Education Minister Priya Manickchand, Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall, PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate, Ambassador Elisabeth Harper, and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Basil Williams along with members of the Indian Cultural Centre during the Phagwah celebration.


Members of the Indian Cultural Centre during a dance performance 


The event was also attended by, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and Legal Affairs Minister,  Anil Nandlall, PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate, Ambassador Elisabeth Harper, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Basil Williams and members of the Diplomatic Corps.


The audience was treated to spectacular dances from members of the Indian Cultural Centre.

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President joins thousands at Phagwah celebration at National Stadium and Everest

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown GINA, March 6, 2015, Source - GINA


Following earlier celebrations at the Indian Cultural Centre, President Donald Ramotar joined thousands of Guyanese to celebrate Holi, the Festival of Spring, at events hosted byInspire Inc., at the Guyana National Stadium and the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha at Everest Cricket Ground today.


President Donald Ramotar enjoying the Phagwah celebration with youths at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence

President Donald Ramotar enjoying the Phagwah celebration with youths at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence


Phagwah or Holi which is ushered in with the burning of Holika, is observed as a national holiday in Guyana, and is the Hindu celebration of the Spring festival and the dawning of the New Year.


President Donald Ramotar entertaining the large crowd at the Guyana National Stadium


While extending Holi greetings to the large gathering at the Guyana National Stadium, President Ramotar highlighted the significance of this celebration, noting that Guyanese have much to celebrate.


The fact that the Government was able to transform the Guyanese economy and engage in some of the most sophisticated types of operations aimed at enhancing the lives of the people, in this regard the president underscored that Guyanese have much to commemorate.


President Donald Ramotar and Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo during the Phagwah celebration at the Guyana National Stadium


“Our economy has grown, we have reduced the debt and increased social spending, and we are now almost having Universal Secondary Education in our country.


The large crowd at the Everest Cricket Club ground enjoying the Phagwah celebration 


In the last three years we had a bit of obstruction in the parliament, we could have achieved more, but we have achieved a lot, therefore in my next term in office you will have cheaper electricity, we will build an industrial country and we will build a new hospital... new highways, deep water harbour..." he told the gathering.


A dance performance at the Everest Cricket Ground


While at the Guyana National Stadium, President Ramotar  entertained the crowd with lyrics of 'Bangalie Babu' alongside Guyanese artiste Terry Gajraj.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

DG, Abee President sang dat tune for his People.  What a GREAT President.   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!!  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!

Correct Nehru.


FIVE MORE YEARS!!!!  FIVE MORE YEARS!!! = 25+ more years.


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