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Nature’s survey of more than 6,000 graduate students reveals the turbulent nature of doctoral research.

Getting a PhD is never easy, but it’s fair to say that Marina Kovačević had it especially hard. A third-year chemistry student at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia, she started her PhD programme with no funding, which forced her to get side jobs bartending and waitressing. When a funded position came up in another laboratory two years later, she made an abrupt switch from medicinal chemistry to computational chemistry. With the additional side jobs, long hours in the lab, and the total overhaul of her research and area of focus, Kovačević epitomizes the overworked, overextended PhD student with an uncertain future.

And yet she could hardly be happier. “I think I’m exactly where I need to be,” she says. “I love going to work each day. I have lots of things to do, but I’m not stressed. I can’t imagine anything else that would bring me this much joy.”

The results of Nature’s fifth survey of PhD students bear out Kovačević’s experience, telling a story of personal reward and resilience against a backdrop of stress, uncertainty and struggles with depression and anxiety. The survey drew self-selecting responses from more than 6,300 early-career researchers — the most in the survey’s ten-year history. The respondents hail from every part of the globe and represent the full spectrum of scientific fields.

In survey answers and free-text comments, students expressed widespread and deep-seated frustrations with training, work–life balance, incidents of bullying and harassment, and cloudy job prospects (see ‘Free thinking’). This year’s survey also included new questions suggested by early-career researchers, including ones on student debt, bullying and harassment, and carer responsibilities. A question about mental health — asked of all respondents for the first time — shed light on some of the more troubling effects of higher education.

Free thinking

A selection of free-standing comments from survey respondents around the world.

“I love my PhD and think I’ve got a great experience compared to most PhD students, I wouldn’t do anything else as a job!” (United Kingdom)

“I cannot emphasize enough the impact on mental health when obtaining a PhD. I wish I were alone in making that statement; however, students in my programme struggled with suicidality, depression and anxiety.” (United States)

“The academic system is very traditionalist and still frequently penalizes those who lie outside the norm.” (United States)

“I am really happy with my PhD! Am I an outlier?” (Australia)

“I’m concerned about the very competitive nature of early-career scientists. At some institutions people are very cut-throat rather than being supportive of colleagues.” (United States)

“99% of the time it fails. But that one time it works makes up for all of it.” (France)

“Help us make science more humane!” (Finland)

“Even with many of the negatives now being highlighted about pursuing a PhD and career in academia, I enjoy what I get to do every day as a graduate student.” (United States)

“The PhD is indeed difficult but not when we look [at] things with passion. PhD with passion is a one-time experience.” (India)

“We need to pay PhD students more.” (United States)

But as with Nature’s previous surveys of doctoral students, the positives generally outweighed the negatives: 75% of respondents said they were at least somewhat satisfied with their decision to get a PhD, a slight decline from 78% in Nature’s most recent PhD-student survey, conducted two years ago1 (see ‘Sustained satisfaction’).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“I cannot emphasize enough the impact on mental health when obtaining a PhD. I wish I were alone in making that statement; however, students in my programme struggled with suicidality, depression and anxiety.” (United States)

“The academic system is very traditionalist and still frequently penalizes those who lie outside the norm.” (United States)

Gilbakka posted:

Frenno, please don't let Irfaan Ali's PhD have an impact on your mental health. Not worth it.

Who says so ? found the article on one my news feeds , i do get many feeds from various sources.

You folks thinks i am grossly bothered by the Frauds roaming the homeland, form time to time they are exposed , and not only by Django , numerous folks are included.

Last edited by Django
Sean posted:

Me going to write to The constitutional rapist Granger to give DJ a PHD to mek he happy cause DR ALI driving he crazy. 

Save the effort !!!  I man gud .

Last edited by Django
Sean posted:

Me going to write to The constitutional rapist Granger to give DJ a PHD to mek he happy cause DR ALI driving he crazy. 

If Demerara Guy with PHD in Hydroburnallrotics from Burnham can do it then certainly Django with Granger's help can do it also.

Last edited by Prashad
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:


I heard your friends and family got house lots from brother Irfaan? Is that so?

Not that i know of. My pensioner mother  and another villager was everyday, for awhile at his office to get  the squatting house lot approved. They traveled from the WCD to GT. There was photo op and article in Guyana Chronicle.

Try to listen to credible people , there is nothing to hide.

Last edited by Django

Just goes to show what an exceptional person Dr Irfaan is.  Holding down a full time job fighting against the PNC and acquiring a PHD at the same time!  Even Dr Bharat cannot match that!

Baseman posted:

Just goes to show what an exceptional person Dr Irfaan is.  Holding down a full time job fighting against the PNC and acquiring a PHD at the same time!  Even Dr Bharat cannot match that!

What's his thesis?

cain posted:

Ask again Anta..dem guys blind

It look so. I hope they don't misunderstand me. Anyone who achieved a PhD deserves congratulations. I'm just curious how he was able to attend classes and present his thesis. A thesis is hard work.


Ayuh like poke fun at portly people nuh!  Base don’t appreciate cuz of my current 300 lb whale and me previous 299 lb GNI Orca!  Pfatt people gat nuff to offer, no pun intended!

antabanta posted:
cain posted:

Ask again Anta..dem guys blind

It look so. I hope they don't misunderstand me. Anyone who achieved a PhD deserves congratulations. I'm just curious how he was able to attend classes and present his thesis. A thesis is hard work.

Doctorial students do not attend classes, they work alongside the Professor that they are assigned to. The student spends time researching and testing theories related to their thesis. The Prof is there as a sounding board in the process.


Hey hey buddy dem and sissy dem seh dem getting me Labba de dactarate PHD. Dem go use dem connectshun in Trini and get de ole Labba in since Labba is 40 years ole...hey hey hey. Dem go write dissertation foh Labba and den pick de frenship committee who go sign off foh Labba dactah degree...Hey hey hey. De frenship committee go hand pick like Putin dem farrin reviewer who no rock de boat. Den Labba go give all dem one acre prime land...hey hey hey. 

seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
cain posted:

Ask again Anta..dem guys blind

It look so. I hope they don't misunderstand me. Anyone who achieved a PhD deserves congratulations. I'm just curious how he was able to attend classes and present his thesis. A thesis is hard work.

Doctorial students do not attend classes, they work alongside the Professor that they are assigned to. The student spends time researching and testing theories related to their thesis. The Prof is there as a sounding board in the process.

Hey hey buddy dem seh in Merika yuh does do course fuss. UK and Canada only allow yuh foh move straight to dacta research wid de professah if yuh come in wid de verified and bona fide masters...hey hey hey...India and Jamaica now gat de course wuk dactarate + thesis dacta degree...Trini like Guyana is land of hustlers and up and down culture...hey hey hey. 

Dave posted:

Dr Irfan giving Djanjo diarrhea.😊

Dem one love PNC bais can no longer make the DR an election issue. In the meanwhile, PNC is led by a constitutional Rapist Granger !

Last edited by Former Member

Only dunces will question how  Ali got his PhD., it's a combination of hard work and a sound back ground of academic success . Many hours of research then personally appear to defend your paper. The thesis can be used by graduate students for their research  in the future. 

In about a year one can access Dr. ALI  thesis in the university library All this effort  wasted to know about ones academic achievement,  if put to good you too can get a degree  and one day by another Dr.Ali , a government  minister,  a presidential candidate,  a patriot of the soil.

Sean posted:

Its important for Kulies to stick together like dem PNC Blackman. PNC is only 28 Percent and with the AFC dead, the bigger prize is at hand.

Unity Kulie people !!

Not Kulie .  INDIANS UNITED FOR A FREE GUYANA. Don’t give the PNC another word to attack.

Sean posted:
Dave posted:

Dr Irfan giving Djanjo diarrhea.😊

Dem one love PNC bais can no longer make the DR an election issue. In the meanwhile, PNC is led by a constitutional Rapist Granger !

The constitutional rapist was also the commander  of the GDF when Rodney was killed, a commission of inquiry was open by PPP and David Granger closed such inquiry... it must be noted also PNC was resistant to such inquiry. 

David Granger was responsible for the 1973 rigged election and seizure of ballot boxes by the army , blood is on his hands for the death of Indians when GDF soldiers opened fire at Number 63 Village on the Corentyne, killing 45-year-old Parmanand Bholanauth and wounding several others.

Sean posted:

Granger is worse than Burnham 1000 times. He raped democracy, rigged election and alleged knowledge of the murder of the ballot box martyrs, Rodney’s murder ! 

Hey hey hey...ayoo finding ayoo new devil now ayoo looooveeee de Burnham constitution. Hey hey hey...ayoo doan cuss Burnham no mo? Hey hey hey...Burnham is ayoo hero. 


Na Bai, it was TK and Gerhard who polished up Granger and the PNC, they even named it PNC part two. Na rub TK Shyte on de PPP and dem supporters. Clean up you cane juice stand. 

Hey Hey Hey 

Dave posted:
Sean posted:
Dave posted:

Dr Irfan giving Djanjo diarrhea.😊

Dem one love PNC bais can no longer make the DR an election issue. In the meanwhile, PNC is led by a constitutional Rapist Granger !

The constitutional rapist was also the commander  of the GDF when Rodney was killed, a commission of inquiry was open by PPP and David Granger closed such inquiry... it must be noted also PNC was resistant to such inquiry. 

David Granger was responsible for the 1973 rigged election and seizure of ballot boxes by the army , blood is on his hands for the death of Indians when GDF soldiers opened fire at Number 63 Village on the Corentyne, killing 45-year-old Parmanand Bholanauth and wounding several others.

I told you fellas from the beginning these are hardcore anti-koolie that rule over koolie now.


Bai there is crew led by Mitwah, Tola, Cain and many more who helped put dem deh. Now all of dem bed over to Moses and Ramjattan and allowed the constitutional rapist Granger to give dem lolo. 
Hey Hey Hey 

Labba posted:
Sean posted:

Granger is worse than Burnham 1000 times. He raped democracy,

rigged election and alleged knowledge of the murder of the ballot box martyrs, Rodney’s murder ! 

Hey hey hey...ayoo finding ayoo new devil now ayoo looooveeee de Burnham constitution. Hey hey hey...ayoo doan cuss Burnham no mo? Hey hey hey...Burnham is ayoo hero. 

That's their new narratives , bunch of dharpoks !!!!

Labba posted:
Sean posted:

Granger is worse than Burnham 1000 times. He raped democracy, rigged election and alleged knowledge of the murder of the ballot box martyrs, Rodney’s murder ! 

Hey hey hey...ayoo finding ayoo new devil now ayoo looooveeee de Burnham constitution. Hey hey hey...ayoo doan cuss Burnham no mo? Hey hey hey...Burnham is ayoo hero. 

Bai, we would be pleased even if Granger were tuh obey dis here Burnham constitution. Instead, he has chosen to behave contrary to civilized society norms.

Sean posted:

Na Bai, it was TK and Gerhard who polished up Granger and the PNC, they even named it PNC part two. Na rub TK Shyte on de PPP and dem supporters. Clean up you cane juice stand. 

Hey Hey Hey 

Hey hey hey...

Sean posted:

I noticed that DJ intentionally did not address the fact that Granger is a Constitutional Rapist. 

Hey hey hey...who gat de powah can mek and bruck or rape constitution...ayoo better get dem drug pushas foh help ayoo when Jagdoe get govt...hey hey hey. 

Gilbakka posted:

Frenno, please don't let Irfaan Ali's PhD have an impact on your mental health. Not worth it.

HAHAHAHAHA  I am wondering why a Jagabaart is interesting in PHD rather than start at ABC!!!!!

seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
cain posted:

Ask again Anta..dem guys blind

It look so. I hope they don't misunderstand me. Anyone who achieved a PhD deserves congratulations. I'm just curious how he was able to attend classes and present his thesis. A thesis is hard work.

Doctorial students do not attend classes, they work alongside the Professor that they are assigned to. The student spends time researching and testing theories related to their thesis. The Prof is there as a sounding board in the process.

For many PhDs classroom credits are part of the requirements plus researches and theses and student teaching.


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