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On Monday morning I will call newly elected Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib office and this is what I will say.

" Congresswoman, the world is watching you , not because you are a woman, but because you are of the first batch of Muslim women to be elected to Congress.

If you want to remain successful, please follow the teachings of our Holy and Noble Prophet Muhamad (upon whom be peace).

Your first night in DC, did not go down so well. Being in a Bar and using expletives should be avoided.

All the very best."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

The Democrats always make serious mistakes and that is why the republicans take advantage of them. One would imagine that they would have already have a concencus candidate by now but like everything else, they will drag their dirty laundry in Public just before the elections.

Last time they had a consensus candidate, they lost....Hillary

Let the process play out...

seignet posted:

The new American breed.

Many or if not all, are recent Americans who are against the policies of the Trump.

Americans of the distant past generations are deemed the rednecks.

Interesting what the future will be like in America, end of the 200 years rein of American civilization.  

what exactly is American civilization?

Ray posted:
seignet posted:

There is also a Native Civilization, pre-Columbus. Understand that, then every other civilzation can be understood.

you aint answer the question...what is American civilization?

You living it. Where else would you rather be on this planet? Standard of living, rights of your citizenship, freedom, enough eat and wear. Taking a rugged land with no infrastructure building modes of transportation air, land and sea. And much more. Sharing all of that with the world, whomever wants to copy it. Instead, the whole world rather rush to the Amercan borders wanting to be in their civilization.

seignet posted:
Ray posted:
seignet posted:

There is also a Native Civilization, pre-Columbus. Understand that, then every other civilzation can be understood.

you aint answer the question...what is American civilization?

You living it. Where else would you rather be on this planet? Standard of living, rights of your citizenship, freedom, enough eat and wear. Taking a rugged land with no infrastructure building modes of transportation air, land and sea. And much more. Sharing all of that with the world, whomever wants to copy it. Instead, the whole world rather rush to the Amercan borders wanting to be in their civilization.

That is not unique to America...

Norway, Canada, France, SIngapore and many other places have similar and even better systems in some cases...

I don't know about the whole world wanting to come here...are you saying the whole world at the Mexican border? Is that the reason for the wall there?

Are people in other countries don't have food to eat or clothes to wear?

What you describe got nothing to do with more to do with development over time


Ray posted:
yuji22 posted:

The Democrats always make serious mistakes and that is why the republicans take advantage of them. One would imagine that they would have already have a concencus candidate by now but like everything else, they will drag their dirty laundry in Public just before the elections.

Last time they had a consensus candidate, they lost....Hillary

Let the process play out...

Bai Ray, Like you forgot the Bernie fiasco ?

There was definitely no consensus on Hillary. It was was only among the Democrat Elites. 

Waiting for the process to play out is another major mistake for the Dems going into 2020. Don’t underestimate Republicans.

I predict that the Democrats will lose in 2020 if they don’t have a consensus candidate by Early summer. The Democrat party elites made them lose the last time around and they might repeat the same mistake again.

They will trip over and focus too heavily on impeachment and lose sight of the Bigger prize. 


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