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The photograph, which shows Tiwarie, APNU member Larry London, a representative of NICIL, Harmon and Williams in the company of two Chinese businessmen while on the China visit, yesterday began circulating on social media and was met with much criticism.

The photograph, which shows Tiwarie, APNU member Larry London, a representative of NICIL, Harmon and Williams in the company of two Chinese businessmen while on the China visit, yesterday began circulating on social media and was met with much criticism.

April 16, 2016  Source

A photo of Minister of State Joseph Harmon and businessman Brian Tiwarie at what appears to be a restaurant during their recent visit to China has raised further questions about their missions there.

While Harmon and Tiwarie were in China, Tiwarie’s appointment by Harmon as a government advisor was rescinded by President David Granger. Harmon has been under pressure to disclose details of his trip to China and whether there was any connection to Tiwarie.

Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana National Industrial Company (GNIC) and agent for the Chinese-owned NUTECH Company Clinton Williams, who is also in the photo, yesterday said that his being part of the delegation with Harmon in China was to conduct business for his company.

The photograph, which shows Tiwarie, APNU member Larry London, a representative of NICIL, Harmon and Williams in the company of two Chinese businessmen while on the China visit, yesterday began circulating on social media and was met with much criticism.
The photograph, which shows Tiwarie, APNU member Larry London, a representative of NICIL, Harmon and Williams in the company of two Chinese businessmen while on the China visit, yesterday began circulating on social media and was met with much criticism.

I went to China to look at the company I represent in Guyana [and] who are interested in supplying a stationary scanner to replace the American one that is now not working [at GNIC],” Williams said

The photograph, which shows Tiwarie, APNU member Larry London, a representative of NICIL, Harmon and Williams in the company of two Chinese businessmen while on the China visit, yesterday began circulating on social media and was met with much criticism.

Government has not to date named all of the persons that accompanied Harmon on the trip.

The Ministry of the Presidency, in a statement on April 1, had said that Harmon’s trip to China was for the purpose of engaging in discussions with regard to the payment of the US$5 million balance owed to the government for the purchase of 20% of phone company GT&T shares by Chinese company, Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group from NICIL in 2012. This deal was entered into by the previous administration but only US$25 million of the agreed US$30 million was paid. The statement had said that in-house legal counsel at NICIL Natalia Seepersaud accompanied Harmon.

However, since then a flurry of questions have arisen about what other business Harmon undertook in China and whether there was any connection to Tiwarie. Stabroek News understands that, in addition to those persons in the photograph, there are still two other unnamed locals who accompanied Harmon to China.

It is still unclear as to the roles of Tiwarie and London on the state visit. London currently heads the Guyana 50th Anniversary Celebrations Committee and is responsible for overseeing construction work at D’urban Park, in Georgetown.

Williams explained that his being in China was in his capacity as representative for NUTECH given that it is the local agent for the company.

Williams said that a recent Kaieteur News article, which reports him saying that his visit to China was not connected to Harmon’s, was incorrect. “I made no such statement. I made no such statement. I didn’t tell Kaieteur News that. Kaieteur News asked me whether in fact my visit to China had to do with Harmon’s visit to China. There are two different things. That what came out from Kaieteur News was embarrassing because I did not tell them that,” he said.

Further, he explained that because of the sensitivity of the Harmon China trip, he prefers to wait on Ministry of the Presidency to give him the “go ahead” before he can speak at length on his visit.

“Because of the nature of this matter, I would prefer the Office of the President to say what my trip was about. I prefer them to talk, to explain my presence. Already the Office of the President came out with a statement when I was not in the country that said I was part of the delegation,” he said.

“And since they are the first person that indicated that, how am I now to tell you that I wasn’t there? Office of the President had a statement that said I went there. I would prefer if you go to them, and once I get the clearance…to make a statement about what my visit was, I will do it and I will do it in writing, so that it is not misconstrued,” he added.

Harmon has told Cabinet that it was the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Zhang Limin who arranged for four China-based companies, interested in investing in Guyana, to transport him to their respective offices located in different parts of the country during his visit last month.

This is according to a statement issued by the Ministry of the Presidency on Thursday evening on Harmon’s travel while in China, in light of questions raised by another

photograph, published in the Kaieteur News, which showed the minister, an attorney attached to the government holding company National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) and several Baishanlin officials on a plane.

A written explanation was handed over to Cabinet with respect to the photograph and a modified version of the statement was released by the ministry.

The statement also said that no official release was made on the matters at that time since a prerequisite would have been a formal briefing of the President and Cabinet.

It has been more than two weeks since Harmon returned to Guyana.

“The publication of a lone photograph, therefore, without seeking to investigate and report on its context was not the work of the Ministry of the Presidency. I wish to make no comment on the motivations for its publication,” the statement added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Chinese embassy facilitated Minister Harmon’s recent China trip

So?  This does not explain all the controversy surrounding the trip. They are backpedalling and the AFC is saying they have no knowledge of the Tiwarie involvement


I am getting the impression that this guy Harmon is only in it for his own financial gain. When Chinese start courting you, you know there are bribes involved. And I am talking from 20 years experience of doing business with Chinese companies. The money I got form them between 1995 and 1999 helped me to buy a top of the range turbo charged European built car. Personal couriers were sometimes sent by plane to meet my at the airport in London in order to hand over in person an envelope containing money. It is clear that they are doing the same thing to Harmon.


The thing is that Jagdeo showed others the way on how to get U$millions from the Chinese as kickbacks. Harmon is blinded by greed, just like Jagdeo. The AFC is not showing its claws. Like dem is hoping for loose change to come their way. A damn big government team that is at last 50% than what is required, but only Harmon seems to be doing any work,legal or illegal.

Mr.T posted:

I am getting the impression that this guy Harmon is only in it for his own financial gain. When Chinese start courting you, you know there are bribes involved. And I am talking from 20 years experience of doing business with Chinese companies. The money I got form them between 1995 and 1999 helped me to buy a top of the range turbo charged European built car. Personal couriers were sometimes sent by plane to meet my at the airport in London in order to hand over in person an envelope containing money. It is clear that they are doing the same thing to Harmon.

mRt your comments lead me to say this

" Experience taught can never be bought"

Let me add this the Chinese do not stop at anything, they also provide women during dinners, This a known fact from China to NY.

It's disappointing that President Granger  is just being impotent on this matter.

Mr.T posted:

The thing is that Jagdeo showed others the way on how to get U$millions from the Chinese as kickbacks. Harmon is blinded by greed, just like Jagdeo. The AFC is not showing its claws. Like dem is hoping for loose change to come their way. A damn big government team that is at last 50% than what is required, but only Harmon seems to be doing any work,legal or illegal.

Knucklehead, you still blaming this on Jagdeo and the PPP? Like you forget dem people not running Guyana anymore.

If anything, Harmon, like Granger, is a very disciplined chap, who came out from the military, and as a lawyer, he should know right from wrong. And besides, people dont just thief just one year after being in office...this is shameless (I am assuming he thiefing).  


There are so many things wrong about this whole affair that need to be examined. First, The story about who was doing what and why they travelled together and seem to socialize togther on this trip is falling apart. The story seems to be changing. Second. It boggles my mind that the president and prime minister did not know that TIwari's was appointed a business adviser. Is it plausible? Maybe someone is not telling the truth and the disclaimer is more a factor of the opposition to the appointment by the public , the internal power struggle, than ignorance. Third, in this age of IT, it seems strange that Harmon had to personally go to China to discuss the payment of the remaining US$5 million. Is this part of his remit, was this something that he was authorized to do by cabinet, the president or the prime minister. Fourth, there is a minister of business development, GoInvest, etc who were not part of the delegation to speak to the businesses that want to invest in Guyana, and could have been more of an asset than Harmon. Fifth, the sale of Bai sheldon assets is a private matter and there is no reason for the minister of state to be involved at this point. It is something that  Trottman might have been more involved in. Government's position regarding Chinese investment and business practices could have been addressed through the Chinese commercial attaché herein Guyana, or the new ambassador to China. Sixth, the reason given for the phone call to GRA officials were lawfully conducting their duties is something that we must all be concerned about. It indicates a close connection between some powerful politicians and some businessmen and how things actually get done here. I think that if the story had not leaked, the seizure would not have happened. Was the phone call to the GRA officers a legal or illegal one. Why is Harmon not being investigated for trying to exert undue and inappropriate influence on officers who were lawfully conducting their duties. Seventh. Why a written statement to the press instead of a person question and answer session. (I do not think one occurred)? The mere fact that he is avoiding the media that they tried to spin the story and organized some support activities for Harmon might suggest that there were things to hide. Eight, why is there a refusal or reluctance to release the names of the other advisors to the publis, especially from a government that preached transparency when in opposition. What is there to hide? These people, regardless of the actual substance of the duties involved are now assumed to be part of the government. How are they held accountable, what are their specific duties if they have any and are attempts being made to inform countries and citizens as to the true nature of these appointments so that the possibility of misuse is reduced?

VishMahabir posted:
Mr.T posted:

The thing is that Jagdeo showed others the way on how to get U$millions from the Chinese as kickbacks. Harmon is blinded by greed, just like Jagdeo. The AFC is not showing its claws. Like dem is hoping for loose change to come their way. A damn big government team that is at last 50% than what is required, but only Harmon seems to be doing any work,legal or illegal.

Knucklehead, you still blaming this on Jagdeo and the PPP? Like you forget dem people not running Guyana anymore.

If anything, Harmon, like Granger, is a very disciplined chap, who came out from the military, and as a lawyer, he should know right from wrong. And besides, people dont just thief just one year after being in office...this is shameless (I am assuming he thiefing).  

Antiman, learn something from the facts, not your ignorance.


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