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April 8, 2022


The charge was filed following investigations into a complaint by local reporter Leroy Smith about an online cartoon character show that goes under the name "Mudwata".

Well-known local photographer and video producer Keron Bruce was today charged and placed on $100,000 bail for allegedly using a computer system to subject another person to public ridicule, contempt, hatred or embarrassment.

The charge was filed following investigations into a complaint by local reporter Leroy Smith about an online cartoon character show that goes under the name “Mudwata”.

Bruce has denied the charge. He is being represented by Attorney Bernard DaSilva.

Back in January, Mr. Bruce was arrested and kept in Police custody following a search at his home. During the search, the Police seized computer systems belonging to Bruce, his wife and his son along with a voice recorder.

Although all of Bruce’s computer systems were seized and he was in custody, the “Mudwata” character continued to release videos on social media sites. Bruce was not charged at the time, but was summoned recently for more questioning by the Police.

After being released on bail at the Diamond Magistrates’ Court, Bruce placed a piece of blue scotch tape across his mouth as he walked away from the media. Bruce will make his next Court appearance later this month.

The “Mudwata” character on social media has been releasing satirical videos for a number of years, targeting local politicians and other public officials and persons in public life.

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