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Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

PPP Bais Pon Tap!

You are indeed a genious. We have been enjoying your decade long brillance and superior Intelligence and look forward for decades more.


Even a superior intellect must break it down Black Bush Ganga Style for PPP chaps

Indeed very brillant. Your superior intellect is inspiring and beneficial. Keep it coming.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

PPP Bais Pon Tap!

You are indeed a genious. We have been enjoying your decade long brillance and superior Intelligence and look forward for decades more.


Even a superior intellect must break it down Black Bush Ganga Style for PPP chaps

Indeed very brillant. Your superior intellect is inspiring and beneficial. Keep it coming.


It doesn't take brilliance to see a people destroying themselves by their very own actions.


do you think that all this is new and somehow never been tried before by governments? all the PPP's policies have been implemented before and have historically been met with utter disaster.


baseman the racist fool,i have cattle land and is producing cattle for the guyanese market,infact one bull is now selling for $200000 to $300000 now,because they have a shortage of beef,and you know why they have a shortage of beef,even a fool like you can figure this one out.guyana have land undevelop land and they have a shortage of live stock.why you donot take your collie rass and go help develop guyana,maybe rear some chicken.and you can call them black chicken if that will make you happy

Originally Posted by warrior:

baseman the racist fool,i have cattle land and is producing cattle for the guyanese market,infact one bull is now selling for $200000 to $300000 now,because they have a shortage of beef,and you know why they have a shortage of beef,even a fool like you can figure this one out.guyana have land undevelop land and they have a shortage of live stock.why you donot take your collie rass and go help develop guyana,maybe rear some chicken.and you can call them black chicken if that will make you happy

Where/how was my comment on your cow farm racist?

Originally Posted by warrior:

baseman the racist fool,i have cattle land and is producing cattle for the guyanese market,infact one bull is now selling for $200000 to $300000 now,because they have a shortage of beef,and you know why they have a shortage of beef,even a fool like you can figure this one out.guyana have land undevelop land and they have a shortage of live stock.why you donot take your collie rass and go help develop guyana,maybe rear some chicken.and you can call them black chicken if that will make you happy


nuff nuff milk flowing in ppp time. During pnc time this was not the case hahahahahha, yet you want to go back to pnc times, hahahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:

baseman the racist fool,i have cattle land and is producing cattle for the guyanese market,infact one bull is now selling for $200000 to $300000 now,because they have a shortage of beef,and you know why they have a shortage of beef,even a fool like you can figure this one out.guyana have land undevelop land and they have a shortage of live stock.why you donot take your collie rass and go help develop guyana,maybe rear some chicken.and you can call them black chicken if that will make you happy


nuff nuff milk flowing in ppp time. During pnc time this was not the case hahahahahha, yet you want to go back to pnc times, hahahahaha

During the PNC days, he had to chain his cow to his bed so it don't get tief.  Nuff ungrates, they mekking money and still complaining.  Warrior, you gatt yuh own milk, just buy lil honey and enjoy the life.  Stop complaining.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yeah, and your point IS????


You're beyond hope bro. whah can i say?


You know there's no difference between a coolie Minister stealing and a kick down the door bandit stealing. They're both just taking their available opportunities.

Hey bai, yu na no dem kick down bandit ah PNC thug who ah kill dem poor peeple? Minista who ah tief na only coolie. Ask yu PNC thug frien dem na.

The protege of the kick down the door bandits are now working for PPP. They hang out at Freedom House. Hope you put a mala on their neck the next time you visit. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
Wow the keyboard racists are back in full glory "The only thug is a black thug"

Jealousy is a bad thing.  All who criticize the PPP boys have big plans of their own if given the same opportunity.  There are some in the opposition who, while talking against them, were floating their resume with them (PPP) for potential opportunities.  Lots of hypocrisy.

I wonder if you would rationalize every evil deed the same way as above? I bet if you find a man sticking it to your ol' lady you wont wonder on the size of your penis as causative of you being a cuckold.


The PPP are crooks and pretending others are waiting in the wings to replace them is not going to make tolerating them a necessity.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
Wow the keyboard racists are back in full glory "The only thug is a black thug"

Jealousy is a bad thing.  All who criticize the PPP boys have big plans of their own if given the same opportunity.  There are some in the opposition who, while talking against them, were floating their resume with them (PPP) for potential opportunities.  Lots of hypocrisy.

I wonder if you would rationalize every evil deed the same way as above? I bet if you find a man sticking it to your ol' lady you wont wonder on the size of your penis as causative of you being a cuckold.


The PPP are crooks and pretending others are waiting in the wings to replace them is not going to make tolerating them a necessity.

It's not a matter of evil, but the lesser of the evils.

Originally Posted by warrior:

baseman the racist fool,i have cattle land and is producing cattle for the guyanese market,infact one bull is now selling for $200000 to $300000 now,because they have a shortage of beef,and you know why they have a shortage of beef,even a fool like you can figure this one out.guyana have land undevelop land and they have a shortage of live stock.why you donot take your collie rass and go help develop guyana,maybe rear some chicken.and you can call them black chicken if that will make you happy

How much did they offer for the one that looks half cow and half warrior?

Me ah hear you ah milk dem bulls and sell gallons of milk a day.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

anyways, backs to the topic.


How much does a Minister make? Can he afford to buy this vehicle?

Davendra/Mahen/Ronald Narain/Joker:

Shet yu rass. YU want fu dip yu haan in ah milk an honey nah? Go do moe foto shap.


It may surprise you to know that many many Indians have no desire to steal and appropriate the wealth of a nation for their personal treasury.


We're not all as morally deficient as you and your lecherous gay mafia


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