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I don't see any sign in the article below of superiority. Sounds like more fake news.


Attorney General reminds staff of Deeds and Commercial Registry of duty to serve faithfully and professionally

â€Ķwarns against corruption

Last Friday, the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, visited the Deeds and Commercial Registry Authority offices’ at the ground floor of the High Court building and at lot 1 High and Commerce Streets, Newtown.

During his visit, the Deputy Registrar of Deeds (ag), Ms. Zanna Frank, and Registrar of Companies (ag), Ms. Nicole Prince, took the Attorney General on a tour of the two locations and raised with him the challenges that the agency currently faces, including, physical space for staff, as well as storage capacity. They also outlined other operational challenges. The Attorney General reminded them that the Authority is governed by a Board and that the issues will be raised at the next board meeting.

However, the Attorney General lent his support to work with the Board to ensure that the problems are addressed, including, extending the building at High and Commerce Streets. Minister Nandlall further explained that in his previous stint as Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, it was then that the new location at Avenue of the Republic was acquired from New Building Society Limited and was retrofitted to house the Commercial Registry and the Land Registry. He reiterated that the intention then was to acquire possession of the First Federation building located on Croal Street to renovate it and use it to give additional accommodation to the Authority, especially much needed vault space to store documents. The Attorney General promised to resume that initiative.

In his address to the staff, the Attorney General outlined his expectation that the two Registries must be continuously modernized to render its operations more efficient and expedient. He reminded the staff that this Agency is instrumental in the developmental agenda of the country, in particular, in the area of commerce, trade, industry and housing. He reminded the staff that their duty is to serve the people of Guyana, as well as foreign investors, faithfully and professionally. He warned against bribery and corruption at the Agency, highlighting that unfortunately, rumours of that existing at the Agency are publicly quite prevalent. He admonished that any such incident discovered will be properly investigated and persons implicated will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor

@Django posted:

This employee looks afraid , no eye contact. Pic on Nanda Baba FB page.

This girl looks like she is guilty of something. Could she be thinking about his warning during his address that any incident of bribery and corruption will be dealt with in accordance with the law?

"He warned against bribery and corruption at the Agency, highlighting that unfortunately, rumours of that existing at the Agency are publicly quite prevalent. He admonished that any such incident discovered will be properly investigated and persons implicated will be dealt with in accordance with the law."

@Former Member posted:

This girl looks like she is guilty of something. Could she be thinking about his warning during his address that any incident of bribery and corruption will be dealt with in accordance with the law?

"He warned against bribery and corruption at the Agency, highlighting that unfortunately, rumours of that existing at the Agency are publicly quite prevalent. He admonished that any such incident discovered will be properly investigated and persons implicated will be dealt with in accordance with the law."

Wow quite a revelation . The pic was posted to show ,they can't make eye contact with massa . Recalled one lawyer was threatening two Afro female police officers ,saying to Irfaan mark their faces .

@Django posted:

Wow quite a revelation . The pic was posted to show ,they can't make eye contact with massa . Recalled one lawyer was threatening two Afro female police officers ,saying to Irfaan mark their faces .

When are you going to stand up for yourself, other than posting what you are told.  But if it is your work, it's a poor way to gain attention.

@Django posted:

Wow quite a revelation . The pic was posted to show ,they can't make eye contact with massa . Recalled one lawyer was threatening two Afro female police officers ,saying to Irfaan mark their faces .

I don't know what race has to do with it. Wasn't it also a black police chief who demoted Superintendent Thomas because Thomas refused a carry out an illegal instruction to benefit the PNC?

@Django posted:

Wow quite a revelation . The pic was posted to show ,they can't make eye contact with massa . Recalled one lawyer was threatening two Afro female police officers ,saying to Irfaan mark their faces .

As I stated in the previous post, she looks guilty as sin. Maybe she was preoccupied with him uncovering her bribery activities.

@kp posted:

I look at the picture and it confirms the fact that all the PNC appointed staff are Blacks. The person that should feel uncomfortable is Anil Nandlall, they can easily attack him.

 Django, you did us a favor to expose the blatant Racist PNC.

At every meeting that Nandlall as well as other PPP ministers had with their ministries they all repeat the same thing that anyone who is doing their jobs should have no concerns about their job security. Everyone. Even Jagdeo said on Friday that even non PPP supporters who worked for the previous government will be given a chance to contribute to the development of Guyana as long as they were beneficial to what they do.

@Django posted:

Wow quite a revelation . The pic was posted to show ,they can't make eye contact with massa . Recalled one lawyer was threatening two Afro female police officers ,saying to Irfaan mark their faces .

PPP has not done what the PNC did inn 2015. They fired almost all the coolies and hired negroes like Vulva sais she was going to do. PPP is an inclusive party or else they won't have won the election. For now, let's give PPP the benefit of the doubt. They haven't fired anyone who was not a political appointee and leeched off the taxpayers.

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

Nothing to do with favor ,it's the making up of stories of wrong doing by female in the picture ,causing her to look down .

Brother, do not second guess. We don't know why the woman did what she did. We need to hear from the lady. Maybe she is cognizant of the fact Indians were not treated cordially by PNC ministers and felt embarrassed. You are creating a storm in a teapot for nothing.

@Former Member posted:

PPP has not done what the PNC did inn 2015. They fired almost all the coolies and hired negroes like Vulva sais she was going to do. PPP is an inclusive party or else they won't have won the election. For now, let's give PPP the benefit of the doubt. They haven't fired anyone who was not a political appointee and leeched off the taxpayers.

Please abstain from using highlighted word on the forum. One US Senator apologize for using the word.

Thank you.

Regarding the rest of the the post ,who are being fooled ?

@Former Member posted:

Brother, do not second guess. We don't know why the woman did what she did. We need to hear from the lady. Maybe she is cognizant of the fact Indians were not treated cordially by PNC ministers and felt embarrassed.

You are creating a storm in a teapot for nothing.

Pictures like that shouldn't see the daylight , as mentioned it sends messages.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Please abstain from using highlighted word on the forum. One US Senator apologize for using the word.

Thank you.

Regarding the rest of the the post ,who are being fooled ?

It's ok to use coolies and not negroes? Is "negro" a word in the English dictionary? Negro means black. Are you censoring the English dictionary?

@Django posted:

Nothing to do with favor ,it's the making up of stories of wrong doing by female in the picture ,causing her to look down .

You don't know why she was looking down either yet you created a topic and gave it a narrative. Then you went on to state that there are signs of superiority making up even further narrative and doing so in a very incendiary way infusing race when you have to be aware how race plays into many peoples' psyche. I didn't remember you accusing the PNC the past  years of hos they changed the locks on the ministries and locked out the PPP minister from clearing out their personal belongings. I didn't see you criticizing the PNC of replacing the many non-political employees whether it appeared to be race driven or not during those 5 years. I took just as much liberty with making up a narrative of why she was looking down as you did. The only difference is I provided a passage from Nandlall that can support my narrative of her apparent guilt whereas you didn't provide any evidence of your incendiary statement regarding signs of superiority.

@Former Member posted:

Isn't massa a derogatory word too? Isn't demeaning? Let's make a deal. You stop using massa and I will stop using negroes. I know as the owner of the site, you will say do as I say but not as I do.

Don't have to make no deal ,told not to use ,keep showing i can do it.

Where massa is demeaning ?

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

You don't know why she was looking down either yet you created a topic and gave it a narrative. Then you went on to state that there are signs of superiority making up even further narrative and doing so in a very incendiary way infusing race when you have to be aware how race plays into many peoples' psyche. I didn't remember you accusing the PNC the past  years of hos they changed the locks on the ministries and locked out the PPP minister from clearing out their personal belongings. I didn't see you criticizing the PNC of replacing the many non-political employees whether it appeared to be race driven or not during those 5 years. I took just as much liberty with making up a narrative of why she was looking down as you did. The only difference is I provided a passage from Nandlall that can support my narrative of her apparent guilt whereas you didn't provide any evidence of your incendiary statement regarding signs of superiority.

Few thousand words ,this ,that ,the and the other to defend a demeaning picture posted by Nanda Baba on his FB page .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Don't have to make no deal ,told not to use ,keep showing i can do it.

Where massa is demeaning.

As the owner of this site, you run it like the PNC ran Guyana. Negro is a word used during slavery days. For your information, where did massa come from? Did you ever watch the series Roots? You need to stop being bias. As I said, you own the site and you call shots and throw your weight around. This site is not my livelihood. I don't sit here all day. If you so choose, you can purge my name. It would not be the end of the world for me.

@Former Member posted:

As the owner of this site, you run it like the PNC ran Guyana. Negro is a word used during slavery days. For your information, where did massa come from? Did you ever watch the series Roots? You need to stop being bias. As I said, you own the site and you call shots and throw your weight around. This site is not my livelihood. I don't sit here all day. If you so choose, you can purge my name. It would not be the end of the world for me.

You keep on pushing ,don't use it here ,it's derogatory.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Nothing to do with favor ,it's the making up of stories of wrong doing by female in the picture ,causing her to look down .

@Former Member posted:

You don't know why she was looking down either yet you created a topic and gave it a narrative. Then you went on to state that there are signs of superiority making up even further narrative and doing so in a very incendiary way infusing race when you have to be aware how race plays into many peoples' psyche. I didn't remember you accusing the PNC the past  years of hos they changed the locks on the ministries and locked out the PPP minister from clearing out their personal belongings. I didn't see you criticizing the PNC of replacing the many non-political employees whether it appeared to be race driven or not during those 5 years. I took just as much liberty with making up a narrative of why she was looking down as you did. The only difference is I provided a passage from Nandlall that can support my narrative of her apparent guilt whereas you didn't provide any evidence of your incendiary statement regarding signs of superiority.

@Django posted:

Few thousand words ,this ,that ,the and the other to defend a demeaning picture posted by Nanda Baba on his FB page .

Are you saying that you did not insert superiority in your comment which can trigger very strong emotions of race issues in Guyana? If so why did you feel the need to infuse the word superiority when we all know you use it in a race related manner.


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