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Django posted:

You are nothing more than a twit,

"Digging and scratching" coming up empty.

You are blind as a bat.

PNC Que Que Milk makes you go crazy. Take a close look at the Crime Thread for yourself. Please.

It has 6,829 Views.

90 Percent of the victims are Indos.

Only a complete fool will attempt to defend the PNC on combatting crime.

Last edited by Former Member

Django bai, you happy here. Did you ever look ahead and wonder if Guyana continues in this direction what will become of their society? Some members of the PPP did steal, but, they did not squeeze the poor with overburdened taxes. YOUR PNC has returned with a vengeance to empty the treasury again. Their next move is to nationalize everything. Do you see history repeating itself? Do you care whether people live or die? DIE PNC!! DIE PNC!! DIE.


From all indications I see Django is another paid/unpaid Advisor for the PNC, the media is exposing the crimes on a daily basis and the government along with their Advisors abroad are suppressing the facts.Fact, there has been an increase of Blacks against Indians crime since the PNC took government, the jails now have a revolving door, arrest today, release tomorrow.

kp posted:

From all indications I see Django is another paid/unpaid Advisor for the PNC, the media is exposing the crimes on a daily basis and the government along with their Advisors abroad are suppressing the facts.Fact, there has been an increase of Blacks against Indians crime since the PNC took government, the jails now have a revolving door, arrest today, release tomorrow.

Oww bhai kp,i does try to be fair and balance like "Faux News"

skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, you happy here. Did you ever look ahead and wonder if Guyana continues in this direction what will become of their society? Some members of the PPP did steal, but, they did not squeeze the poor with overburdened taxes. YOUR PNC has returned with a vengeance to empty the treasury again. Their next move is to nationalize everything. Do you see history repeating itself? Do you care whether people live or die? DIE PNC!! DIE PNC!! DIE.

Skelly,i feel for the people of the homeland,thinking about going back and assist voluntarily  before i expire.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django bai, you happy here. Did you ever look ahead and wonder if Guyana continues in this direction what will become of their society? Some members of the PPP did steal, but, they did not squeeze the poor with overburdened taxes. YOUR PNC has returned with a vengeance to empty the treasury again. Their next move is to nationalize everything. Do you see history repeating itself? Do you care whether people live or die? DIE PNC!! DIE PNC!! DIE.

Skelly,i feel for the people of the homeland,thinking about going back and assist voluntarily  before i expire.

Pack a body bag for yourself if you decide on doing that.


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