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ba$eman posted:
antabanta posted:
ba$eman posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

No thank you.

chicken shit!!

on the worst day of my life, I'm more man than you could ever be

Well, you have to say that, don't you!

I suppose I do.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This one tells a million........


No doubt about it, Bharat is a showman, but he is a blasted scamp.  He has done nothing for that little girl and her parents over the years as they rob the treasury of funds that would have gone to making her more educated.


Granger is not a showman, he is boring and incompetent.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This one tells  13 Billion  a million........



Jagdeo stash away 13 billion

May 22, 2016 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

All over de world does build massive buildings with hundreds of stories. The Japanese people skyscraper don’t have a 13th floor. All their buildings jump from 12 to 14 floor.
De reason is that dem believe that de number 13 is an unlucky number. De western world follow dem, and some in Guyana follow de western world and believe de same crap.
Fuh such people Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Some people don’t left dem house on the 13th day of every month. Dem don’t have nutten to do wid 13—dem don’t want to know, see or hear anything that associate wide 13.
Dem boys hear all this is because Jesus was crucified on Friday de 13th. Ever since then, that day has been associated with “general ill omen,”
Thirteen people was there fuh de Last Supper, the night before Jesus was killed. The disciple who betrayed Jesus, is considered to have been the 13th guest—Judas.
But dem boys seh 13 is actually a good ting fuh dem Scamps. Brassington was in charge of 13 different govt administrations and when dem boys brace him he run and file 13 lawsuits against dem. Brazzy does eat 13 meals ah day and go to de toilet 13 times a day.
Scampish Jagdeo mansion gat 13 bedrooms and 13 bathrooms/washrooms.
De same Jagdeo gat nuff money stashed in 13 different countries. He even rule de country fuh nearly 13 years and have almost 13 billion.
Donald De Dumb does tek a nap on the 13th hour of the day, every day.
Sam Blinds tender his resignation 13 times during de PPP reign.
JoeShan travel 13 hours to China, he spend 13 days and travel pun a 13-seater private jet. When dem boys talk he send a threatening lawyer letter on the 13th of May demanding $13 million.
Babbie buy de Santa Complex fuh just over 13 cents and he tek 13 weeks fuh pay
BaiShanLin has 13 registered companies in Guyana and never pay 13 cent to GRA or to Guyana.
Jagdeo and 13 others own all ah Guyana except 13%
Almost 13 months in office fuh de new govt and still nobady ain’t get charge, much less jail.
Clintie de Willie can swallow 13 Jumbo prawns one time.
Dem boys seh if you join the two figures 1 & 3, you get a B!!! And we all know what dem Bee’s duh tuh the country!
Talk half and dig 13 lashes in dem.

antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Behind a the computer screen everybody knows a hell of a lot of Guyana and it's people, yet they can't show PROOF, talk is cheap. The same manner you can state accusations , by the same token show the proof. Before you people write stuff, check the facts twice before you press POST.

ksazma posted:

My objective is to point out where the current government is hapless. That alone keep me busy enough bai. Now when this government begin doing noteworthy positive things, I will alter my opinion of them.

Were you objective any commentary on the coalition would include an analysis on how it compares with the PPP.  You would admit that the PPP also has its weaknesses, and that it did NOTHING to transform the economy, or heal the ethnic divide.  Those being two of Guyana's biggest challenges.

Just as how the post 1992 PPP was a very different party from the Cold War PPP (they dropped all references to Marxist Leninism), an objective analysis from you would suggest that APNU is not the same entity as the Burnham's PNC. The end of the Cold War also forced them to adjust their approach.

So screaming about Burnham and crying that Granger will be the same, and ranting that the PPP is the pillar of perfection, shows your bias.

As I keep on telling you, its a free country and so you can remain an ardent PPP supporter.  Just don't fool yourself that you aren't.

Georgie posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This one tells a million........


No doubt about it, Bharat is a showman, but he is a blasted scamp.  He has done nothing for that little girl and her parents over the years as they rob the treasury of funds that would have gone to making her more educated.


Granger is not a showman, he is boring and incompetent.

I can actually agree with this assessment.

Guyana is like a female who always selects men who are bad for her. She ends up abused, and in search of another man who is bad for her.

Jagdeo is like his mentor Forbes Burnham.  I do recall several pics in the 70s of Burnham going to impoverished Indians, and having them genuflect in front of him.  People who think that they are nobodies will always react like this when a person, who they believe is powerful, shows them some attention.

Both Jagdeo and Burnham showed real scorn to these people, and also used them for a photo op.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib if you knew any Guyanese history you would not have to reduce yourself to racist rants and name calling to participate in this conversation. You clearly don't belong here. 

Oh, I see.  The GNI is now the brown bai KKK site, so that all who don't demonize blacks don't belong here.

I think that this might shock those who run this site.

All I am saying is, if you do not have any knowledge of the subject at hand, it would be more beneficial to yourself and to those who know what they are talking about, to refrain from the conversation rather than injecting racism, which clearly does not belong here.

In other words, you are being a nuisance by trying to derail a thread where intelligent people are making good contributions.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Kari posted:

In my travels to Guyana in the early years of the Jagdeo Presidency and the interactions Ii had with Black civil servants it was clear that Jagdeo was a refreshing and invigorating leader. He was sociable in the Georgetown scene (which surprised me) and he had a penchant for going out with mixed race girls. Also whatever the judgement you cannot ignore the fact that Jagdeo was seen as a strong man for Indians who stood up against the perception of the weak Indian. And boy, did he ever raise the level of black-on-black killing to a fine art. He was a different kind of leader because while he was strong in the area mentioned above (and you have to question the morals of that), he certainly did not transform Guyana economically and Guyana's macro-economic fortunes always had a IMF/World Bank imprint.

ummm . . . "strong man for Indians" and "transform[ative]"?? in elevating "the level of "black-on-black killing to a fine art"


interesting what passes for analysis in the pseudo-intellectual precincts of unreconstructed tribals

somehow it escapes me how the Indian security dilemma is sustainably addressed by empowering Black murderers for hire to kill other Blacks with impunity

indeed, the security dilemma of the PPP narco-regime and the PPP oligarchic kriminal class certainly is the ONLY THING addressed by this commonness

pointing to the Black body count and selling Jagdeo (yes Kari, it is "selling" . . . and u are one of the most earnest salesmen) as a flawed security hero is dishonest and LCD race pandering of the worse sort

blindingly instructive that the Joint Services, 'empowered' by the US Government, chased the "illegal" Indian power controlling the "Black murderers" out of Guyana to Surinam and into the arms of US justice . . . thank you Winston Felix!

so, in an age where the PPP is out of power . . . after a decade clouded by what you describe as Jagdeo's foray into murdering blackman as a fine art, the legacy on display [check the recent Big Market walkabout] is wan of dem few (still alive) infamous black gunman, Shawn Hinds, heading 'security' for the former president - [now] one of the richest men in Guyana

it is now left to the coalition gov't to reclaim the lawful space, lead, and show how it can be done . . . we have reason to be hopeful

thank you Minister Ramjattan! . . . thank you Crime Chief Blanhum!

Last edited by Former Member
antabanta posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why the PPP has not slammed some of you with libel lawsuits is beyond my understanding.

I could tell you why but it may implicate people I know. Take it for granted I know a hell of a lot more about issues in Guyana than you ever will.

Bring it on.  Implicate them and bring justice and democracy for the sake of the people of Guyana.  

Gal, In a Democracy even the retarded has a right to speak.

You are living proof.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

All I am saying is, if you do not have any knowledge of the subject at hand,

Your only contribution to GNI is your lusty defense of Jagdeo.

I am VERY knowledgeable about Guyanese history.  Just not the lies told to you by the PPP!

The PPP introduced racial voting in Guyana, and to say otherwise is a LIE.

Seat allocation was by constituency, and there were more constituencies with Indians in the majority than there were those with African majorities.  In fact the PNC couldn't win North G/T, as it was mainly Portuguese, white and colored, and they were NOT going to support Burnham.

So why would Burnham advocate tribal voting, which was guaranteed to ensure his loss?

Here is why apaan jhat became the cry. Because Burnham was running Indian candidates in rural areas, in an attempt to pick up a few rural seats.  Indo supremacists, who joined the PPP, after Burnham left, cried "apaan jhat" to ensure that the Indo vote went to the PPP.

Odeen Ishmael, NOT hostile to the PPP, reports that the split occurred when Burnham, Jainarine Singh, and Dr. Latchmansingh were expelled.


What Kari considers to be the "fine art of black on black killing", and the end of the image of the weak Indian, clearly show his bias towards rich Indo oligarchs.

They built up para militias, with many being staffed by black criminals, and renegade cops and soldiers.  This to protect their interests. They armed these people with illegal guns.

Given that these para militias were informal, the oligarchs didn't control these people, even though, with their arrogance, they might have thought so.

Neither they, nor the PPP, cared about ordinary Guyanese, including ordinary Indians, who couldn't afford this protection.  So began a blood thirsty era of vicious crime, which continues today.

And now more and more young Indians have become well armed criminals, almost always targeting other Indians. They too are "guns for hire".

The oligarchs created the myth that Roger Khan saved Guyana.  His was a mere battle for more power, and against competing drug lords.

redux posted:
] is wan of dem few (still alive) infamous black gunman, Shawn Hinds, heading 'security' for the former president - [now] one of the richest men in Guyana


thank you Minister Ramjattan! . . . thank you Crime Chief Blanhum!

Hear Bibi squeal that Hinds is a "hard working and honest man, because its a lie that Jagdeo would hire a criminal".


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