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There are more important things for the UGSS to look into


Tuesday, 07 February 2012 23:16

THE news headline, ‘Committee plans to shut down UG’ is that of a story that evokes anger from me. Who comprises this committee? Since when can such a body act with this kind of impunity?
Well, I only recently left the institution (University of Guyana), and I had many questions. I did (on more than one occasion too) make enquiries, regarding a number of issues, and here I repeat some. At that time, the UGSS (University of Guyana Students’ Society) paid me little attention.
The noise factor is my first concern. The noise comes mainly from two sources: the non-stop flow of traffic along the main entrance (leading to the Admission building). Noise is a ‘humbug’ too on the campus. It emanates from the cell phones, laptops and loud cacophonous laughter of students. If this ‘noise nuisance’ is still going on, then UGSS will be better off looking in this direction to initiate changes.
I remember when the 2011 elections were heating up, a debate session, among major stakeholders was planned. When the day arrived, the student body as a whole behaved in a most obstreperous manner. The heckling and murmuring were directed at selected speakers. A lot of ‘good’ listeners were forced to leave. In fact at times, the behaviour became quite threatening, resulting in a number of students leaving.
The UGSS should look into what obtains in the FALs-the students taking late night classes behave in a most primitive way. They ‘eat and dump’ right there. If there is doubt about this, all I ask is that the cleaners be consulted.
UGSS you should go and look into this mess first.
Yes, UG is not okay, but recalcitrance is the name of the game for many, and this makes matters worse. Also, many ‘students’ are glad that this commotion is

Replies sorted oldest to newest

At UG the Govt needs to look into:
- getting toilets functioning again
- getting running water
- journalist lecturing medical classes
- vulgar intructors
- frequently absent lecturers
Originally posted by Gupta:
At UG the Govt needs to look into:
- getting toilets functioning again
- getting running water
- journalist lecturing medical classes
- vulgar intructors
- frequently absent lecturers

wait which journalist a teach medical class now? bai meh hear dem toilet nah wuk fuh true.
Originally posted by Pooran_Lall:
wait which journalist a teach medical class now? bai meh hear dem toilet nah wuk fuh true.
Big Grin Big Grin No it aint Freddie. It is a one of the cronies who was just given a class to lecture so that he could draw a big check. he has no background in the medical field yet he is teach a medical course.
Why should they fix toilets. Read the article again and again.

They should fix the toilets so that shit can be disposed of in the manner it was meant to be, this person is refering to the shit abouts on the campus

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