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JP implicated in bogus car sale

June 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- victims seek audience with President Ramotar


A West Bank Demerara couple says they were almost cheated out of the ownership of their newly purchased car, and are accusing a Justice of the Peace with political connections of being involved in the scam.

Kaieteur News was told yesterday that the court however saw it fit that the vehicle be returned to the couple, but an eight month delay in accessing the car has left them behind schedule in paying their installments for the vehicle.

Babita Ramnarine, of 876 Belle West Housing Scheme Number Two Canal, West Bank Demerara, said that her husband, Sewchand Dhunmmum, decided in August 2012 to purchase a car -HC 1339- for his birthday. But she alleged that the vehicle was hijacked and individuals attempted to prove with false documents, that it was sold.

Ramnarine told Kaieteur News that the vehicle is being used as a taxi, since her husband was left physically impaired after a violent attack by bandits some time ago.

Kaieteur News was told that in September 2012, the couple, along with their daughter, visited a private hospital. Her husband entered the building to visit a relative while the mother and daughter sat in the vehicle’s back seat talking.


The woman alleged that during this time, a man entered the car and started it with the key which was still in the ignition. Despite their cries to be let out of the vehicle, Ramnarine said the carjacker drove up the East Bank of Demerara, eventually letting them out just before reaching the Demerara Harbour Bridge.

She said a man gave them a ride back to hospital where her husband, already in a state of panic was searching frantically for the vehicle. The police were informed and statements were given, she said. After searching for almost nine days, they were informed that a Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara resident had the missing car parked in his yard. But it wasn’t until a trip to the police station and threats to be tossed in jail were made, that the man’s wife finally told police that the vehicle was at another relative’s home where it was subsequently found.

Ramnarine alleged that three days after the vehicle was returned, her husband received a call from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) at Eve Leary.

 They were then allegedly ordered to bring in the car and report to a named officer. While there, she said an allegation was made that their vehicle had been sold to the same Golden Grove resident who had hidden the vehicle. She said the officer then asked for the car’s registration. She claimed that the rank took the document into another room and she is unsure what was done with it.
She however pointed out that herself and husband strongly refuted the car sale claim but was later asked to return to the OPR office the next day. When the meeting was called, she said the Golden Grove resident produced a bogus Agreement of Sale.
Ms. Ramnarine alleged that the signature of a Justice of the Peace (JP) was on the document, as well as forged signatures of herself and husband.
Ramnarine said that for eight months the car was parked at Police Headquarters until the matter finally reached the court where the man was charged for hijacking. The court, however, ruled that the vehicle belonged to the couple and permission was granted for the vehicle to be released into their custody.

Ramnarine said she however obtained a copy of the bogus agreement of sale (which was shown to Kaieteur News along with other documentation) and confronted the JP who is believed to have drawn up the false document.
She said that the JP proclaimed ignorance of the forgery, and called the Golden Grove resident to a meeting. Ramnarine added that before “cussing out the resident,” the JP indicated that the Agreement of Sale documents came with signatures already affixed.

The JP however allegedly told Ms. Ramnarine to return to the OPR office the following day, where she said, he promised pay the arrears. But she alleged that this was not done. Instead, she alleged that police officers demanded that she sign a prepared document which stated that the matter would not be made public and that no money was owed to her or her husband.

Ramnarine said she refused to sign the document and is now looking for justice.


 She is requesting an audience with President Donald Ramotar and wants those involved to be sanctioned for putting her and her family through the inconvenience.

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