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Former Member

The PPP/C says it was reliably informed that plans are afoot to have its General Secretary and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo arrested and charged.

See full statement: 

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is in receipt of information from a usually reliable source that the Guyana Police Force has been instructed by Congress Place and the Office of the President to arrest, detain and charge Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo M.P., with criminal offence(s) under the Racial Hostility Act, Chapter 23:01, Laws of Guyana, for wilfully exciting or attempting to excite racial hostility in relation to a speech delivered at Babu Jaan, Port Maurant, Corentyne, on the 11th day of March, 2019.
This speech was widely covered in the media. It is devoid of any racial content whatsoever. It simply called upon all Guyanese to reject the Government, including the President and the Prime Minister, after March 21, 2019, “by chasing them”, since as from that date, the Government would have become illegal and the President, the Prime Minister and Ministers of the Government would no longer be lawfully entitled to hold their governmental offices because of the successful passage of a no confidence motion passed against the Government in the National Assembly on the 21st December, 2019, and the ruling of the Chief Justice which upheld the validity of that no confidence motion. This speech was delivered before the decision of the Court of Appeal in relation to the no confidence cases.
It must be emphasized that the Leader of the Opposition directed his comments to both the President and the Prime Minister and in fact the entire Government and his appeal was to ALL Guyanese. It is therefore bewildering how these comments can be interpreted as conveying any racial sentiments whatsoever.
Indeed, on the 21st March, 2019, under the stewardship of the Leader of the Opposition, the PPP held protest actions in various regions across the country. These protests were peacefully and lawfully conducted and there was not a single reported incident of violence or racial hostility of any kind emanating therefrom.
We are also aware that television stations that carried a similar statement made by the General Secretary of the PPP at a press conference held on 14th March, 2019, were served with notices dated 11th April, 2019, from the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) urging that they immediately desist from broadcasting such content.
We maintain that the Leader of the Opposition has done nothing other than exercise his democratic, constitutional and political right to be critical of a Government that has flagrantly violated the constitution and would have been occupying governmental office unconstitutionally, tyrannically and undemocratically. In fact, the duties of the Leader of the Opposition include publicly exposing the vulgar constitutional violations being committed by the Government.
What we are witnessing is the unleashing of state power through the medium of the Guyana Police Force and the GNBA to stifle free speech, to assault democracy and abrogate political rights and freedoms. This repeated repressive use of the criminal justice system and the state machinery is intended to restrict the Opposition’s rights and freedom to expose the authoritarian actions of this Government, internationally. It is therefore no coincidence that these actions are being taken after the return of the Leader of the Opposition from international travels where he met with important functionaries and spoke widely with the media in both the Caribbean and the United States in relation to the despotic behaviour of the Government.
We call upon the diplomatic and international community to note Guyana’s rapid descent into a police state. Needless to say that we will continue to internationalize this issue by writing to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, CARICOM, the Organisation of American States, the Commonwealth Secretariat and other international human rights organisations informing them of the atrocities taking place in Guyana.
Finally, we wish to assure the Government that we will not be intimidated but will continue to work to bring Guyana back to a democratic course as we strive for a better and more united country.
People’s Progressive Party
April 15th, 2019

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The desperate, CRIMINAL JACKASSES called the PNC will try anything to silent the a greatest caribbean leader ever. Those animals are wounded and therefore lashing out before their demise!!!


IF, and thats a big IF...the coalition is planning to arrest BJ for those comments reported in the media...then they are being vindictive and a plan is afoot to decapitate the PPP...because Jagdeo is, for all intents and purposes, the one man brain and leader of the PPP...if he goes, the party will further crumble....but this can be a chance for the PPP to renew and reform the PPP with Jagdeo out on legal limbo.

If the arrest come to pass....on the basis of racial incitement, this country will be further divided...BUT Indos should take that as an opportunity to make Guyana unstable and ungovernable (I am just thinking of what Hoyte will say and do)...then again...yall Indos are weak and scared of being arrested...yall gon scream like Baseman "dem black man got big guns"...

jes my 2 cents 


We call upon the diplomatic and international community to note Guyana’s rapid descent into a police state. Needless to say that we will continue to internationalize this issue by writing to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, CARICOM, the Organisation of American States, the Commonwealth Secretariat and other international human rights organisations informing them of the atrocities taking place in Guyana.
Finally, we wish to assure the Government that we will not be intimidated 

ooh really?? 

so instead of begging others to intervene and save yall from the so called impending dictatorship...why not take to the streets like Jagan and Rodney?   Otherwise, dem ABC people gon tink alls well in the country.......


I agree Vish. If this happens it must be "Taking it to the streets in maximum numbers" And show them we do not Loot, Mo Fiah, Slo Fiah and assault!! We are civilized and will act as such!!!

VishMahabir posted:

IF, and thats a big IF...the coalition is planning to arrest BJ for those comments reported in the media...then they are being vindictive and a plan is afoot to decapitate the PPP...because Jagdeo is, for all intents and purposes, the one man brain and leader of the PPP...if he goes, the party will further crumble....but this can be a chance for the PPP to renew and reform the PPP with Jagdeo out on legal limbo.

If the arrest come to pass....on the basis of racial incitement, this country will be further divided...BUT Indos should take that as an opportunity to make Guyana unstable and ungovernable (I am just thinking of what Hoyte will say and do)...then again...yall Indos are weak and scared of being arrested...yall gon scream like Baseman "dem black man got big guns"...

jes my 2 cents 

I see you have a Indos name, would you like to join me in making the country ungovernable and unstable. 


Why are they taking so long to arrest Dr. Jagdeo? He and Granger should be in the same cell for buggering the Guyanese people. Last Friday Townhall meeting Jagdeo got peppered on some serious questions. I don't think he expected it coming from the diaspora. He might think twice to come back to Richmond Hill. 


HAHAHA The great Jagdeo put the Jackasses to their place. Leonora posted the video, take a look for yourself. The great man told the MC, leave them I can handle them then WATAK in dem Kakahole.

Gilbakka posted:

They can arrest, detain and charge Jagdeo at their own peril. They will lose in court and Jagdeo will become more popular at home and abroad.

the better to frighten and herd the faithful my dear

just listen to this nonsense NOBODY seems to care to check!

fantasy shyte pulled directly from Central Committee honcho Kwame’s bt

look how Jagdeo Media got y’all rallying to the PPP fuhrer like sheep with the snap of a finger

gilbakka reminiscing and tee heeing in a corner


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Image result for nigel dharamlall

Plans afoot to arrest and charge Jagdeo – PPP


Few days ago on Face Book this fella created the mischief of Jagdeo Arrest.


What is his aim and objective...  Do you know? 

Do you think he can be arrested and charge for public mischief?

I was told, complain can be lodge with Facebook and have mischievous accounts close. 

I recall reading Kaieture  News last week  “ Them Bhai Seh” a certain politician will be arrested. 

ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

They can arrest, detain and charge Jagdeo at their own peril. They will lose in court and Jagdeo will become more popular at home and abroad.

the better to frighten and herd the faithful my dear

just listen to this nonsense NOBODY seems to care to check!

fantasy shyte pulled directly from Central Committee honcho Kwame’s bt

look how Jagdeo Media got y’all rallying to the PPP fuhrer like sheep with the snap of a finger

gilbakka reminiscing and tee heeing in a corner


LOL...yes...panic setting in...Jagdeo is all the PPP got

I did say "if it was true"

Django posted:

Image result for nigel dharamlall

Plans afoot to arrest and charge Jagdeo – PPP


Few days ago on Face Book this fella created the mischief of Jagdeo Arrest.


Who this banna???

Prince posted:

Why are they taking so long to arrest Dr. Jagdeo? He and Granger should be in the same cell for buggering the Guyanese people. Last Friday Townhall meeting Jagdeo got peppered on some serious questions. I don't think he expected it coming from the diaspora. He might think twice to come back to Richmond Hill. 


why you gotta go there??

You know only one of dem 2 is a real man...


VishMahabir posted:

IF, and thats a big IF...the coalition is planning to arrest BJ for those comments reported in the media...then they are being vindictive and a plan is afoot to decapitate the PPP...because Jagdeo is, for all intents and purposes, the one man brain and leader of the PPP...if he goes, the party will further crumble....but this can be a chance for the PPP to renew and reform the PPP with Jagdeo out on legal limbo.

If the arrest come to pass....on the basis of racial incitement, this country will be further divided...BUT Indos should take that as an opportunity to make Guyana unstable and ungovernable (I am just thinking of what Hoyte will say and do)...then again...yall Indos are weak and scared of being arrested...yall gon scream like Baseman "dem black man got big guns"...

jes my 2 cents 

please spend your “2 cents” on common sense lessons and start thinking like an adult for a change instead of hopping up and down like a blindfolded donkey every time Jagdeo Media yank your tail or shove a cattle prod up your bt



Police deny they have been instructed to arrest Jagdeo

The Guyana Police Force today denied that it has been instructed to arrest Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo over a speech he had given at Port Mourant on March 11.

A statement from the police force follows:


Following a recent Press Statement by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic in which the party alleged that the Guyana Police Force has been instructed by Congress Place and the Office of the President to arrest, detain, and charge Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party  Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, MP for willfully inciting or attempting to incite racial hostility in relation to a speech at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Corentyne, on March 11, 2019; please be advised as follows.

The Guyana Police Force wishes to clearly refute such statement and to inform all and sundry that the Ministry of the Presidency, the People’s National Congress- Reform or A Partnership for National Unity have not given any such instruction or advice.

Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.

Django posted:

Good Afternoon Friends

Dear #Citizens

Reports have surfaced that the #Granger_Dictatorship is planning to arrest Bharrat Jagdeo upon his return from the USA...

#FreeSpeech #PPPCWillBeBack


Click on link for video

Hear the lying wicked Nigel Dharamlall

Mr Django, it is mischievous and wicked of you to misrepresent people statement..

“ reliable report say” ... assuming Dharamlal was given this information from someone within the police force or a black sheep within Congress Place.

How you know the man wicked... you very mischievous. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Good Afternoon Friends

Dear #Citizens

Reports have surfaced that the #Granger_Dictatorship is planning to arrest Bharrat Jagdeo upon his return from the USA...

#FreeSpeech #PPPCWillBeBack


Click on link for video

Hear the lying wicked Nigel Dharamlall

Mr Django, it is mischievous and wicked of you to misrepresent people statement..

“ reliable report say” ... assuming Dharamlal was given this information from someone within the police force or a black sheep within Congress Place.

How you know the man wicked... you very mischievous. 

Watch the video, see how he is fumbling, since when presenting facts are very mischievous ?

Last edited by Django
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

IF, and thats a big IF...the coalition is planning to arrest BJ for those comments reported in the media...then they are being vindictive and a plan is afoot to decapitate the PPP...because Jagdeo is, for all intents and purposes, the one man brain and leader of the PPP...if he goes, the party will further crumble....but this can be a chance for the PPP to renew and reform the PPP with Jagdeo out on legal limbo.

If the arrest come to pass....on the basis of racial incitement, this country will be further divided...BUT Indos should take that as an opportunity to make Guyana unstable and ungovernable (I am just thinking of what Hoyte will say and do)...then again...yall Indos are weak and scared of being arrested...yall gon scream like Baseman "dem black man got big guns"...

jes my 2 cents 

please spend your “2 cents” on common sense lessons and start thinking like an adult for a change instead of hopping up and down like a blindfolded donkey every time Jagdeo Media yank your tail or shove a cattle prod up your bt



...just thought my 2 pennies wuz worth something...

what is the Jagdeo media?


the Police should investigate and prosecute the Jagdeo Media operatives for incitement

Kwame’s butt prints all over this abomination

unfortunately, mission accomplished . . . Freedom House got their headline

Django posted:

Where is the " LOUD MOUTH KINDERGARTNER"  Neeru ?

Come in who is lying skunk ?

Banna how many times the police force haven’t issue statement to defuse a situation. 

Read slowly the last paragraph of the police statement ... wah  you undastand 

“ Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.” 

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Good Afternoon Friends

Dear #Citizens

Reports have surfaced that the #Granger_Dictatorship is planning to arrest Bharrat Jagdeo upon his return from the USA...

#FreeSpeech #PPPCWillBeBack


Click on link for video

Hear the lying wicked Nigel Dharamlall

Mr Django, it is mischievous and wicked of you to misrepresent people statement..

“ reliable report say” ... assuming Dharamlal was given this information from someone within the police force or a black sheep within Congress Place.

How you know the man wicked... you very mischievous. 

Watch the video, see how he is fumbling, since when presenting facts are very mischievous ?

Bhai me en good at reading lips ... yo resume growing... good fo you. 

Dave posted:

Police deny they have been instructed to arrest Jagdeo

The Guyana Police Force today denied that it has been instructed to arrest Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo over a speech he had given at Port Mourant on March 11.

A statement from the police force follows:


Following a recent Press Statement by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic in which the party alleged that the Guyana Police Force has been instructed by Congress Place and the Office of the President to arrest, detain, and charge Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party  Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, MP for willfully inciting or attempting to incite racial hostility in relation to a speech at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Corentyne, on March 11, 2019; please be advised as follows.

The Guyana Police Force wishes to clearly refute such statement and to inform all and sundry that the Ministry of the Presidency, the People’s National Congress- Reform or A Partnership for National Unity have not given any such instruction or advice.

Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.


Thank you, Guyana Police.

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Where is the " LOUD MOUTH KINDERGARTNER"  Neeru ?

Come in who is lying skunk ?

Banna how many times the police force haven’t issue statement to defuse a situation. 

Read slowly the last paragraph of the police statement ... wah  you undastand 

“ Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.” 

Your attempt to defend are futile. Seems you have a problem with comprehension.

Nehru posted:

HAHAHA The great Jagdeo put the Jackasses to their place. Leonora posted the video, take a look for yourself.

The great man told the MC, leave them I can handle them then WATAK in dem Kakahole.  

Only in that place, eh bhai Nehru ? 

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Where is the " LOUD MOUTH KINDERGARTNER"  Neeru ?

Come in who is lying skunk ?

Try to make sense DUMMY. I know how challenging that will be for you.


Look who is talking about challenging, a DUMMY who can't back up any his statements.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Where is the " LOUD MOUTH KINDERGARTNER"  Neeru ?

Come in who is lying skunk ?

Banna how many times the police force haven’t issue statement to defuse a situation. 

Read slowly the last paragraph of the police statement ... wah  you undastand 

“ Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.” 

Your attempt to defend are futile. Seems you have a problem with comprehension.

I must admit I am NOT perfect in English but you of all telling me about comprehension LOL  .. the pot telling the cahary he bottom black .

Let me try and break the paragraph down for you from my understanding . Yes the police denied of any arrest at this time but say any action depends on legal advice to engage in investigation. 

The police say no instruction was given by Congress Place or APNU. 

The police didn’t say if Congress Place and APNU asked them to look into such statement by Jagdeo. 

You will agree with me instructions and advice Don’t have the same meaning. 

I will go with the police statement with caution ... my opinion. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Your attempt to defend are futile. Seems you have a problem with comprehension.

I must admit I am NOT perfect in English but you of all telling me about comprehension LOL  .. the pot telling the cahary he bottom black .


Banna...if you na purfect in Hinglish and lack camprehension...check in wid Ronan...dat dude good wid he Hinglish... is this for Guyanese lingo??? 

Dave posted:

I must admit I am NOT perfect in English but you of all telling me about comprehension LOL  .. the pot telling the cahary he bottom black .

Let me try and break the paragraph down for you from my understanding . Yes the police denied of any arrest at this time but say any action depends on legal advice to engage in investigation. 

The police say no instruction was given by Congress Place or APNU. 

The police didn’t say if Congress Place and APNU asked them to look into such statement by Jagdeo. 

You will agree with me instructions and advice Don’t have the same meaning. 

I will go with the police statement with caution ... my opinion. 


The Guyana Police Force today denied that it has been instructed to arrest Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo over a speech he had given at Port Mourant on March 11.

A statement from the police force follows:

Following a recent Press Statement by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic in which the party alleged that the Guyana Police Force has been instructed by Congress Place and the Office of the President to arrest, detain, and charge Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party  Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, MP for willfully inciting or attempting to incite racial hostility in relation to a speech at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Corentyne, on March 11, 2019; please be advised as follows.

The Guyana Police Force wishes to clearly refute such statement and to inform all and sundry that the Ministry of the Presidency, the People’s National Congress- Reform or A Partnership for National Unity have not given any such instruction or advice.

Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.


Please re-read the whole statement,

the last paragraph have nothing to do with any any instruction to arrest Jagdeo, it's a statement about organization.


Police deny they have been instructed to arrest Jagdeo

The Guyana Police Force today denied that it has been instructed to arrest Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo over a speech he had given at Port Mourant on March 11.

A statement from the police force follows:

Following a recent Press Statement by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic in which the party alleged that the Guyana Police Force has been instructed by Congress Place and the Office of the President to arrest, detain, and charge Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party  Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, MP for willfully inciting or attempting to incite racial hostility in relation to a speech at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Corentyne, on March 11, 2019; please be advised as follows.

The Guyana Police Force wishes to clearly refute such statement and to inform all and sundry that the Ministry of the Presidency, the People’s National Congress- Reform or A Partnership for National Unity have not given any such instruction or advice.

Additionally, the Guyana Police Force wishes to state that it remains a professional organization and any action previously or currently being taken, is wholly pursuant to legal advice obtained and or to engage in investigations.


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