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Fundraiser for slain political activist’s children passes $500,000 mark

March 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A fundraiser for the children of assassinated political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, is currently being facilitated by this publication. The fundraiser was spurred by several persons both here and in the Diaspora calling on this publication to take on the task.
As a result, Publisher of this newspaper, Mr. Glenn Lall, had written to Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, seeking permission to host the fundraiser.
The fundraiser commenced on Thursday after approval was granted by Minister Rohee.
Several persons have already contributed with the total donation submitted to this publication, as at yesterday, amounting to $679,000.
Persons desirous of contributing to this fundraiser, which is intended to cater to the educational needs of Crum-Ewing’s children, can do so by contacting our office on telephone number 225-8491 or visiting our Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, office.
Crum-Ewing was brutally murdered on the evening of Tuesday March 10, 2015, as he, aided by a bullhorn, advocated for persons in the Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara, area to exercise their franchise at the upcoming elections on May 11, 2015.
He was shot five times – three to the head and two to his chest – as he stood on Third Avenue in the Diamond New Scheme.
The slain 40-year-old leaves to mourn three children – Cosia Jewani Crum-Ewing, 13; Courtene Jadonna Crum-Ewing, 12, and three-year-old Cenique Crum-Ewing.

funds ewing




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Contributions for a man that said " The only good Indian is a dead one"???  One thing I admire about the Jewish People, when it comes to their Race, Religion and Culture they will never sell themselves short, they will come together to DEFEND their rights and will NEVER play games with those rights. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kids are innocent and I support any fundraiser that is done for the children's benefits. Also, there are many fatherless children that don't get this kind of attention.

Cobra I admire your decency.

At the event today I got some inside information on this individual, seems like he was not working with a full deck.

But as you said Cobra it is for his children.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Kids are innocent and I support any fundraiser that is done for the children's benefits. Also, there are many fatherless children that don't get this kind of attention.

Cobra I admire your decency.

At the event today I got some inside information on this individual, seems like he was not working with a full deck.

But as you said Cobra it is for his children.


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