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"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Free press exists in Guyana for a very long time.

Bhai Dg, Dem Bannas line in US so long but still dont know what is a FREE PRESS.  Dem like when Bunham bin BAN Printing Paper and other printing materials.

I remember the days when the Mirror Newspaper deliveryman had to hide and deliver the Mirror Newspaper. Guyana has come a long way in enjoying freedom of expression under a PPP government. We have several newspapers and TV and radio stations. This is a testimony of freedom of expression.


KN is spreading misinformation and scaring investors. The government should refuse to renew the license of KN when it is due for renewal. It will do our beloved motherland a lot of good without the pesticide that KN is spewing.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
In life you can choose---negativity or positivity!

Similar to looking at a glass filled half way with water.


Optimists view the glass as half-full while pessimists see it as half-empty.



Mitwa look dem fellas feel lil paint can repackage this Ole Donkey.

Half Zebra.....Half Donkey


Mitwa.....only a Ole Fool in Stripes will say all of this is just half empty or half fill.


Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana. 




Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry, 

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.


Jalil, that olde fool doesn't know if he is half alive or half dead. As to the racialist Rev and his racialist sister Yugii, the hate that they have for N*gger Indians is eating them like a flesh eating disease.


Man these PPP fogies really living in a bubble.




Jagdeo shares out airwaves to friendsâ€ĶPM Hinds fumbles on multiple broadcast frequencies

March 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



â€Ķsays issues “technical”

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds yesterday said that he sees no “big issue” over the granting of multiple broadcast frequencies to favourites of the government and former President Bharrat Jagdeo.


These types of posts that the AFC puts out exposes their lack of reality. The AFC ran away, yes the AFC ran away from the Televised anti corruption debates. They had no smoking gun.


Instead the AFC uses toilet paper and tabloid reporting of KN. Now even that is starting to backfire on the AFC. Karma is also taking a toll on them. The AFC is finished.


HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you fools are so scared of the opposition that you're now calling on people to boycott reading other newspapers, just read the Government, (yes, that same Govt that's screwing you) rags.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The fact is that the AFC/PNC bandits ran away from the corruption debates when they were afforded a forum to trounce the PPP and prove their charges of corruption. Now they rely on the rag Kaiteur to spew uncontested garbage. 

Why don't you all air head listen to yourself first before you speak?


The debates were rigged from Day 1 and the AFC trusted the PPP.  That was their mistake.


The debate were 3 - PPP against 1 AFC.


Is that a debate you monkey, bugurd?

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The fact is that the AFC/PNC bandits ran away from the corruption debates when they were afforded a forum to trounce the PPP and prove their charges of corruption. Now they rely on the rag Kaiteur to spew uncontested garbage. 

Why don't you all air head listen to yourself first before you speak?


The debates were rigged from Day 1 and the AFC trusted the PPP.  That was their mistake.


The debate were 3 - PPP against 1 AFC.


Is that a debate you monkey, bugurd?

Read what you just wrote very carefully and realize that admin wants wants higher standards not personal attacks.


Fact remains, the AFC ran away, yes ran away from the anti corruption debates because they had no smoking gun. Cheddi Jagan was never afraid to take on Burnham.


I listened to one debate in which Gerhard left with this tail between his legs when confronted to provide facts.... he had none. He fell apart when confronted as to the repairs of the German trucks.


Listen, the AFC snake oil days are over. Your beloved KN is now toilet paper, your leader is on the receiving end of bad Karma, there is serious infighting in the AFC.


Moses billed NICIL for millions in services, this left Ramjattan floored and shaking his head in shame. The AFC has yet to provide the results of the case involvement of the allegation by AFC executive members towards the Bush doctor involving election funds.


This investigation was shoved under the carpet by the AFC. After all, the AFC refuses to investigate their own involving corruption. Gerhard is on record on this forum supporting an investigation but has remained silent on the findings. What is there to hide ?


Nigel led perceived terrorist activities in Linden and Agricola but still took "privileges" from the PPP when his life was in danger. Karma caught up with him. 


The AFC lacks a morale compass. They are finished. The last meeting held in Berbice attracted less than 100 persons most of whom were AFC members from across the country.


The AFC will end up like ROAR. Remember them ?


Do I hear the word Neemakharam ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The fact is that the AFC/PNC bandits ran away from the corruption debates when they were afforded a forum to trounce the PPP and prove their charges of corruption. Now they rely on the rag Kaiteur to spew uncontested garbage. 

Why don't you all air head listen to yourself first before you speak?


The debates were rigged from Day 1 and the AFC trusted the PPP.  That was their mistake.


The debate were 3 - PPP against 1 AFC.


Is that a debate you monkey, bugurd?

Read what you just wrote very carefully and realize that admin wants wants higher standards not personal attacks.


Fact remains, the AFC ran away, yes ran away from the anti corruption debates because they had no smoking gun. Cheddi Jagan was never afraid to take on Burnham.


I listened to one debate in which Gerhard left with this tail between his legs when confronted to provide facts.... he had none. He fell apart when confronted as to the repairs of the German trucks.


Listen, the AFC snake oil days are over. Your beloved KN is now toilet paper, your leader is on the receiving end of bad Karma, there is serious infighting in the AFC.


Moses billed NICIL for millions in services, this left Ramjattan floored and shaking his head in shame. The AFC has yet to provide the results of the case involvement of the allegation by AFC executive members towards the Bush doctor involving election funds.


This investigation was shoved under the carpet by the AFC. After all, the AFC refuses to investigate their own involving corruption. Gerhard is on record on this forum supporting an investigation but has remained silent on the findings. What is there to hide ?


Nigel led perceived terrorist activities in Linden and Agricola but still took "privileges" from the PPP when his life was in danger. Karma caught up with him. 


The AFC lacks a morale compass. They are finished. The last meeting held in Berbice attracted less than 100 persons most of whom were AFC members from across the country.


The AFC will end up like ROAR. Remember them ?


Do I hear the word Neemakharam ?

Yugii I heard you are a jackass.

There is still time for Mr. Lall to repentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by SUNDARNAUTH   
Friday, 22 March 2013 19:28

“WE demand equal rights & justice in the granting of Radio, TV and Cable Licences” – this is what the Mr. Glenn Lall’s placard says on the front page of last Friday’s edition of the Kaieteur News. Is this guy for real? First of all, where is his moral right to demand equal rights and justice? Has he ever treated anyone fairly with a sense of justice? He twisst and turns on a daily basis every fact that does not suit his greedy interests, spins every half-truth to serve his greed, shamelessly prints barefaced lies about decent, hard-working and law- abiding Guyanese; employed a columnist who is the biggest intellectual fake of all times for the sole purpose of character assassination of those he hates; gives space for outright racists comments and the promotion of racial disharmony in Guyana; deliberately and shamelessly preys  on the lack of knowledge of poor and  innocent Guyanese on technical issues for selfish purposes, etc, all because he cannot have it his way.  
What could be worse than stopping at nothing to destroy a whole country just because you cannot have it your way? Like it or not, the fact is, Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP have transformed Guyana into one of the few shining stars of the world today.
My placard in front of the Kaieteur News would read “Decent Guyanese demand fair and objective coverage, factual reporting and decency from Kaieteur News”,  “Stop character Assassinations”, “Stop promoting intellectual fakes”, ... .
In fact, Mr. Lall should be a million times ashamed of himself and apologise to the nation, especially the Amerindians for desecrating the spirit of the Great Kai and for using his name and Guyana’s most popular tourist attraction, “The Kaieteur”, as the name of his muckraking tabloid paper.
 I would like to advise our Amerindian brothers and sisters to demand that Mr. Lall stop desecrating the Sprit of the Great Kai. There is noting great or sacred about the paper as compared to the Sprit of the Great Kai and the amazing and breat-h taking beauty of the Kaieteur Falls.
It is an insult to everyone, especially the Amerindians, who loves this country for a tabloid news- paper of the sort to which the Kaieteur News belongs, to be named after one of the world’s most amazing natural beauties.
A message for Mr. Lall: Why don’t you take a peep inside and start to clean up before you are called to the maker. There is still time to repent. Surely you wouldn’t want to meet him in the condition you are right now! Or you have no plans to meet him?
Phagwah is just around the corner. It is an opportune time to start repenting.


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