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Plight of the NIS





With its urgent tone, the draft Eighth Actuarial Review of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) has again lifted the veil into the country’s troubled social security system.  The reviewer, Mr Derek Osborne of Horizonow was blunt in his assessment, declaring that the scheme was nearing a crisis and immediate steps were required to pull it back from the brink including raising the contribution rate from 13% to 15% no later than January next year, hiking the wage ceiling to $200,000 per month, freezing pension increases and raising in a phased manner the pensionable age from 60 to 65.


A raft of other measures was enunciated in the report which in a matter-of-fact manner set out the jeopardy faced by the Scheme and other dangers such as an unbalanced investment portfolio and a low number of contributors. Mr Osborne also raised doubts about the quality of governance at the NIS and the efficiency of the Scheme. Reportage on the review drew immediate ripostes from the two government officials who have the closest connection to the NIS: the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and the long-serving Chairman of the NIS, Dr Roger Luncheon.


Dr Singh was emphatic that the government would “never let the NIS fail”. The fact that the word `fail’ is referenced at all signifies the depth of neglect and disengagement shown by the government to the Scheme over the last 20 years.

Dr Luncheon was at his blustering best, playing down the seriousness of the report.


“Dire reflects some immediacy like yesterday…Is this NIS a sinking ship that is ready to go down? Nonsense… as we sit here today, the Scheme is healthy…I intend to draw pension for a good lil while’,  Dr Luncheon declared.


In the coming weeks stakeholders will dissect the proposals made by Mr Osborne and the government will then have to act legislatively and, importantly, with the support of the opposition. Hopefully this will lead to a symphony of cooperation on other matters in Parliament including the all-important 2013 budget.


It is, however,  the dangerous drifting of the scheme in the last 10 years in particular towards the cliff’s edge that should be exposed and stand as a damning indictment of the PPP/C government. There is no gainsaying that benefits paid out by the NIS have improved vastly as pointed out by Dr Singh. What is however more relevant is that Dr Singh, Dr Luncheon and the government would be acutely aware that no NIS can be operated in a manner where over two decades a variety of benefits would have been extended or inaugurated without consequential adjustments to the level of contributions or aggressive measures taken to ensure that the number of contributors was vastly expanded. That failure amounted to gross dereliction of duty.


Neither of those two matters has been addressed despite the fact that for the last decade there were pervasive concerns that the Scheme was  approaching a point where benefits paid out per annum would begin to exceed contributions taken in and that the largest single liability – old age pensions would begin to severely impact as the Scheme matured. The 2001 actuarial report had pointed in this direction. It was surely these concerns that spurred the same PPP/C government to establish a committee in 2007 to review the NIS, leading to the presentation of a report with recommendations to remedy the situation. However, for reasons known only to itself the government failed to act. The report of the NIS reform committee was followed by the seventh actuarial study which again underlined the serious problems facing the scheme.


Many of the urgent recommendations that are now facing the government from the eighth actuarial review could already have been in the midst of a phased implementation had the government of former President Jagdeo and the 20-year Chairman of the NIS, Dr Luncheon discharged their duties in a responsible manner. They clearly failed to do this. One is aware that to suggest to PPP/C governments that any of its leading lights should be removed for incompetence and poor performance is an exercise in futility and likely to lead to hysterics, yet it must be said that Dr Luncheon should have been removed from his position as Chairman many years ago because of the paralysis he presided over, and the management of the Scheme revamped. Nothing happened.


It is clear that in the backdrop of the NIS’ first ever deficit in its 42 year-old history last year and the likelihood of this becoming an annual feature that the government knows its time for meandering on the Scheme is over. This is undoubtedly why the oft ignored societal stakeholders are now being involved in consultations at the Office of the President on November 22.  The tough decisions that were ignored in relation to contribution rates and why so many people are not contributing to the Scheme now have to be faced frontally and the government will want the opposition and civil society on board.


Mr Osborne made the important point that the patent inefficiency of the Scheme and its dreadful record keeping has dissuaded many persons from contributing to the NIS and ultimately hurting the Scheme’s ability to cushion the benefits that are being paid out.


The Scheme’s investment mix is also out of kilter. Moreover, billions of NIS dollars was lost to the CLICO (Guyana) collapse in 2009 and while the government has promised to cover this using taxpayers’ money, nothing has been forthcoming. All of these matters have festered without any evident attempt to address them.

So grave is this matter that consultations in and out of Parliament on the future of the Scheme have to be devoid of political posturing and rancour. However, it is impossible to envisage any meaningful change taking hold of the Scheme if Dr Luncheon maintains his stultifying presence at the top. He must take full responsibility for the calamitous state of the Scheme and consequently should take his leave from that position.


Given its control of Parliament the opposition must play a leading role in the transformation of the Scheme. It must insist that the government and the Scheme provide all of the requisite data and information to guide discussions. Public consultations comprising both sides of the House and the full engagement of the Economic Services Committee of Parliament should feature prominently in charting the path ahead.


The plight of the NIS is but one example of the delinquent and irresponsible stewardship of the PPP/C. It must work now in a good faith manner with all stakeholders to help retrieve the situation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Given its control of Parliament the opposition must play a leading role in the transformation of the Scheme. It must insist that the government and the Scheme provide all of the requisite data and information to guide discussions. Public consultations comprising both sides of the House and the full engagement of the Economic Services Committee of Parliament should feature prominently in charting the path ahead.


The plight of the NIS is but one example of the delinquent and irresponsible stewardship of the PPP/C. It must work now in a good faith manner with all stakeholders to help retrieve the situation.

PPP/Civic Government will never let NIS fail – says Finance MinisterPDFPrintE-mail
Thursday, 15 November 2012 23:43

MINISTER of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh yesterday emphatically stated that the PPP/Civic Government will never let the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) fail. He emphasized that the Government is firmly committed to finding viable and lasting solutions to the challenges faced by the Scheme, while minimizing the

impact of any such solutions on workers, employers, and pensioners.


Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh

Singh made the remarks in response to recent speculation by Opposition mouthpieces and media houses regarding the latest actuarial review of the Scheme, and he described these comments as nothing other than “politically opportunistic”.
Singh made the point that a number of well known factors have contributed to the current situation faced by the NIS, including very importantly, the phenomenal growth in benefits paid by the NIS to its beneficiaries which has outstripped the growth in contributions received.
The Minister pointed out that total benefit payments have grown phenomenally from a paltry $272 million in 1991 to $10.7 billion in 2011. What is particularly significant is that, in 1991 administrative expenditure amounted to $142 million equivalent to 52 percent of benefit payments. In striking contrast, in 2011 administrative expenditure amounted to $1.5 billion equivalent to 14 percent of benefit payments.
In fact, Minister Singh pointed out that if one only looked at recent years from 2007 to 2011, total benefit payments made by NIS increased by 46 percent to $10.7 billion with some categories of benefit payments rising even more rapidly, such as old age benefit payments which rose by 64 percent to $7.8 billion over the same period. At the same time, the Scheme’s total contribution income increased more slowly by 33 percent to $10.8 billion over the same period. Meanwhile, the Scheme’s administrative expenditure rose by a much more modest 20 percent over that period.
According to a release from the Government Information Agency, these developments reflect a number of realities, including the fact that more persons are recognizing the value of NIS benefits and are making claims, life expectancy has been rising and as a result the pension receiving population has been increasing steadily, and the cost of providing coverage in such areas as medical benefits has been increasing rapidly. At the same time, recognizing the fact that contributions are paid by the working population and the business community, the Scheme’s contribution rate increases over the years have been very modest.
In addition, the Board and Management of the NIS have been endeavouring to augment contribution income with investment income by seeking out higher return investment opportunities without compromising the quality of the investment portfolio. It is for this reason that such investments as those made in the Berbice River Bridge Company Inc (BBCI) were made.
GINA noted that, in the case of the BBCI investments, rates of return as high as 11 percent were being earned, compared to the paltry rates of return that were being earned on some investments made by the Scheme prior to 1992. The Scheme’s investments in Clico also represented a part of this effort to earn higher rates of return, given the levels of return that Clico investments were paying at the time. In relation to the Scheme’s investments in Clico, the Minister reiterated the Government’s previously expressed assurance that the Government will ensure that the NIS does not lose the amounts it invested in Clico.
Minister Singh also acknowledged the need for accelerated progress to be made in improving administrative efficiency at the Scheme, particularly as it relates to timely processing of benefit payments and updating and maintenance of accurate contribution records. In this regard, the Minister stated that the management of the scheme has been working diligently to address these issues.
The Minister stated that there are no easy answers or solutions to the issues identified by the actuarial report, drawing attention to the fact that the Opposition mouthpieces in all of their politically motivated pronouncements have conveniently sidestepped the reality that some of the report’s recommended solutions, such as increasing the contribution rate, increasing the wage ceiling, freezing pension increases, and raising the pensionable age, will all cause hardship to the beneficiary and contributing populations, including both employees, employers and self-employed contributors.
Minister Singh stated that the Opposition mouthpieces should state clearly what their Party’s position is on these specific recommendations including the ones that will cause hardship to workers. For example, he stated, the Alliance for Change and its spokespersons should state clearly what their Party’s position is on increasing contribution rates and raising the pensionable age.
Meanwhile, Minister Singh stated that the PPP/Civic Government remains firmly committed to consulting with the widest range of stakeholders on the full set of issues facing the Scheme, in order to identify sustainable solutions that would benefit from strong national ownership and that would ensure the long term viability and effectiveness of the National Insurance Scheme.
Luncheon dismisses claims NIS is a sinking ship as ‘total nonsense’ - says interventions are in train to ensure continued viability of SchemePDFPrintE-mail
Thursday, 15 November 2012 23:42

RECENT speculation and claims by opposition mouthpieces and media houses that the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) is a sinking ship are “total nonsense”, according to Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon.



NIS Board Chairman Dr. Roger Luncheon

However, Luncheon noted that there is evidence that recommendations brought forth by the Seventh Actuarial review of the NIS need to be acted on.
Responding to recent headlines about the viability of the NIS, Dr Luncheon, who is also Chairman of the NIS Board, noted that the report mirrors recommendations made in a statement issued by an NIS Reform Committee in 2008.
The board was “rather selective with regard to recommendations it endorsed and implemented,” Dr Luncheon stated.
It was noted that some recommendations were entertained, whilst some were not. The HPS conceded that the findings suggest that the decision with regard to specific recommendations should have been given greater attention at that point in time, but these challenges will be addressed.
Meanwhile, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said that NIS will never be allowed to fail under the ruling administration. He noted that the NIS’s evolution from 2007 to 2011, alone has shown a clear set of patterns that is: benefits payments have increased as more persons are healthier and living longer, hence more contributors are collecting pensions for longer time periods.
Dr Singh acknowledged that income from contributions have not grown to match the expenditure for payments and this will be addressed in innovative ways.

Many of the urgent recommendations that are now facing the government from the eighth actuarial review could already have been in the midst of a phased implementation had the government of former President Jagdeo and the 20-year Chairman of the NIS, Dr Luncheon discharged their duties in a responsible manner. They clearly failed to do this. One is aware that to suggest to PPP/C governments that any of its leading lights should be removed for incompetence and poor performance is an exercise in futility and likely to lead to hysterics, yet it must be said that Dr Luncheon should have been removed from his position as Chairman many years ago because of the paralysis he presided over, and the management of the Scheme revamped. Nothing happened.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Thursday, 15 November 2012 23:42




NIS Board Chairman 

IMF STAFF said the finances of the NIS are unsustainable under current parameters.


Source:  IMF Staff Report.


Where this old man smoking?  He telling the IMF they are speaking untruth?




Who bruk up NIS?


The problem with NIS is that the AFc/PNC supporters don't contribute but they send all their parents to collect even though many live overseas, placing a burden on the system.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The problem with NIS is that the AFc/PNC supporters don't contribute but they send all their parents to collect even though many live overseas, placing a burden on the system.

Yuh fogget about de phantom pensioners? Check de news. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The problem with NIS is that the AFc/PNC supporters don't contribute but they send all their parents to collect even though many live overseas, placing a burden on the system.

Yuh fogget about de phantom pensioners? Check de news. 

That's who the phantom pensioners are, AFc/Pnc friends and family. You will note that the people who run the NIS distribution of funds are AFC/PNC supporters and the commit fraud to support party members. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The problem with NIS is that the AFc/PNC supporters don't contribute but they send all their parents to collect even though many live overseas, placing a burden on the system.

Yuh fogget about de phantom pensioners? Check de news. 

That's who the phantom pensioners are, PPP/C friends and family. You will note that the people who run the NIS distribution of funds are PPP/C supporters and they commit fraud to support party members. (Edited)

Now that's the truth.


Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she failed to reveal was that the NIS scammers were AFc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the AFC's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she failed to reveal was that the NIS scammers were AFc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the AFC's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

De shit yuh write reflect de fowl shit in yuh head. De fowl shit nah gat wings. No one believe de shit because if da bin a true aluh bin already grag dem AFC people in de courts. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/C operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians.  Edited.

That is the truth.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she failed to reveal was that the NIS scammers were AFc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to theAFC's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

Correction to what the fellow with the recent Indian bird brain transplant as an upgrade to his non functioning brain. .

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she failed to reveal was that the NIS scammers were AFc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the AFC's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

 I guess you believe in fairies and hobgoblins as well! For whom is your drivel intended? Surely your target audience is not the board since most here live in the real world with the corrupt PPP stealing their asses off.


Further, if indeed the AFC could so easily infiltrate the system with phantoms NIS precipitants, what sort of incompetent idiots do we have as managers of the fund? But you are a simpleton and your target audience for this bilge could only be other simpletons like yourself. Sensible people know the crooks in charge are scamming the system to the poorhouse.


All claims to rescue it wll be just another CLICO...digging a hole here to fill one they created in the first place. Where is the CLICO head crook? Is she not tangentially associated with the milking of NIS as well? You do not know you behind from your brains.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 I guess you believe in fairies and hobgoblins as well! For whom is your drivel intended? Surely your target audience is not the board since most here live in the real world with the corrupt PPP stealing their asses off.


Further, if indeed the AFC could so easily infiltrate the system with phantoms NIS precipitants, what sort of incompetent idiots do we have as managers of the fund? But you are a simpleton and your target audience for this bilge could only be other simpletons like yourself. Sensible people know the crooks in charge are scamming the system to the poorhouse.


All claims to rescue it wll be just another CLICO...digging a hole here to fill one they created in the first place. Where is the CLICO head crook? Is she not tangentially associated with the milking of NIS as well? You do not know you behind from your brains.

You have been brainwashed by the AFC, they have sold you on the idea that painting the PPP as corrupt will usher them into power. So far they have yet to produce evidence of wide spread corruption as a core value of the PPP administration. You will note that Ramjattan, Trotman, Nagamootto and Hughes are all lawyers and masters of corruption as they continue to fleece their clients. How many times have people come forward with testimony that they were robbed by the above mentioned? How many drug dealers and criminals are their clients?


Contrary to your assertion that it is common knowledge that the PPP is corrupt, only AFC/PNC supporters perpetuate this myth. There is corruption in every 3rd world nation, from bottom to the top. The PPP is no exception but so far you folks have failed to show this as fact. Many times the people involved in the corrupt practices are PNC/AFC agents but you still blame the PPP. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/C operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C's coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were Afc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the Afc/PNC coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 I guess you believe in fairies and hobgoblins as well! For whom is your drivel intended? Surely your target audience is not the board since most here live in the real world with the corrupt PPP stealing their asses off.


Further, if indeed the AFC could so easily infiltrate the system with phantoms NIS precipitants, what sort of incompetent idiots do we have as managers of the fund? But you are a simpleton and your target audience for this bilge could only be other simpletons like yourself. Sensible people know the crooks in charge are scamming the system to the poorhouse.


All claims to rescue it wll be just another CLICO...digging a hole here to fill one they created in the first place. Where is the CLICO head crook? Is she not tangentially associated with the milking of NIS as well? You do not know you behind from your brains.

You have been brainwashed by the AFC, they have sold you on the idea that painting the PPP as corrupt will usher them into power. So far they have yet to produce evidence of wide spread corruption as a core value of the PPP administration. You will note that Ramjattan, Trotman, Nagamootto and Hughes are all lawyers and masters of corruption as they continue to fleece their clients. How many times have people come forward with testimony that they were robbed by the above mentioned? How many drug dealers and criminals are their clients?


Contrary to your assertion that it is common knowledge that the PPP is corrupt, only AFC/PNC supporters perpetuate this myth. There is corruption in every 3rd world nation, from bottom to the top. The PPP is no exception but so far you folks have failed to show this as fact. Many times the people involved in the corrupt practices are PNC/AFC agents but you still blame the PPP. 

The PPP are corrupt because they are corrupt. The use a drug lord as their enforcement agent, pillage our assets through NICIL, give away our assets to cronies and govern like old communists. They are corrupt.Pretending you know Ramjattan et al are corrupt wont make it so or allay the despotism in the PPP.


Excusing their corruption on account of your presumption that other nations are corrupt is not only nonsensical but stupid reasoning.  You did not seek to excuse whatever corruption you presume is the nature of Ramjattan et al on the presence of corrupt individuals everywhere in the world. You sought to make a distinction that there is good and evil and you know they are evil.


Similarly, the PPP as agents of corruption  because corruption is not the status quo in the world. No one elects governments because they are electing crooks and I bet the PPP do not think themselves to be crooks on account of others being crooked. They are crooks because the pillage, plunder and filch our nations assets left and right with wanton disregard

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP are corrupt because they are corrupt. The use a drug lord as their enforcement agent, pillage our assets through NICIL, give away our assets to cronies and govern like old communists. They are corrupt.Pretending you know Ramjattan et al are corrupt wont make it so or allay the despotism in the PPP.


Excusing their corruption on account of your presumption that other nations are corrupt is not only nonsensical but stupid reasoning.  You did not seek to excuse whatever corruption you presume is the nature of Ramjattan et al on the presence of corrupt individuals everywhere in the world. You sought to make a distinction that there is good and evil and you know they are evil.


Similarly, the PPP as agents of corruption  because corruption is not the status quo in the world. No one elects governments because they are electing crooks and I bet the PPP do not think themselves to be crooks on account of others being crooked. They are crooks because the pillage, plunder and filch our nations assets left and right with wanton disregard

How very thoughtful of you to proclaim that the PPP are corrupt because they are corrupt. You must have seen the same doctor as Mitwah when he had the bird brain transplant in India.   

None of the drivel you proclaim above is rooted in fact, just conjecture of you and your kind. When you come with facts then we can have a fruitful discussion, otherwise debating you while you reference hearsay and rumors is exercise in futility. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/C operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Thank you! What happened to your braying?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were Afc/PNC operatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the Afc/PNC coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Thank you! What happened to your braying?

Just for you, hahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/Coperatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Thank you! What happened to your braying?

Just for you, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha haaa

Thanks! Could you be a little  louder and not phart? BTW, you need help to repair your stable?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were Afc/PNCoperatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the Afc/PNC coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Thank you! What happened to your braying?

Just for you, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha haaa

Thanks! Could you be a little  louder and not phart? BTW, you need help to repair your stable?


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/Coperatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 



Yes indeed

Thank you! What happened to your braying?

Just for you, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha haaa

Thanks! Could you be a little  louder and not phart? BTW, you need help to repair your stable?


LOL! Like you lost your voice.

originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were Afc/PNCoperatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the Afc/PNC coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Sheila Holda (God rest her) bin discover de phantom pensioner. Dem bin a siphon money away by creating fake pensioners. One of de ways dem tief de money and now NIS a turn SIN. 

What she revealed was that the NIS scammers were PPP/Coperatives who run the NIS office. They connive to steal the contributors money by signing up friends and families living overseas who didn't qualify for payments. The money eventually made its way to the PPP/C coffers to supply bandits with weapons to rob and kill Indians. 

Thanks once again.


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