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PM extends olive branch to PPP – ‘Come on board, let us talk’

January 4, 2016 4:24 pm Category: Local News, Politics, Internet, Other Stories, latest news A+ /A-

Prime Minister and First Vice President Moses Nagamotoo has called for unity talks with the political Opposition, in an effort to achieve a more unified National Assembly. The Prime Minister, who is also leader of the House, is spearheading the unity talks initiative.
According to a GINA report, the administration believes Parliament should be one where there is less confrontation, less arguments, and less expression of animosities and hatred, hence this olive branch extension to the Opposition.
GINA noted that during a recent interview, the Prime Minister explained that it is envisaged that the Parliament, on both the Government and Opposition benches will work in harmony for the greater good of Guyana and its peoples in 2016. Therefore, he has reissued his call to the political Opposition.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

“Come on board, let us talk, let us make 2016 the year when we put aside our squabbles, when we stop cussing each other, and this bickering must stop. I want to say that I will not spare any effort in pursing this goal, whether they cuss me up today, and they reject me today, I believe that it is unsustainable to do so forever.”
The Prime Minister has advised that the wave of the future for Guyana is one of national unity and one where the nation embraces itself in oneness.
“For me there is no such thing as an Opposition in a House. We are all partners, and the old concept of our old majesty’s loyal Opposition does not work anymore. We are all nationalists, we are all driven by one agenda, the love of our country, the love of our people, the love of our environment to see that we have a productive and healthy environment, and that we could all be proud,” the Prime Minister said.
He stated that the olive branch which was extended to the PPP, a party which he was associated with for 50 years, is not an idle offer, and it should not be brushed aside.
“… if you take that path that Guyana’s future can be realised by confrontation, then you are inviting others who have their eyes on our country to exploit our division, and it has always been said that division in the face of an enemy is always a poor strategy. It is not even a strategy, it is a blunder, a mistake of monumental proportion,” he stated.
The concept of being an opposition for the sake of opposing should not be applicable as all members of Parliament are seen as patriots, fighting for Guyana and putting forward the best image of the country, he stated.
Nagamootoo also called on Guyanese to recognise that in harmony and unity, national development can be achieved at a faster rate, and urged that they make a solemn under taking to put their country’s image fir

Replies sorted oldest to newest

When your own countrymen is being treated like dirt by your bosom buddies in your PNC/AFC Coalition Government, how can you extend your olive branch, as of now.........which reeks of suspicions?

Drugb posted:

When these creatures were in opposition they did not take the olive branch extended by the PPP. Why should the PPP be any different. 

and you think this should continue until the end of time.....

Nehru posted:

Why should the PPP trust a savage and a snake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That snake cannot be trusted. Trust can start when that snake starts speaking out on discrimination of Indos. 

RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

When these creatures were in opposition they did not take the olive branch extended by the PPP. Why should the PPP be any different. 

and you think this should continue until the end of time.....

Apparently you missed the meaning of a politician --> "a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization".

Why should the PPP, a political party with aspirations to rule the nation, want to cooperate with the afc/apnu who threw them out of office via rigging, blockage in parliament, unsubstantiated accusations of corruptions/ mo fiah slow fiah and all types of underhanded tactics?

Drugb posted:

When these creatures were in opposition they did not take the olive branch extended by the PPP. Why should the PPP be any different. 

Those creatures in the AFC/PNC cannot be trusted. They worked for the destruction of Guyana while in opposition.

This is politics. They ran on an agenda and promises and they must fulfill those promises.

They must be held accountable. 


If the coalition government was governing in a unified manner since they took office, I believe this olive branch would have been accepted by the PPP. Moses was refused once and he will be refused again, unfortunately. Granger should reach out to the PPP, not Moses. 

Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

When these creatures were in opposition they did not take the olive branch extended by the PPP. Why should the PPP be any different. 

and you think this should continue until the end of time.....

Apparently you missed the meaning of a politician --> "a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization".

Why should the PPP, a political party with aspirations to rule the nation, want to cooperate with the afc/apnu who threw them out of office via rigging, blockage in parliament, unsubstantiated accusations of corruptions/ mo fiah slow fiah and all types of underhanded tactics?

well said!


I always believe in cooperation for the better of the country...even when PPP was in power

Somebody has to be able to rise above the "who penis mo big" syndrome which plagues Guyana.

Seems like some GNIers afflicted wid the same thing


If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.


"We are all nationalists, we are all driven by one agenda, the love of our country, the love of our people, the love of our environment" Nagamootoo said.

What he forgot to say is "love for fooling the citizens of Guyana; love of filling APNU/AFC  pockets by increasing their pay and benefits by 50% after less than 3 months in office for doing squat for the country; love of screwing the pensioners who now have to pay their own electricity and water bills; love of pardoning criminals; love of being the bargaining agent for the Public Service; love of kicking workers in the sugar industry by singling them out for no wage increases etc. 


Moses Nagamootoo can only negotiate cooperation between his own political organisation and other(s). Also, he has no authority to take such actions on government business.

While members of political parties do become legislators, there is a clear distinction between political organisations and the government.

Of note, the discussions and eventual agreement were conducted privately between the PNC/APNU and AFC; as political organisations; before they became a unified group to contest the last elections.

Dondadda posted:

"We are all nationalists, we are all driven by one agenda, the love of our country, the love of our people, the love of our environment" Nagamootoo said.

What he forgot to say is "love for fooling the citizens of Guyana; love of filling APNU/AFC  pockets by increasing their pay and benefits by 50% after less than 3 months in office for doing squat for the country; love of screwing the pensioners who now have to pay their own electricity and water bills; love of pardoning criminals; love of being the bargaining agent for the Public Service; love of kicking workers in the sugar industry by singling them out for no wage increases etc. 

well said...

ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition. What is currently lacking in the parliament is the effective functioning of the special committees whose mandate is to review and improve proposed legislation . This is where trust and unity could be nurtured . You cannot force unity upon any of the parties in Guyana. Fifty years have passed and there is still a mistrust . No party has a monopoly on ideas. Both sides have to listen to each other and draw out the best for the good of the nation. I wish the Guyanese nation all the best. I hope they can get their act together .

BGMAN posted:
ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition. What is currently lacking in the parliament is the effective functioning of the special committees whose mandate is to review and improve proposed legislation . This is where trust and unity could be nurtured . You cannot force unity upon any of the parties in Guyana. Fifty years have passed and there is still a mistrust . No party has a monopoly on ideas. Both sides have to listen to each other and draw out the best for the good of the nation. I wish the Guyanese nation all the best. I hope they can get their act together .

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

BGMAN posted:
ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition.

Good. So Nagamootoo should just leave it that way. He should get to work solving the country's problems instead of trying to con the Opposition.

TK posted:

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

And even with such a divided country, the two sides can find ways to resolve the country's problems. But Nagamootoo is instead looking for 'yes men' in in the Opposition party.

ksazma posted:
BGMAN posted:
ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition.

Good. So Nagamootoo should just leave it that way. He should get to work solving the country's problems instead of trying to con the Opposition.

dat fella doan know one iota of moving a country forward and so is his boss. The decisions of those fellas doan express any indications of healing the wounds of the country. Nagamotoo looking after his pocketbook and Granger busy rewarding old PNC diehards. So far, that seems to be his only purpose.

ksazma posted:
TK posted:

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

And even with such a divided country, the two sides can find ways to resolve the country's problems. But Nagamootoo is instead looking for 'yes men' in in the Opposition party.

You have to remember PM Nagamootoo did not light the fire. In any case, no cooperation means dankey cart economy forever. What makes you feel if PPP wins PNC will be willing to cooperate?

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Screw 'em, shove the olive branch up their PPP asses, they'll enjoy that.

When last were you in Guyana?

Several yrs ago, why you want take me back when u goin nex time?

Last edited by cain
TK posted:
ksazma posted:
TK posted:

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

And even with such a divided country, the two sides can find ways to resolve the country's problems. But Nagamootoo is instead looking for 'yes men' in in the Opposition party.

You have to remember PM Nagamootoo did not light the fire. In any case, no cooperation means dankey cart economy forever. What makes you feel if PPP wins PNC will be willing to cooperate?

Maybe so TK. He can make requests later. But he should first try to add some things to his PM resume. So far he has only added increases to his PM salary. The Coalition made promises to the Guyanese voters which they have so far failed to fulfil. That is what he should be concerned with.

Nehru posted:

Why should the PPP trust a savage and a snake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are more interested in getting buy-in to rape the treasury and get rich off the backs of the people.  A lil sanction from the PPP goes a long way in legitimizing their bad behavior.  The PPP needs to keep a sharp eye on these crooks.

TK posted:

You have to remember PM Nagamootoo did not light the fire. In any case, no cooperation means dankey cart economy forever. What makes you feel if PPP wins PNC will be willing to cooperate?

Everything you clowns blocked under the PPP, now you want to re-instate as you now come to realize, it was good for the nation.

If not for the one seat AFC advantage, the transformative Amelia project would have been on the road to making Guyana a better place!  Jagdeo is already on record indicating his willingness to back any initiative he believes would be good for all the people of Guyana.  So, the ball's in their court!

Last edited by Former Member
TK posted:
BGMAN posted:

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition. What is currently lacking in the parliament is the effective functioning of the special committees whose mandate is to review and improve proposed legislation . This is where trust and unity could be nurtured . You cannot force unity upon any of the parties in Guyana. Fifty years have passed and there is still a mistrust . No party has a monopoly on ideas. Both sides have to listen to each other and draw out the best for the good of the nation. I wish the Guyanese nation all the best. I hope they can get their act together .

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

Well, just about everything you "projected" thus far seem to gone up in smoke!


The APNU/AFC has no interest in the PPP/C and the PPP/C has no interest in the APNU/AFC, that is why Moses is the go-between, it is known that the PPP/C will not cross the Moses bridge and the APNU/AFC will be able to say "we tried".

gogo posted:

The APNU/AFC has no interest in the PPP/C and the PPP/C has no interest in the APNU/AFC, that is why Moses is the go-between, it is known that the PPP/C will not cross the Moses bridge and the APNU/AFC will be able to say "we tried".

this statement tell me the ppp is more about the party than the country

TK posted:
BGMAN posted:
ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition. What is currently lacking in the parliament is the effective functioning of the special committees whose mandate is to review and improve proposed legislation . This is where trust and unity could be nurtured . You cannot force unity upon any of the parties in Guyana. Fifty years have passed and there is still a mistrust . No party has a monopoly on ideas. Both sides have to listen to each other and draw out the best for the good of the nation. I wish the Guyanese nation all the best. I hope they can get their act together .

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

.  2020 will be a straight race vote. Amerindians will go 50-50 for the two parties.  The mixed is the key.  But the mixed watching how the money sharing - 50 Percent for you = 5 percent for me.  The new maths.

Brian Teekah posted:
TK posted:
BGMAN posted:
ksazma posted:

If the Government and Opposition were to get together as one, who would protect Guyana from them? Parliament does not work well with everyone acting in unity. It requires balance. Nagamootoo hoodwinked the voters. Somehow he thinks he can hoodwink the Opposition too.

The constitution provides for a strong and effective opposition. What is currently lacking in the parliament is the effective functioning of the special committees whose mandate is to review and improve proposed legislation . This is where trust and unity could be nurtured . You cannot force unity upon any of the parties in Guyana. Fifty years have passed and there is still a mistrust . No party has a monopoly on ideas. Both sides have to listen to each other and draw out the best for the good of the nation. I wish the Guyanese nation all the best. I hope they can get their act together .

The country is very divided. The parties reflect the country. I am beginning to think even my project of seeing a 20% permanent independent voting public might gone up in smoke.

.  2020 will be a straight race vote. Amerindians will go 50-50 for the two parties.  The mixed is the key.  But the mixed watching how the money sharing - 50 Percent for you = 5 percent for me.  The new maths.

"mixed" is not an ethnic group . . . come election time, they will break big for APNU because that's where they feel most comfortable given the PPP hard Indian party identification


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