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PM Hinds conducts Mahaicony outreach- pledges to assist in resolving farmers’ concerns


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds today conducted an outreach at Mahaicony village, Region Five where he toured several institutions and other places of interest and interacted with residents.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds interacting with a vendor at the Mahaicony market, Region Five

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds interacting with a vendor at the Mahaicony market, Region Five


Among the institutions he visited were the stelling, market, koker, police station, the Amerindian Hostel, the Technical and Vocational Training Centre, Diagnostic Centre and several cash crop and livestock farms.


During a meeting held by the Central Mahaicony Perth Village Farmers Association, PM Hinds highlighted that Guyana has been making progress through the years, and the country is in a better position through the work of Guyanese.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds at the Mahaicony koker with Chairman of Region Five Bindrabhan Bisnauth, and other officials and residents

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds at the Mahaicony koker with Chairman of Region Five Bindrabhan Bisnauth, and other officials and residents


“Farming is certainly the initial work for all countries, for all people…maybe 50% or more people are involved in farming and as things improve, as drainage and irrigation improve, as knowledge improves generally less people are involved in farming and then more people are involved in other things like education and health,” he told residents.


Chairman of Region Five Bindrabhan Bisnauth addressing Mahaicony farmers

Chairman of Region Five Bindrabhan Bisnauth addressing Mahaicony farmers


He added that Guyana has been trying to bring investors to develop the country, through which more employment for youths will be created.


The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the progress made by pig farmers in the community since they have been assisted and their lives have been progressing. He added that even though Guyana is still a poor country, it is through the work of everyone that will allow it to become rich.  The Institute of Private Enterprise Development has also donated $150, 000 to the pig farmers association to buy supplements for their animals and to improve their facilities.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with the farmers and other residents of Mahaicony

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with the farmers and other residents of Mahaicony


Chairman of Region Five Bindrabhan Bisnauth expressed appreciation to the Prime Minister for visiting the village, and listening to the concerns of farmers and other residents. He added that support at the Regional level will always be given to the farmers association.


“We at the Regional level will continue to give whatever support possible to the group and we’ll like to see the group expand…this part of Region 5 is producing not only for Region 5 but the country and the Caribbean as a whole,” added Bisnauth.


Region Five has been bringing forth the highest rice production and for the first crop of 2013, it produced 101,262 tonnes, maintaining its stellar performance. In 2012, it produced 150,000 tonnes or 37% of the total production.


In the machine department at the Mahaicony Technical and Vocational Training Centre, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds inspects students’ work

In the machine department at the Mahaicony Technical and Vocational Training Centre, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds inspects students’ work


Among the issues pointed out by the Mahaicony residents, was that their farm lands flood during the rainy season and even though they have made several complaints to the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), nothing is done. PM Hinds told residents that the Government has put in place a Drainage and Irrigation division to deal with such matters and he will seek to help end their problem.


Residents pointed out the need for assistance with the rehabilitation of the Mahaicony koker and stelling, and for equipment to clear their land.


Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, its agency the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) were also on the outreach

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