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Former Member
PM joins in commemorating International Day of Peace

Georgetown, GINA, September 22, 2011
Source - GINA

Prime Minister Samuels sits among some of the Peace Ambassadors

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Wednesday joined various clergy leaders, community activists and business people at an Ambassador of Peace meeting at the Family Federation Chapel, Thomas Street, South Cummingsburg to commemorate the United Nations (UN) International Day of Peace.

International Day of Peace also known as the World Peace Day occurs annually on September 21and has been celebrated since 1981.

This year the event is being celebrated under the theme “Peace and Democracy: Let your voice be heard.”

Yearly, a network of persons comprising members from various religious and non religious bodies come together to commemorate the annual event.

The Ambassador of Peace initiative is a worldwide network of leaders dedicated to transcending racial, religious and ethnic boundaries to promote a world of genuine peace.

The Ambassador of Peace is a project of the Universal Peace Federation and launched by the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, an organization devoted to the spiritual wellbeing of all people and the pursuit of genuine peace.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds who was invited to address the Ambassadors of Peace stated that, “In joining this celebration we reaffirm our confidence in the United Nations as the world body through which we hope to realize our noble aspiration of witnessing a world where there is freedom from all forms of conflict.”

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds addressing the Peace Ambassadors

Prime Minister Hinds also said that by celebrating and commemorating the day, those present were each making public their individual commitment to contribute to the realization of the UN’s quest for universal peace and democratic freedom.

Guyana is a peace loving member of the UN and it is therefore fitting that the country joins the rest of the world in this symbolic celebration and unequivocal call for peace, the Prime Minister said.

“Over the last 66 years, since its existence, the UN has worked unrelentingly in the many troubled places of the world in promoting the objectives of its charters among which includes its role in marshalling international peace and security,” Hinds said.

In spite of the UN efforts, the trend among the trouble nations in the world is testament that more needs to be done for the UN to realize its vision for full and everlasting peace, he said.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with newly accredited Ambassadors for Peace

Towards the realization of this vision, the Government of Guyana will continue to work with the UN. ‘Our effort will also be redoubled through our contribution to the UN,’ Prime Minister Samuels said.

“I have no doubt that as all Governments and people play their part to promote peace and democracy that the United Nations will remain a torch for many extreme decades for human kind to live a life of happiness, unity, peace of mind, peaceful co-existence, security, democracy and sustainable development,” the Prime Minister said.

In addition to celebrating International Day of Peace, the event was also used to accredit a number of persons to the role of Peace Ambassadors.
another charade and a waste of time, this chap needs to spend more time working for the people rather than going for the odd photo op.

That seems to be his job description these days go to all these useless meetings and take out pictures.

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