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PM Nagamootoo to cruise in new $22M Luxury SUV

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Living the Cadillac lifestyle on the public purse…

 – millions to be spent to upgrade office, residence

Contrary to what he preached when he was in Opposition, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is ensuring that for the next five years he will be enjoying quite a sybaritic lifestyle. A $22 million customised luxury Land Cruiser being added to his existing fleet of 22 vehicles will be just the tip of an iceberg of extravagant expenditures in his personal life.

Millions of taxpayers’ dollars have been pumped into improving the lifestyle of the Honourable Prime Minister who has been in Executive Office for only some four months.

Thus far, Nagamootoo has cashed in on hefty amounts for the repairs to the bridge and road to his private residence, repairs to the official Prime Minister’s residence and the Office of the Prime Minister.

And now in the 2015 Budget, more millions have been allocated for the Prime Minister, who is on record criticising the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government over its alleged mismanagement of public funds and waste in office.

Nagamootoo, like other Government officials, is also in the line-up to receive a whopping salary increase in the near future. His current salary is already going to cost taxpayers millions of dollars a year.

Meanwhile, the ostentatious purchase of the $22 million luxury vehicle definitely took the nation by utter surprise. But what is even more shocking is the excuse given by the Prime Minister following earlier denials that Land Cruisers were being purchased for Government Ministers. In seeking to justify this purchase, Nagamootoo simply stated that the luxury vehicle will help him “reach out to those who voted for the Prime Minister”.

The Toyota website revealed that the 2015 Land Cruiser which is being purportedly purchased is a  four-zone automatic with front and rear climate control with air filter, dust and pollen filtration mode, push-button controls, separate second-row control panel, individual temperature settings for driver, front passenger and rear-seat passengers, and second- and third-row vents; and leather-trimmed seats.

Other features include premium HDD navigation; eight-inch high-resolution touch-screen with split-screen capability and integrated backup camera; AM/FM CD player with MP3/WMA playback capability; 14 speakers including subwoofers; HD Radio with iTunes11; USB port with iPod connectivity and control, vehicle information; hands-free phone capability, phone book access, advanced voice recognition14; music streaming  via Bluetooth  and wireless technology.

Moreover, in the Budget Estimates 2015, an additional $10 million is set aside for the rehabilitation of the Office of the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister’s Official Residence. Some of this money will go towards constructing several secondary buildings at the Prime Minister’s residence, while the remaining will be distributed for the refurbishing of cubicles, security barracks, storage houses, waiting area and the roof.

An additional $10 million is set aside for the purchase of furniture and equipment, while another $4 million is allocated for the refurbishing of furniture and equipment, Nagamootoo stated, contending that the buildings he inherited were in a deplorable state.

Also, some $10 million was budgeted under the Office of the Prime Minister for “minor works”, which Nagamootoo said will be distributed to assist in various projects undertaken by the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU); the Salvation Army and the Diocese of Guyana, among others.

Additionally, a whopping $15.7 million is set aside for “other expenses”.

Meanwhile, it was Nagamootoo who best demonstrated the then Opposition’s condemnation for corruption and those desirous of leading a “Cadillac lifestyle in a donkey-cart economy” with the use of public funds.

So great was his scorn for “squandermania” and concern for the poor and ordinary citizens that back in 2012 while supporting a motion to axe portions of the National Budget, Nagamootoo introduced the term “fat cats” in the National Assembly which he used to describe those public employees, contract workers and political appointees benefiting from super salaries that were “bleeding” the treasury.

In light of this all, it was Nagamootoo who proposed an increase in salary for all A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP purchased 30 Mercedes Benz  ( creating a luxury car dealer of Vishal Persaud in the process) to transport guests to the World Cup matches and when that was over they were handed over to the Vishal again to resell. Now that is misuse of the state funds for vehicles if ever there were one!


Is nagamotto decides to procure a luxury vehicle despite the availability of good functional vehicles formerly used by our prime minister, then he is being a dick no less than the PPP. However, I need to hear their explanation for this.


What the Guyana Times forgot to mention is that the money which was allocated to buy a vehicle for the office of the Prime Minister was hijacked by Ashni Singh so he could purchase a luxury vehicle for himself. The vehicle bought for Singh has not yet been returned to the Government.




Former Minister “hijacked” $23M to buy high-end vehicle for himself – PM Nagamootoo


There has been much hullabaloo, particularly from the political opposition, regarding the sum of $22M which has been allocated to purchase a four-wheel drive Sports Utility Vehicle for Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

Former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister,
Moses Nagamootoo

But Nagamootoo says that the opposition’s derogatory comments since the revelation of the allocation are nothing but “political hate.”  He said that it is obvious however that the PPP is oblivious to its own “dirty laundry.”
The First Vice President said that had an allocation in 2014 not been mishandled by the former Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, there would be no need to set aside more money for the said vehicle.
In the 2014 budget, $23 million was allocated by the previous administration for the procurement of a high-end Land Cruiser for then Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.
“But it was not used for that purpose. It was hijacked by the former Finance Minister and a vehicle was bought for him. Now where is that exotic high end vehicle,” the Prime Minister questioned.
He continued, “We want to know why it was not delivered to us, and it is because of that missing vehicle that led to my advisors asking for another vehicle to be bought. Sam Hinds complained of the aged vehicles bought for his use.”
The Vice President said that the four-wheel drive vehicle is a “necessity” if he is expected to carry out his work properly.
“You need this kind of vehicle if you want to go into the countryside. My little grey vehicle could hardly go over a normal speed bump. It grazes at the bottom and I am the Prime Minister. I need to go to the rice farmers and the cane cutters and I can’t use that little grey car they gave me,” added Nagamootoo.
As for the scoffs from the opposition’s camp, he said that he is the least bothered by it and deemed it to be just another part of “their political ploy.”
He went as far as to say that it is the “politics of deception” as the PPP “only intends to do whatever it takes to shift the focus away from its maladministration in any way it can.”
During the deliberations over the 2015 estimates, it was disclosed to the National Assembly that, between 2012 and 2014, almost $50M was voted by the past administration to purchase vehicles for the Office of the Prime Minister.
However, when the party demitted office, only eight old, reconditioned vehicles were recovered.
(Kiana Wilburg)




quote "In the 2014 budget, $23 million was allocated by the previous administration for the procurement of a high-end Land Cruiser for then Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.
“But it was not used for that purpose. It was hijacked by the former Finance Minister and a vehicle was bought for him. Now where is that exotic high end vehicle,” the Prime Minister questioned.


Agreed that the Vehicle Purchased and was used by Ashni Singh, was supposed to be returned when the PNC/AFC took over the government.

Failing to do so, they should have hauled his arse to the court. 



Originally Posted by asj:

quote "In the 2014 budget, $23 million was allocated by the previous administration for the procurement of a high-end Land Cruiser for then Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.
“But it was not used for that purpose. It was hijacked by the former Finance Minister and a vehicle was bought for him. Now where is that exotic high end vehicle,” the Prime Minister questioned.


Agreed that the Vehicle Purchased and was used by Ashni Singh, was supposed to be returned when the PNC/AFC took over the government.

Failing to do so, they should have hauled his arse to the court. 



Ashni has returned the vehicle.  

People in government will tell you one thing and do the opposite when they're elected. You can bang your head against a wall with disgust while they will still be cruising around in their multimillion dollars SUV's. You can never depend on government for full accountability. I personally can give in to the luxury lifestyle of government ministers if their service to the country can be commended.
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I thought the Treasury was EMPTY!  What a bunch of DUMMIES that were preaching CHANGE!!  Some Guyanese are so STUPID it is difficult to find a word to describe them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The treasury is so empty that the current government ministers are digging the hole much deeper rather than working with what they currently have on hand.


Plus as noted in the news, they will also receive a whopping increase in salary.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I thought the Treasury was EMPTY!  What a bunch of DUMMIES that were preaching CHANGE!!  Some Guyanese are so STUPID it is difficult to find a word to describe them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the come Guyanese include you!


Its no wonder the new government has to buy new vehicles, when the last government ministers thief the government vehicles and put it in their own and family name.

When is Ashni Singh going to return the $23M  high end vehicle he thief from the people of Guyana ?   

Originally Posted by Tola:

Its no wonder the new government has to buy new vehicles, when the last government ministers thief the government vehicles and put it in their own and family name.

When is Ashni Singh going to return the $23M  high end vehicle he thief from the people of Guyana ?   

They need to sent the police after it. That is what you do when someone illegally possess state assets. This government has to show its teeth and stop being softies with the PPP.

Originally Posted by genius:

Naga pun top. more to come. 

Ramjattan will have to put him behind bars for misusing his powers as the PM and usurping the tax payers money.   The Judas chastise Jagdeo for his life style and now he is trying to out do the former chief of staff. 




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