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PM: Passage of AML/CFT Bill grounds to call special Parliamentary sitting

By Vanessa Narine, September 25, 2014, Source - Guyana Chronicle


PM: Passage of AML/CFT Bill grounds to call special Parliamentary sitting
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds


PRIME Minister and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds, contends that the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill is important enough to consider having a special sitting of the National Assembly.

Speaker Raphael Trotman

Speaker Raphael Trotman


“It is something we can consider recalling Parliament to get done,” he told the Guyana Chronicle on Monday.

Mr. Hinds’ comments are ahead of the completion of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) draft report on Guyana’s compliance with international standards. The report, which is expected to address the effectiveness of the country’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism framework, will be completed before the end of the month.


Joseph Harmon

Joseph Harmon


In a letter dated July 9, 2014, FATF officially confirmed its decision to commence a targeted review of Guyana prior to its October 2014 plenary meeting; and the international watchdog body made it clear that the purpose of that targeted review would be to examine the most significant deficiencies in Guyana’s AML/CFT framework that pose a risk to the international financial system.

The letter also indicated that Guyana would be given an opportunity to review the draft targeted review, and to have a face-to-face meeting with the Americas Regional Review Group (ARRG).


“Guyanese, all Guyanese, who will be affected by the non-passage of the Bill have to urge the Opposition to make haste and get this done,” the Prime Minister said.

Speaker of the House, Mr. Raphael Trotman, also commented on the possibility of calling a special Parliamentary sitting.

He told the Guyana Chronicle that such a move lies in the court of the Parliamentary political parties.

“I will have to be written to asking me to consider this. On my own I cannot decide what the parties will consider urgent or of national importance to warrant a special sitting,” the Speaker said.


Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Special Select Committee reviewing the AML/CFT (Amendment) Bill has not met since June.

Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Gail Teixeira, disclosed that the next scheduled meeting is slated for October 15, having been moved from the initial date of October 10.

The last suggested dates for meetings of the Committee were July 8, 10 and 30, all three of which were rejected on the basis on the unavailability of Opposition members sitting on the committee.

Meanwhile, General-Secretary of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Mr. Joseph Harmon, told the Guyana Chronicle that the party has received the October 15 notice and will be present at the meeting.

“We have a notification from Ms. Teixiera for a meeting on October 15. On that date we will see what happens,” he said yesterday.

The APNU Member of Parliament (MP), who sits on the Select Committee, added that the Partnership has always indicated its willingness to participate in the work of the Committee to ensure that Guyana has strong and enforceable laws. “This remains our position,” he stressed.

However, the fact is that until the Committee meets, the AML/CFT (Amendment) Bill will remain in limbo.

At its next meeting, between October 20-24, 2014 in Paris, France, the FATF is expected to discuss the results of Guyana’s targeted review.


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