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PM’s son testifies…“She ran to the

kitchen and grabbed a knife…and I

pulled out my gun”

March 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

As the trial for the Prime Minister’s son and his teenaged sister-in-law continues to engage the attention of a city Magistrate, both parties accused of attacking each other were called to detail the encounter.

Accused: Samuel Hinds Jr.

Accused: Samuel Hinds Jr.

Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond again heard about the argument over a missing cellular phone that escalated to a fight and landed both parties in court before her to face charges.
The trials for Samuel Hinds Jr., 33, and Tenza Lane, 18, are being conducted at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.
Hinds and Lane are both accused of displaying threatening behaviour to each other at their 83 Duke Street, Georgetown residence on February 27. Lane, however, is also charged for using threatening behaviour towards her sister, Cadet Officer Sonia Herbert.
Additionally, Hinds faces one count of unlawfully and malicious wounding while Lane is charged for assaulting him.
Hinds is being defended by Attorney Peter Hugh. Lane has sought representation from Legal Aid Clinic head Simone Archer.
Both parties are being prosecuted by Lance Corporal Jomo Nichols.
As the trial against Hinds got underway, Constable Samantha Garraway testified as to the part she played in the investigations. Garraway explained that she held a confrontation between the two accused and also escorted Lane to the police doctor for a medical examination.
During cross examination, Garraway confessed that she did not note any observed injuries in her statement but claimed that she noticed red marks and scratches about the teen’s body.
Hugh successfully made an application for the Constable to return to the court also with the station diary for him to continue his cross examination.
Lane, who had an emotional breakdown on the previous occasion, was once again called to take the stand and continued giving her evidence.
Lane told the court that she did not give Hinds any reason to attack her.  Hugh requested for her to be called again for cross-examination.
Soon after, the trial against Lane commenced and Hinds was the sole witness called to testify.
He explained that he had misplaced a phone on February 26 and insisted that Lane was the only one at home at the time it went missing.
“We had a misunderstanding on the Wednesday, and myself and her sister asked her to leave and find somewhere else to live and she refused to do so.”
He indicated that he held onto her hand and attempted to have her removed from the house but she refused to comply and attacked him.
“We both ended up on the ground. After we parted, she went into the kitchen and hunted for a knife. Fearing that she would try to stab me, I moved ten feet away and took out the firearm I had on my side.”
“At that time, she said she was going to kill me and her sister. I was a bit afraid because I didn’t know what would have happened.”
“Her sister Sonia Herbert was there. After I pulled out my firearm, she (Herbert) approached me and said that she will deal with having her removed from the house.”
Hinds claimed that he then left the premises but was later asked to report to Brickdam Police Station where he gave statements about the stolen cellular phone as well as the incident between the two.
Archer cross-examined Hinds and the Prosecutor declined re-examination. The trials are scheduled to continue on April 2

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