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PM’s wife issues statement on malicious information about court matter

Written by Yvonne Hinds
Tuesday, 08 November 2011 01:18
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Mrs. Samuel Yvonne Hinds, wife of the Prime Minister, has issued a statement on ‘misleading, false and malicious’ information about her involvement in a recent court matter involving her grandson and his parents. She says this information is being peddled by persons with their own agenda.

Following is the statement:

“Of recent I have noticed, a lot of misleading, false and malicious information, being peddled (by persons with their own agenda), about my involvement in a recent court matter involving my grandson and his parents.

“My son went to the USA on a student visa – his wife’s status was that of a spouse of a student. My son, after successfully completing his studies must return to his country of origin.

“His wife refused to return to Guyana; as a result my son filed for custody of his son, since it would not be in the best interest of the child to stay with a parent who is an illegal alien.

“During the custody hearing on October 11th 2011, the judge ruled in favour of the father, granting him temporary custody of the child. The child should have been handed over to the father on October 11, 2011, however, my daughter-in-law disobeyed the order of the court and she was summoned on October 31, 2011 to show why she was in contempt of the judge’s order.

“Among the many outrageous statements my daughter-in-law made in court was that Guyana was a most corrupt country and she feared for her life here, and was in the process of seeking refugee status.

When asked by the judge for documents to verify her processing of refugee status, she had none. At the end of the October 31, 2011 hearing, the judge did not find the testimony of my daughter- in- law credible, so the judge’s order of October 11, 2011 was reaffirmed.

“The father’s petition for return of the child was granted. My daughter-in-law was ordered by the judge to return the child immediately to his father, who was in the process of departing the USA at the end of his period of study.
“I returned home to Guyana un-hindered by the American authorities.

“This account of the custody hearing is factual and faithfully reflects what took place in the court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

“Any attempt to distort the ruling of the court in this matter, to paint the judge’s orders otherwise, or to discredit my family will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who returned to Guyana with the child? The father? Or was the child taken without permission from the court by Yvonne Hinds? If it is the latter, then Yvonne is likely guilty of child kidnapping. It is not her child after all.

As for Guyana being a corrupt country: that's what being discussed during the election. For Yvonne to say otherwise and threaten people with court is a reflection of how secluded or involved she is. Trying to silence people is not going to work. It will come and bite her in her ass.
What about the mother's rights of access to the the child? I don't think the order permits him to take the child out of the country. If the child was taken out of the country how is it possible to do that without a letter from the mother allowing it?

The child is American.
This is obviously a case of kidnapping of a minor by a foreign government. I wonder what the FBI has to say about this. Yvonne Hinds should be extradited to the US for arrest and trial.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
This is obviously a case of kidnapping of a minor by a foreign government. I wonder what the FBI has to say about this. Yvonne Hinds should be extradited to the US for arrest and trial.

Didn't the FBI allow her to leave the US in the first place?
Put all politicking aside, if what the lady says above is true, and I have no reason to doubt her, then the judge's ruling was fair and what was previously reported here by Bonus was misleading
Originally posted by Nehru:
These People here on GNI have no bloody SHAME. Bonus ETAL are worst then PROSTITUTES at Gaumont. You can only imagine what these Snakes are capable of.
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.
Originally posted by D2:
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.

Does it get worse than this? You have serious issues boss man
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.

Does it get worse than this? You have serious issues boss man

You musbe talking to the person who posted the following,

"These People here on GNI have no bloody SHAME. Bonus ETAL are worst then PROSTITUTES at Gaumont. You can only imagine what these Snakes are capable of."
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.

Does it get worse than this? You have serious issues boss man
What is wrong with what I said? Mrs Hinds, under the law, has no part in this unless the mother and the father were deemed unfit. The child was taken out of the jurisdiction because the Father intended to abscond with the child. Should the mother prevail in her demands for a formal hearing before a court ( family court is arbitration not trial and anything the judge decrees has to be agreed to completely by the parents) do you think these people will appear with the child? They intend to abscond to Guyana where the mother is wholly at their mercy in a corrupt judicial system.
FOOL, Were you there?? The woman was there and you think you were there because of your absolute IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY and downright ILLITERACY. Go back to making Cassava bread you bloody FOOL!!!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
These People here on GNI have no bloody SHAME. Bonus ETAL are worst then PROSTITUTES at Gaumont. You can only imagine what these Snakes are capable of.
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.
Originally posted by D2:

What is wrong with what I said?

You have appointed yourself Judge and Jury of the matter. You have also placed yourself 'in the know' despite the fact that your only knowledge is derived from posts by a discredited source
Originally posted by Nehru:
FOOL, Were you there?? The woman was there and you think you were there because of your absolute IGNORANCE, STUPIDITY and downright ILLITERACY. Go back to making Cassava bread you bloody FOOL!!!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
These People here on GNI have no bloody SHAME. Bonus ETAL are worst then PROSTITUTES at Gaumont. You can only imagine what these Snakes are capable of.
Why dont you shut the hell up you ignorant twit. Mrs Hinds does not have a damn thing with this. They decided to and under took to abscond with the child.
I do not have to be there. I know the process. I know no family court judge can make decisions unless they are the joint agreement of the parents. The grand mother does not have a damn thing to do with it unless she was awarded custody by some other court.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

What is wrong with what I said?

You have appointed yourself Judge and Jury of the matter. You have also placed yourself 'in the know' despite the fact that your only knowledge is derived from posts by a discredited source
I am expressing a clear and informed position. The lady lied if she said the judge awarded her the right to remove the child from the jurisdiction. Tell the biddy to sue me.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:

I am expressing a clear and informed position.

JUST TO REITERATE: Your only knowledge is derived from posts by a discredited source
I have been before family court. I know how they function. I fought for my kids when their mom's decide to take them out of the jurisdiction. I know the rules even as a non custodial parent did not allow the child to leave the country without my permission. You can chose to believe the lies of the PM wife that she could take the child out of the jurisdiction or believe what is the law.
Bensschop printed this. Tell her to sue him as she promised.

Sam Hinds' wife and son potentially face arrest in the US for Child abduction
Tuesday, 08 November 2011

Sample ImageSample Image

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: Yvonne Hinds, the wife of Guyana’s Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and their son Nikolai potentially face arrest for abduction and contempt of court whenever they return to the United States, if they fail to produce Nikolai’s US born son in a Pennsylvania Appeals court next week.

Sample Image

Yvonne and Nikolai Hinds, both of whom reside in Guyana, are accused of violating a Superior court order staying a Family court ruling that awarded them custody of three year-old Marcus Hinds. The Family Court order of October 31 also directed the Child’s mother, Elizabeth Hinds, to hand the child over to the father and grandmother in court following a custody hearing.

The Superior Court stay returned the situation to its “status quo ante” pending the outcome of the appeal. Consequently, the child should have been returned to the custody of his natural born mother immediately upon issuance of the stay

But instead of handing over the child, Yvonne and Nicolai reportedly deliberately fled the jurisdiction with him, without the consent of his mother or the court. They are believed to have travelled to Guyana with the child last Friday night, after their attorney was served with the order of the court. Monroe county

Police informed court officials Friday that officers went to the home of a relative where Mrs. Hinds was staying to serve her with the court order and to enforce the handover, but were informed by Mrs. Hinds’ son-in-law that they had allegedly left Pennsylvania with the child. An emergency appeal hearing is scheduled for next week. Sources with knowledge of the case say that Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim will ask the court for an order for Nikolai and his mother to produce the child in court. If this is not done she will then ask for arrest warrants for the two.

The custody battle began when Nikolai and his is mother, Yvonne, jointly filed a petition on September 27, 2011 for custody of Marcus, with the intent of taking him to live in Guyana. The basis was the estrangement from his wife, Elizabeth, and the expiration of his immigration status. Reports are that Nikolai came to the US on a student visa and has been working at JFK Airport as a baggage handler for Delta airlines. His visa has reportedly now expired.

On October 11, Monroe County Family Court Judge Jonathan Mark granted joint custody of Marcus to his parents Nikolai and Elizabeth; to take effect in Guyana. Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim, strenuously objected and informed Mark that her client lives in US and did not plan on returning to live in Guyana. She was overruled by the judge, who observers say seemed to have had an agenda and demonstrated prejudice. Ibrahim subsequently filed suit to dismiss Nikolai’s petition, arguing before Judge Mark that he lacked jurisdiction to award custody of a US born child outside the US and that said custody was awarded without an evidentiary hearing or testimony from the parties. In response Judge Mark convened a hearing on October 31, and heard testimony from the child’s mother and Mrs. Yvonne Hinds.

Nikolai did not testify. In her testimony, Elizabeth detailed a history of abuse by Nikolai, accusing him of routinely committing domestic violent. She testified that her husband once pulled her out of a night club in Guyana with a gun to her head, and depicted a reckless, trigger-happy husband, who habitually whips out his gun whenever in a confrontation. Elizabeth told the court of an incident where a gentleman shouted “Sam Hinds is a low life,” referring to the Guyanese Prime Minister, while passing the Hinds’ residence in Guyana prompting Nikolai to pursue him. She said Nikolai then slapped the gentleman in the face with a gun causing the safety pin to unlatch and the gun to go off. The bullet, she testified, shot off piece of the man’s ear. Nikolai was arrested by Police but was allegedly released after his father intervened.

Reports out of the South American country indicate that Nicolai was also fingered as an arsonist in a suspicious fire that torched part of Queens College in Georgetown, Guyana but was never arrested. Elizabeth told the court that she did not want to return to Guyana as she feared that she would be killed and that her father in law is the Prime Minister of a country whose government has been accused of complicity with death squads. At this juncture, she revealed that she has filled for political asylum in the United States.

For her part, Mrs. Yvonne Hinds took to the stand and denied under oath that the incidents to which her now alienated daughter in law testified ever took place. She testified that her son was never involved in any violent crime in Guyana and has no criminal history or record. She has since been accused of committing perjury. After the hearing, Judge Mark, without offering the legal basis for his decision, abruptly reversed his October 11 joint custody order and awarded custody full of Marcus to his father and grandmother; therein taking him away from his mother and authorizing his removal from the US.

The judge’s ruling caused a dramatic exclamation of collective outrage by persons gathered in the court room to conduct unrelated business. An indignant Ibrahim immediately signaled that she would appeal and requested a stay. Ibrahim told the judge that she feared that the child would be immediately removed from the country, and argued to Mark that he had erred on the law and had acted outside his jurisdiction. Pointing out that if her client is granted political asylum in the US, Immigration laws would prohibit her from returning to Guyana, Ibrahim asserted that the judge’s ruling may cause her client to be permanently separated from her child as Guyana is not a signatory to the Hague Convention on International Child abduction and has no extradition treaty with the US. However an intractable Judge Mark denied her requests. Ibrahim last Friday appealed Judge Mark’s ruling and petitioned the Pennsylvania Superior Court to stay his order pending the outcome of the appeals process.

In her submission, she alluded to information that the Hinds’ had planned to take Marcus out of the country that very night. [b]A stay was granted Friday afternoon and immediately served on Yvonne and Nikolai’s Hind and on their attorney, Colleen Mancuso. However the Hinds’ are being accused of evading police officers and completely ignoring the order as they skipped town with the child[/b].

A retired New York Family court judge who reviewed the submissions and rulings on the matter said that the Hinds’ would be in serious trouble if they fail to return Marcus to the US for the hearing next week. She slammed Judge Mark, saying that he lacked jurisdiction and appeared to have based his decision on politics rather than the law. She posited that the Family Court judge has no jurisdiction to award custody of a United States born child to a none US citizen parent residing outside of the US, especially when the mother is residing in the US and has not been found to be an incompetent parent. She predicted that the Superior court will reverse Mark’s ruling.

Asked what will happen if the child is not returned to the US, the retired judge contended that “Contempt and abduction charges will have to be filed against the child’s father and grandmother, and warrants will consequently be issued for their arrest.” She noted that once charges have been filed the FBI Child Abduction Division will be notified, and the FBI will take over the case. She also said that once arrest warrants are issued both Nikolai and Yvonne Hinds will be arrested if they present at a port of entry to attempt to enter the US. Observers say that the matter has the potential of evolving into a international abduction case that will prove embarrassing to the government of Guyana.
Originally posted by D2:
Bensschop printed this. Tell her to sue him as she promised.

Sam Hinds' wife and son potentially face arrest in the US for Child abduction
Tuesday, 08 November 2011

Sample ImageSample Image

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: Yvonne Hinds, the wife of Guyana’s Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and their son Nikolai potentially face arrest for abduction and contempt of court whenever they return to the United States, if they fail to produce Nikolai’s US born son in a Pennsylvania Appeals court next week.

Sample Image

Yvonne and Nikolai Hinds, both of whom reside in Guyana, are accused of violating a Superior court order staying a Family court ruling that awarded them custody of three year-old Marcus Hinds. The Family Court order of October 31 also directed the Child’s mother, Elizabeth Hinds, to hand the child over to the father and grandmother in court following a custody hearing.

The Superior Court stay returned the situation to its “status quo ante” pending the outcome of the appeal. Consequently, the child should have been returned to the custody of his natural born mother immediately upon issuance of the stay

But instead of handing over the child, Yvonne and Nicolai reportedly deliberately fled the jurisdiction with him, without the consent of his mother or the court. They are believed to have travelled to Guyana with the child last Friday night, after their attorney was served with the order of the court. Monroe county

Police informed court officials Friday that officers went to the home of a relative where Mrs. Hinds was staying to serve her with the court order and to enforce the handover, but were informed by Mrs. Hinds’ son-in-law that they had allegedly left Pennsylvania with the child. An emergency appeal hearing is scheduled for next week. Sources with knowledge of the case say that Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim will ask the court for an order for Nikolai and his mother to produce the child in court. If this is not done she will then ask for arrest warrants for the two.

The custody battle began when Nikolai and his is mother, Yvonne, jointly filed a petition on September 27, 2011 for custody of Marcus, with the intent of taking him to live in Guyana. The basis was the estrangement from his wife, Elizabeth, and the expiration of his immigration status. Reports are that Nikolai came to the US on a student visa and has been working at JFK Airport as a baggage handler for Delta airlines. His visa has reportedly now expired.

On October 11, Monroe County Family Court Judge Jonathan Mark granted joint custody of Marcus to his parents Nikolai and Elizabeth; to take effect in Guyana. Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim, strenuously objected and informed Mark that her client lives in US and did not plan on returning to live in Guyana. She was overruled by the judge, who observers say seemed to have had an agenda and demonstrated prejudice. Ibrahim subsequently filed suit to dismiss Nikolai’s petition, arguing before Judge Mark that he lacked jurisdiction to award custody of a US born child outside the US and that said custody was awarded without an evidentiary hearing or testimony from the parties. In response Judge Mark convened a hearing on October 31, and heard testimony from the child’s mother and Mrs. Yvonne Hinds.

Nikolai did not testify. In her testimony, Elizabeth detailed a history of abuse by Nikolai, accusing him of routinely committing domestic violent. She testified that her husband once pulled her out of a night club in Guyana with a gun to her head, and depicted a reckless, trigger-happy husband, who habitually whips out his gun whenever in a confrontation. Elizabeth told the court of an incident where a gentleman shouted “Sam Hinds is a low life,” referring to the Guyanese Prime Minister, while passing the Hinds’ residence in Guyana prompting Nikolai to pursue him. She said Nikolai then slapped the gentleman in the face with a gun causing the safety pin to unlatch and the gun to go off. The bullet, she testified, shot off piece of the man’s ear. Nikolai was arrested by Police but was allegedly released after his father intervened.

Reports out of the South American country indicate that Nicolai was also fingered as an arsonist in a suspicious fire that torched part of Queens College in Georgetown, Guyana but was never arrested. Elizabeth told the court that she did not want to return to Guyana as she feared that she would be killed and that her father in law is the Prime Minister of a country whose government has been accused of complicity with death squads. At this juncture, she revealed that she has filled for political asylum in the United States.

For her part, Mrs. Yvonne Hinds took to the stand and denied under oath that the incidents to which her now alienated daughter in law testified ever took place. She testified that her son was never involved in any violent crime in Guyana and has no criminal history or record. She has since been accused of committing perjury. After the hearing, Judge Mark, without offering the legal basis for his decision, abruptly reversed his October 11 joint custody order and awarded custody full of Marcus to his father and grandmother; therein taking him away from his mother and authorizing his removal from the US.

The judge’s ruling caused a dramatic exclamation of collective outrage by persons gathered in the court room to conduct unrelated business. An indignant Ibrahim immediately signaled that she would appeal and requested a stay. Ibrahim told the judge that she feared that the child would be immediately removed from the country, and argued to Mark that he had erred on the law and had acted outside his jurisdiction. Pointing out that if her client is granted political asylum in the US, Immigration laws would prohibit her from returning to Guyana, Ibrahim asserted that the judge’s ruling may cause her client to be permanently separated from her child as Guyana is not a signatory to the Hague Convention on International Child abduction and has no extradition treaty with the US. However an intractable Judge Mark denied her requests. Ibrahim last Friday appealed Judge Mark’s ruling and petitioned the Pennsylvania Superior Court to stay his order pending the outcome of the appeals process.

In her submission, she alluded to information that the Hinds’ had planned to take Marcus out of the country that very night. [b]A stay was granted Friday afternoon and immediately served on Yvonne and Nikolai’s Hind and on their attorney, Colleen Mancuso. However the Hinds’ are being accused of evading police officers and completely ignoring the order as they skipped town with the child[/b].

A retired New York Family court judge who reviewed the submissions and rulings on the matter said that the Hinds’ would be in serious trouble if they fail to return Marcus to the US for the hearing next week. She slammed Judge Mark, saying that he lacked jurisdiction and appeared to have based his decision on politics rather than the law. She posited that the Family Court judge has no jurisdiction to award custody of a United States born child to a none US citizen parent residing outside of the US, especially when the mother is residing in the US and has not been found to be an incompetent parent. She predicted that the Superior court will reverse Mark’s ruling.

Asked what will happen if the child is not returned to the US, the retired judge contended that “Contempt and abduction charges will have to be filed against the child’s father and grandmother, and warrants will consequently be issued for their arrest.” She noted that once charges have been filed the FBI Child Abduction Division will be notified, and the FBI will take over the case. She also said that once arrest warrants are issued both Nikolai and Yvonne Hinds will be arrested if they present at a port of entry to attempt to enter the US. Observers say that the matter has the potential of evolving into a international abduction case that will prove embarrassing to the government of Guyana.

JUST TO REITERATE: Your only knowledge is derived from posts by a discredited source

Is Benschop a credible source?
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by D2:
Bensschop printed this. Tell her to sue him as she promised.

Sam Hinds' wife and son potentially face arrest in the US for Child abduction
Tuesday, 08 November 2011

Sample ImageSample Image

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA: Yvonne Hinds, the wife of Guyana’s Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and their son Nikolai potentially face arrest for abduction and contempt of court whenever they return to the United States, if they fail to produce Nikolai’s US born son in a Pennsylvania Appeals court next week.

Sample Image

Yvonne and Nikolai Hinds, both of whom reside in Guyana, are accused of violating a Superior court order staying a Family court ruling that awarded them custody of three year-old Marcus Hinds. The Family Court order of October 31 also directed the Child’s mother, Elizabeth Hinds, to hand the child over to the father and grandmother in court following a custody hearing.

The Superior Court stay returned the situation to its “status quo ante” pending the outcome of the appeal. Consequently, the child should have been returned to the custody of his natural born mother immediately upon issuance of the stay

But instead of handing over the child, Yvonne and Nicolai reportedly deliberately fled the jurisdiction with him, without the consent of his mother or the court. They are believed to have travelled to Guyana with the child last Friday night, after their attorney was served with the order of the court. Monroe county

Police informed court officials Friday that officers went to the home of a relative where Mrs. Hinds was staying to serve her with the court order and to enforce the handover, but were informed by Mrs. Hinds’ son-in-law that they had allegedly left Pennsylvania with the child. An emergency appeal hearing is scheduled for next week. Sources with knowledge of the case say that Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim will ask the court for an order for Nikolai and his mother to produce the child in court. If this is not done she will then ask for arrest warrants for the two.

The custody battle began when Nikolai and his is mother, Yvonne, jointly filed a petition on September 27, 2011 for custody of Marcus, with the intent of taking him to live in Guyana. The basis was the estrangement from his wife, Elizabeth, and the expiration of his immigration status. Reports are that Nikolai came to the US on a student visa and has been working at JFK Airport as a baggage handler for Delta airlines. His visa has reportedly now expired.

On October 11, Monroe County Family Court Judge Jonathan Mark granted joint custody of Marcus to his parents Nikolai and Elizabeth; to take effect in Guyana. Elizabeth’s Attorney, Marcia Binder Ibrahim, strenuously objected and informed Mark that her client lives in US and did not plan on returning to live in Guyana. She was overruled by the judge, who observers say seemed to have had an agenda and demonstrated prejudice. Ibrahim subsequently filed suit to dismiss Nikolai’s petition, arguing before Judge Mark that he lacked jurisdiction to award custody of a US born child outside the US and that said custody was awarded without an evidentiary hearing or testimony from the parties. In response Judge Mark convened a hearing on October 31, and heard testimony from the child’s mother and Mrs. Yvonne Hinds.

Nikolai did not testify. In her testimony, Elizabeth detailed a history of abuse by Nikolai, accusing him of routinely committing domestic violent. She testified that her husband once pulled her out of a night club in Guyana with a gun to her head, and depicted a reckless, trigger-happy husband, who habitually whips out his gun whenever in a confrontation. Elizabeth told the court of an incident where a gentleman shouted “Sam Hinds is a low life,” referring to the Guyanese Prime Minister, while passing the Hinds’ residence in Guyana prompting Nikolai to pursue him. She said Nikolai then slapped the gentleman in the face with a gun causing the safety pin to unlatch and the gun to go off. The bullet, she testified, shot off piece of the man’s ear. Nikolai was arrested by Police but was allegedly released after his father intervened.

Reports out of the South American country indicate that Nicolai was also fingered as an arsonist in a suspicious fire that torched part of Queens College in Georgetown, Guyana but was never arrested. Elizabeth told the court that she did not want to return to Guyana as she feared that she would be killed and that her father in law is the Prime Minister of a country whose government has been accused of complicity with death squads. At this juncture, she revealed that she has filled for political asylum in the United States.

For her part, Mrs. Yvonne Hinds took to the stand and denied under oath that the incidents to which her now alienated daughter in law testified ever took place. She testified that her son was never involved in any violent crime in Guyana and has no criminal history or record. She has since been accused of committing perjury. After the hearing, Judge Mark, without offering the legal basis for his decision, abruptly reversed his October 11 joint custody order and awarded custody full of Marcus to his father and grandmother; therein taking him away from his mother and authorizing his removal from the US.

The judge’s ruling caused a dramatic exclamation of collective outrage by persons gathered in the court room to conduct unrelated business. An indignant Ibrahim immediately signaled that she would appeal and requested a stay. Ibrahim told the judge that she feared that the child would be immediately removed from the country, and argued to Mark that he had erred on the law and had acted outside his jurisdiction. Pointing out that if her client is granted political asylum in the US, Immigration laws would prohibit her from returning to Guyana, Ibrahim asserted that the judge’s ruling may cause her client to be permanently separated from her child as Guyana is not a signatory to the Hague Convention on International Child abduction and has no extradition treaty with the US. However an intractable Judge Mark denied her requests. Ibrahim last Friday appealed Judge Mark’s ruling and petitioned the Pennsylvania Superior Court to stay his order pending the outcome of the appeals process.

In her submission, she alluded to information that the Hinds’ had planned to take Marcus out of the country that very night. [b]A stay was granted Friday afternoon and immediately served on Yvonne and Nikolai’s Hind and on their attorney, Colleen Mancuso. However the Hinds’ are being accused of evading police officers and completely ignoring the order as they skipped town with the child[/b].

A retired New York Family court judge who reviewed the submissions and rulings on the matter said that the Hinds’ would be in serious trouble if they fail to return Marcus to the US for the hearing next week. She slammed Judge Mark, saying that he lacked jurisdiction and appeared to have based his decision on politics rather than the law. She posited that the Family Court judge has no jurisdiction to award custody of a United States born child to a none US citizen parent residing outside of the US, especially when the mother is residing in the US and has not been found to be an incompetent parent. She predicted that the Superior court will reverse Mark’s ruling.

Asked what will happen if the child is not returned to the US, the retired judge contended that “Contempt and abduction charges will have to be filed against the child’s father and grandmother, and warrants will consequently be issued for their arrest.” She noted that once charges have been filed the FBI Child Abduction Division will be notified, and the FBI will take over the case. She also said that once arrest warrants are issued both Nikolai and Yvonne Hinds will be arrested if they present at a port of entry to attempt to enter the US. Observers say that the matter has the potential of evolving into a international abduction case that will prove embarrassing to the government of Guyana.

JUST TO REITERATE: Your only knowledge is derived from posts by a discredited source

Is Benschop a credible source?
Who discredited the source? He has lots of names and anyone with access to lexus can check.
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
This is obviously a case of kidnapping of a minor by a foreign government. I wonder what the FBI has to say about this. Yvonne Hinds should be extradited to the US for arrest and trial.

Didn't the FBI allow her to leave the US in the first place?

All she said is that she left unchallenged.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by The Judge:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
This is obviously a case of kidnapping of a minor by a foreign government. I wonder what the FBI has to say about this. Yvonne Hinds should be extradited to the US for arrest and trial.

Didn't the FBI allow her to leave the US in the first place?

All she said is that she left unchallenged.

This is an indication that most minister families travel with diplomatic passports. She/baby were not delayed/detained at JFK because of it.

There is what Yvonne Hinds say, the baby mother says and what is on record in Pennsylvania.
With the PPP track record and crookish manner in doing things, I doubt what Yvonne Hinds say, until records prove otherwise.

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