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In Berbice… : Armogan accuses opposition parties of being naysayers, doomsayersPDFPrintE-mail
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Sunday, 20 October 2013 01:03

CHAIRMAN of Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne), Mr. Permaul Armogan said the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government, for the past 21 years, has been working, assiduously, to take Guyana forward and ensure every citizen has access to facilities that will better their lives. 

He said there are continuous developments in areas such as health, education, housing, tourism and many others, from which the nation stands to gain. 
But the opposition parties that hold a one seat majority in Parliament are doing their best in ensuring that developmental projects are either stalled or scrapped to satisfy their political ego, he told the gathering at the recent 'One Stop Shop' conducted in Albion, Corentyne, last Monday.
The Regional Chairman took a verbal swipe at opposition cohorts for hindering progress in a developing state.
”We are pushing for development and want things to progress in a way in which every Guyanese can benefit but, at every turn, we are being prevented from doing so. It is time that you look and see what is happening and let your voices be heard and don't take them (the opposition) for granted,” he urged.
Armogan said the Government has a number of plans and projects which are intended to contribute to the growth of Guyana's economy but the conduct of the opposition parties is not very encouraging for discussions that will bear fruits for progress.  “All those naysayers, doomsayers and prophets of doom, you must let them know that this government has the people at heart. We have been doing things for the people of Guyana and we don't have anything to do with race, colour or creed. We are doing things for the Guyanese people,” he maintained.

Several projects
The Chairman made references to several projects, including the Amaila Falls, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) enhancement and the proposed Specialty Hospital, which have all come in for severe bashing from the opposition.

He added:”There are some members of the opposition who said, to us, that we don't need a special hospital. We had to tell them that we are not building a special hospital for PPP people; we are building a specialty hospital and that means, a hospital that will do brain surgery, kidney transplant, heart operations and many more critical surgeries; they are behaving so stupid that, they don't even understand the difference between special and specialty.”
Armogan, during his fiery presentation, said it is time for the opposition parties to evolve from their backward mentality and behave as mature people who can offer objective criticisms and collaborate with the Government in moving the nation to greater heights.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

the sugar industry is in trouble, then all of us need to show concern, if not alarm; alarm, because over the past five years the industry has reported net losses of some $30 billion. It remains on life support and could only survive on bailout subsidies from the Treasury.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

EXPORT OF DOLPHINS:Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.

House of Isreal Gang Including Thug Odinga ....

Broke up a PPP Public meeting.....

Everyone run for their life.... 

Rohee headed for Brickdam Police Station.... Lamumba catch him and give him a licking  he never forget...

De other day at Freedom House eee tell Rohee....

"yuh lucky ah spear yuh life "

Lamumba den  kiss Jagdeo....

and give Ramotar   De Wink





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