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Former Member

When these jackasses were in opposition they brayed daily about the corrupt Marriott deal.  Now they are quietly moving forward with the PPP plans for the complex.  According to my inside source, the Marriott is now profitable as Exxon has booked 5 floors for the next 5 years.  I visited the hotel recently and was quite impressed with the building and service, surely a 5 star. Now dignitaries have a quality place to stay, thanks to the ppp. Only now the jackasses in the afc/pnc realize this. 

Govt. moving forward with Entertainment Complex, Casino for Marriott Hotel


– had condemned five-star entity as monument of corruption during elections campaign

Government appears to be moving full steam ahead with a major money-making venture at the controversial Marriott Hotel, an entity it had condemned as a monument of corruption during its election campaign.
The project involves installing an Entertainment Complex and Casino at the five-star hotel, located at Kingston.
There was no mention of this decision to members of the public via any form or even at Government’s usual post-cabinet meetings with the press.
But an advertisement in last Saturday’s edition of the Chronicle stated that the Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI) is a fully owned government company which owns the Marriott Hotel. The advertisement also stated that AHI is embarking on Phase Two of the Guyana Marriott Project, which consists of the design and outfitting of an Entertainment Complex and Casino.
Beverly Harper, Ansa Mcal’s Chief Executive Officer, was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors at Atlantic Hotel Inc. last year. Other AHI board members include Larry London, Derrick Cummings and Patricia Bacchus. AHI was previously headed by Winston Brassington and Marcia Nadir-Sharma.

Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

AHI Head, Beverly Harper

AHI Head, Beverly Harper

AHI Head, Beverly Harper

AHI Head, Beverly Harper

Additionally, AHI said that it was seeking an accountant for this aspect of the project to ensure the smooth, efficient and cost effective execution of phase two of the hotel. Handling the receipt of the applications is Ram and McRae Chartered Accountants. Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram who is part of the company, had been extremely critical of the Marriott venture over the years. He had even referred to it as a death knell for other local hotels in Guyana.
It was only last year that Finance Minister Winston Jordan said, that if the price is right, Government would be willing to rid itself of the controversial Marriott Hotel.
At the time, Jordan was asked to provide an update on what Government has decided to do with the Hotel it inherited from the previous regime.
He recalled that the government has made it clear on several occasions that it has no intention of being competitively involved in the hotel industry.

The Marriott Hotel

The Marriott Hotel

When asked about the possibility of Government selling the hotel, Jordan responded, “Let me put it this way, if Government gets a credible offer or buyer, it will divest itself of the hotel.”
The Finance Minister said that Cabinet has established a subcommittee that is looking at the issue and the best way of relieving the government of any responsibility in owning the hotel.
He noted that the Committee includes members such as Business Minster, Dominic Gaskin and Junior Finance Minister, Jaipaul Sharma.
The Finance Minister reiterated, “Government is determined not to own the hotel.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Two words come to mind here - Shameless Hypocrites.  Little by little they are taking ownership of all of the PPP projects.  Their only claim to fame is the parking meter project which is a disaster waiting to happen.  I have stayed at the Marriott.  It is surely 5 star. 

Bibi Haniffa

SInce it's there already, might as well make use of it, it's the smart thing to do...

It's like the PNC constitution, since it was there, PPP made use of it...


Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

Riff, please enlighten me on the possibility of any change in the constitution without the agreement of one of the major parties. 

Was there even an attempt at change?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Two words come to mind here - Shameless Hypocrites.  Little by little they are taking ownership of all of the PPP projects.  Their only claim to fame is the parking meter project which is a disaster waiting to happen.  I have stayed at the Marriott.  It is surely 5 star. 

They would have been ecstatic if the PPP had built a 5 star slave ship.


As I have proved daily, the PNC is very lucky to have the supporters they have. They enjoy having SHIT HEADS for supporters. Before Election they promised the moon and the star and they know after Election, they have no problem since SHIT HEADS can barely remember what they had for breakfast way before lunch. The SHIT HEADS mostly now are quiet and some that got treatment to reduce the amount of SHIT in their head are showing some shame and total resentment!!!

RiffRaff posted:

SInce it's there already, might as well make use of it, it's the smart thing to do...

It's like the PNC constitution, since it was there, PPP made use of it...


Exactly.  Should the gov't shut it down?

What the PPP freaks need to be telling us are where are the private investors that they claimed were involved in the project?

Zed posted:

Riff, please enlighten me on the possibility of any change in the constitution without the agreement of one of the major parties. 

Have you heard the PPP screaming that they want the constitution changed?  In fact Jagdeo ran around bellowing that it was the BEST constitution in the Caribbean.

There will be no change because Guyanese apparently don't want it.  If they did then they would organize to force parliament to get on with it.  Instead they prefer to plot to flee to Trinidad and harass those people by accepting low pay.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Two words come to mind here - Shameless Hypocrites.  Little by little they are taking ownership of all of the PPP projects.  Their only claim to fame is the parking meter project which is a disaster waiting to happen.  I have stayed at the Marriott.  It is surely 5 star. 

They would have been ecstatic if the PPP had built a 5 star slave ship.

Yes.  PPP freaks like you would have been housed in the servant quarters.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Two words come to mind here - Shameless Hypocrites.  Little by little they are taking ownership of all of the PPP projects.  Their only claim to fame is the parking meter project which is a disaster waiting to happen.  I have stayed at the Marriott.  It is surely 5 star. 

They would have been ecstatic if the PPP had built a 5 star slave ship.

Yes.  PPP freaks like you would have been housed in the servant quarters.

Nah! We would be responsible for making sure the foot and hand restraints are secure. We might be given hoses to spray the tourists to keep them clean.

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

SInce it's there already, might as well make use of it, it's the smart thing to do...

It's like the PNC constitution, since it was there, PPP made use of it...


Exactly.  Should the gov't shut it down?

What the PPP freaks need to be telling us are where are the private investors that they claimed were involved in the project?

No, a resident of section 8 housing would not understand. Granger et al said that they would sell it, now they holding on to it like a treasure.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

SInce it's there already, might as well make use of it, it's the smart thing to do...

It's like the PNC constitution, since it was there, PPP made use of it...


Exactly.  Should the gov't shut it down?

What the PPP freaks need to be telling us are where are the private investors that they claimed were involved in the project?

No, a resident of section 8 housing would not understand. Granger et al said that they would sell it, now they holding on to it like a treasure.

Not only this issue the PNC told lies to their SHIT HEAD supporters but as the Energizer Bunny I can go on and on with examples. Is there anywhere in the World that has the DUMBEST SHIT HEADS like we have on GNI??  I researched it quite extensively but could not find any.


you fellas should be happy that Govt did the wise thing here....why destroy what the taxpayers money has already paid for...??

This is a wise move on their part...especially now that there is the potential for oil


Simple, look how STUPID the SHIT HEADS ARE. THe PC told them the Marriot is a Monument of Corruption and must/will sell it if you vote us in.  Now, they ARE IN enjoying the 5 star MONUMENT of JOY. Well meh neighba was RIGHT.  When yuh is a SHIT HEAD yuh done being a SHIT HEAD.  Bottom line, there is no hope for SHIT HEADS!!!!!!!!!!

RiffRaff posted:

you fellas should be happy that Govt did the wise thing here....why destroy what the taxpayers money has already paid for...??

This is a wise move on their part...especially now that there is the potential for oil

Seems like you missed the point, no one is suggesting destroying the hotel. What we are questioning is their claims how it was a liability to the country and how they would sell it. Now they did an about face. Get real man, this was one of the main talking points for painting the PPP as corrupt. 


The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Demerara_Guy posted:

As time goes by, the PNC will implement the projects of the former PPP/C government, which they-PNC firmly opposed while in the opposition.

Another good explanation for Riff. Now let us hope and pray he gets it.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Yea right... their work came with exorbitant cost to the taxpayers,money wasted on lots of projects,some have to be rectified and some can't be resuscitated,that's is geniuses for you.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Yea right... their work came with exorbitant cost to the taxpayers,money wasted on lots of projects,some have to be rectified and some can't be resuscitated,that's is geniuses for you.

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Yea right... their work came with exorbitant cost to the taxpayers,money wasted on lots of projects,some have to be rectified and some can't be resuscitated,that's is geniuses for you.

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Why don't you haul your ass,who the fcvk are you calling people names,you are nothing more than a piece shit.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Yea right... their work came with exorbitant cost to the taxpayers,money wasted on lots of projects,some have to be rectified and some can't be resuscitated,that's is geniuses for you.

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Why don't you haul your ass,who the fcvk are you calling people names,you are nothing more than a piece shit.

You are a DUMB ass who come here with your SHIT HEAD and expect people to listen to your absolute CRAP. Bloody IDIOT!!!


Now if you are capable, get back to the Topic, if you need help contact Riff.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant and charging that taxpayers' monies being squandered I was worried that it would go up in flames. Fortunately, it did not and now it turned out be the exact opposite what the critics said. Be prepared for the gov't. to start boasting about the Skeldon sugar factory.

Skeldon being failing for a long time

Riff, yuh nah get it. What the man is saying is eventually the PNC will see all of the PPP work as being the work of geniuses.

Yea right... their work came with exorbitant cost to the taxpayers,money wasted on lots of projects,some have to be rectified and some can't be resuscitated,that's is geniuses for you.

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Why don't you haul your ass,who the fcvk are you calling people names,you are nothing more than a piece shit.

You are a DUMB ass who come here with your SHIT HEAD and expect people to listen to your absolute CRAP. Bloody IDIOT!!!


Now if you are capable, get back to the Topic, if you need help contact Riff.

The biggest DUMB ASS here is you,SHIT is over flowing in your head,hence the only words you can write all day.

Last edited by Django
Mr.T posted:

Like Nehru did not have his daily dose of pounding from his boyfriend.

I can see the smile on your Face all the way here. Half of Parliament oiled and service your engine over the weekend.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Why don't you haul your ass,who the fcvk are you calling people names,you are nothing more than a piece shit.

Wrong, he's not a piece, he's de whole dam loaf.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

You are both stupid and illiterate.  Were you following the thread from start or just just got an urge to try use your SHIT HEAD????

Why don't you haul your ass,who the fcvk are you calling people names,you are nothing more than a piece shit.

Wrong, he's not a piece, he's de whole dam loaf.

Oh Rass Chief SHIT HEAD shows up. What the Doctor said, they will able to remove some of the SHIT so that you can finally read and understand????  I am pulling for you I feel your pain. But with improve technology there is still hope for you.

Nehru posted:
kp posted:

Wasn't the hotel to be converted to specialty hospital.???

Yuh aint gun get an answer from dem shit heads!!!!!!!!!!!

First, I heard they will make into a shelter for them Buxtonians, and our resident, Churchill agrees when he was interviewed on Dr. Jadopat (PNC) TV show. Churchill still angry at the PPP as if they owed him something. 

skeldon_man posted:

Nah! We would be responsible for making sure the foot and hand restraints are secure. We might be given hoses to spray the tourists to keep them clean.

The PPP screamed that you all were too lazy to build the hotel so they brought in Chinese.

Like I said you would have been housed with the Chinese.  Note that the servant quarters have open holes in the ground where the Chinese squatted in full view of each other.  The fetid water was then funneled into a drain, with the stench fully noticeable by those in the servant quarters.

If this is what the PPP thought of the Chinese imagine what they would have done to you all he they wailed were too lazy to be used.

Drugb posted:

No, a resident of section 8 housing would not understand. Granger et al said that they would sell it, now they holding on to it like a treasure.

The PPP screamed that they had private investors, and that this wasn't a government owned hotel.

So how come the PPP investors didn't show up when the hotel was completed when they were still in power?

Now left with a project that is indebted the new gov't has to make the most of it.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The way the AFC/APNU was cussing that hotel calling it another white elephant

It is a white elephant.  Guyana doesn't even have proper roads into the interior or proper navigation for flights going to those locations.

If they wanted tourism the PPP should have built a proper road to Iworkrama and then built a 3 star eco lodge just outside of the nature reserve.  Or facilitated proper air transport.

Now the only purpose that Marriott serves is for people like druggie and Bibi to show off on poor Guyanese and scream "me rich, me rich".

If Marriott wasn't there you would have still visited Guyana. Maybe gone to the other PPP fiasco, the now renamed Ramada Princess Hotel.

Druggie where are the legions of tourists who were going to arrive in casino junkets since the PPP opened up that hotel in the name of one of Guyana's biggest narco traffickers?  Even when your Lord & Master Jagdeo, God of the Indians, was in power no tourists showed up and Buddy's had to sell!

Last edited by Former Member

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