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When in Opposition, APNU/AFC talked fat about politically correct buzzwords like “transparency”. But even though they promised to have a “code of conduct” for their officials before 100 days in office…Raphael Trotman just sent out a teaser “draft” – and said they’re waiting for comments from the citizenry.

Trouble is, no one’s seen neither head nor hair of the “Code of Conduct” draft or otherwise. And for sure National Security Minister and Vice President of the Republic Khemraj Ramjattan hasn’t seen it. There’s no way he could have. Why? Well, in one of his patented outburst (No! Not “haul yuh ass!!” one!!!) he posited that because he and his colleagues “aren’t rich like Jagdeo” they don’t have to be transparent about their financial status.!! Now there isn’t a “Code of Conduct” for Government officials in the entire democratic world that doesn’t call for those worthies to declare their assets!!

As Transparency International (TI) points out, Government officials are paid from the taxes of citizens and the latter have a right to ensure that the assets that the former are in charge of, don’t end up their pockets. TI assures us that “Research shows that an asset declaration open to public scrutiny is a way for citizens to ensure leaders do not abuse their power for personal gain (our definition of corruption).” Now even though the local branch of TI had been singing from that hymn book before the elections, they seem to have lost the page -if not their way, nowadays!

The matter came to a head when ex-President Jagdeo called the bluff of the administration on transparency. He’d declare his assets if they did the same for theirs. And this is where Ramjattan brought in the doltishness of Jagdeo’s assets being the yardstick for declaration of wealth by him and his Governmental posse.

But as has become customary with Ramjattan whenever he spontaneously opens his mouth, he makes some interesting revelations. First of all, he claimed to know the value of Jagdeo’s personal wealth. Now we know all PPP Governmental members have been declaring their assets to the Integrity Commission for two decades. It seems that Ramjattan has used his office to peruse those records.

How else could he speak so definitively that Jagdeo is wealthier than him?? Word is that ever since he launched the AFC and began fund-raising in “foreign”, his secret Swiss Bank Accounts have become quite swollen.

Jagdeo’s assets are in the public domain…if he was doing something surreptitiously he’d be hiding his wealth, no?

It’s the sly ones like Ramjattan, like all sly farts, who’re seemingly innocuous but deadly!


…when it’ll come out anyway

It’s becoming clearer every day that this administration is challenged when it comes to creating wealth but very enthusiastic in spreading it. Problem is, if you don’t have it, you can’t spread it… but that hasn’t fazed them yet. Even though economic woes are piling higher every day, no one’s willing to turn off the spending spigot.

Seems we’re now going to have a country-wide breakfast programme in schools. Has anyone thought through the logistical and financial demands to be satisfied? That’s right after we’ll raise everyone salary in the Governmental service. On top of that heap, of course, are the Ministers and Vice Presidents whose salaries must be “rationalized” just so they pecking order is financially correlated.

And let’s not mention grand cleanup of the City thats’s going to cost us another cool billion.

Someone’s cleaning up, all right.

But it’s not those who create wealth.


…crime fighting credentials

With the change to an administration practically bent over with the weight of security and come fighting at the top, it’s amazing how many others of the same species have surfaced in the letters column of the papers.

Is it because Ramjattan’s so obviously out of his depth and so desperately needs help?

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The matter came to a head when ex-President Jagdeo called the bluff of the administration on transparency. He’d declare his assets if they did the same for theirs. And this is where Ramjattan brought in the doltishness of Jagdeo’s assets being the yardstick for declaration of wealth by him and his Governmental posse.


This sums up a PNC clueless administration:


"It’s becoming clearer every day that this administration is challenged when it comes to creating wealth but very enthusiastic in spreading it. Problem is, if you don’t have it, you can’t spread it… but that hasn’t fazed them yet. Even though economic woes are piling higher every day, no one’s willing to turn off the spending spigot.

Seems we’re now going to have a country-wide breakfast programme in schools. Has anyone thought through the logistical and financial demands to be satisfied? That’s right after we’ll raise everyone salary in the Governmental service. On top of that heap, of course, are the Ministers and Vice Presidents whose salaries must be “rationalized” just so they pecking order is financially correlated.

And let’s not mention grand cleanup of the City thats’s going to cost us another cool billion.

Someone’s cleaning up, all right.

But it’s not those who create wealth."


Typical KoKoBeah PNC: Spend,Spend,Spend as the economy enters the deepest recession ever. 


PNC WILL NEVER understand on how to create wealth. We are back to the Burnham and Hoyte days.


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