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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

The PPP missed a gold opportunity to work majority opposition to address this crime fighting bill.


they with their goatishness decided to go alone as minority.


you Goolagong do not know Nigel history.  His father fought burn ham on democracy in the 70s and Nigel will play second fiddle to no PPP.


unlike ramu, who is Jagdeo man, Nigel is body's man.

Stop the name calling. Admin rightfully wants it to end.


Now back to the topic.. It was Nigel and his radical brand of perceived terrorism that led to the Linden murders which an independent commission blamed the opposition for the violence and Rohee was vindicated. I know that this is still hard for the opposition to swallow but that is the truth.


The AFC resorts to gutter politics and does not care for the safety and development of Guyana.  Moses and Ramjattan are now choir boys for Nigel.

Please be reminded that the classic example of gutter politics was ramu's speech at babu Jaan Where he called Moses a jackass.

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah the speaker of the house already ruled on this issue. I guess that you are not well read on this matter. The AFC is spinning their wheels here. LOL

Yugibhai look how de the PPP voted with APNU and AFC to begin to restore Georgetown to its former glory.  


Ramotar is not qualified for the presidency. Remember he was hand picked to be the puppet.

The AFC missed a golden opportunity to support crime fighting legislation and leave the PNC where they belong..... Thugs.


This will come back to haunt the AFC. This legislation was supported by the international community. The AFC chose to be mislead by Nigel on this one.


Nigel and his leadership style keeps hurting the AFC since he is a PNC closet supporter.


Moses and Ramjatlong have become choir boys to Nigel This is funny to watch as Nigel takes over the AFC with his radical brand of PNC thuggery.

The PPP missed a gold opportunity to work majority opposition to address this crime fighting bill.


they with their goatishness decided to go alone as minority.


you Goolagong do not know Nigel history.  His father fought burn ham on democracy in the 70s and Nigel will play second fiddle to no PPP.


unlike ramu, who is Jagdeo man, Nigel is body's man.

Stop the name calling. Admin rightfully wants it to end.


Now back to the topic.. It was Nigel and his radical brand of perceived terrorism that led to the Linden murders which an independent commission blamed the opposition for the violence and Rohee was vindicated. I know that this is still hard for the opposition to swallow but that is the truth.


The AFC resorts to gutter politics and does not care for the safety and development of Guyana.  Moses and Ramjattan are now choir boys for Nigel.

Please be reminded that the classic example of gutter politics was ramu's speech at babu Jaan Where he called Moses a jackass.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses has zero political credibility. It was received in parliament that Moses collected millions for services provided to NICIL. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses has zero political credibility. It was received in parliament that Moses collected millions for services provided to NICIL. 



you fool the controller of the finances of niCil is all Brazzy, jaggy and nut head, engage your brains before you write.


it these three who continue to bypass parliament and spend the people money without their permission.  That is theft.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses has zero political credibility. It was received in parliament that Moses collected millions for services provided to NICIL. 

Are you that stupid or you are making a special effort to day? Moses was paid by Nicil for services rendered.Moses pulled away 5000 votes from the PPP and his support has escalated more after Ramotar's infamous speech in disprespect to Uncle Cheddi at Babu John.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses has zero political credibility. It was received in parliament that Moses collected millions for services provided to NICIL. 

Are you that stupid or you are making a special effort to day? Moses was paid by Nicil for services rendered.Moses pulled away 5000 votes from the PPP and his support has escalated more after Ramotar's infamous speech in disprespect to Uncle Cheddi at Babu John.

Headline in 2015 - Moses pulls 20,000 ppp supporters in berbice.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses has zero political credibility. It was received in parliament that Moses collected millions for services provided to NICIL. 

Are you that stupid or you are making a special effort to day? Moses was paid by Nicil for services rendered.Moses pulled away 5000 votes from the PPP and his support has escalated more after Ramotar's infamous speech in disprespect to Uncle Cheddi at Babu John.

Headline in 2015 - Moses pulls 20,000 ppp supporters in berbice.

Jagdeo knew that had he gone to the grass roots, Moses would have defeated Ramotar for the leadership and he Jagdeo would not have his puppet.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

Yugi did you read your hogwash before you posted? How come you never condemned the police brutality meted out to the woman and her kid recently on Marudi Mountain?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

There you go again Mitwah. Typical AFC style of gutter politics. Go back and read that  post VERY carefully. My post is there for all see. Ha Ha.  


I don't feel like calling you an AO. Gutter politics is what Ramo practices and preaches. You have not condemned his gutter politics at Babu Jaan sacred grounds. Your anomaly is absurd.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

To whom do you intend to convey the lie th at Carter supported this constitution. Further, do you believe that saying the PNC is my beloved party will make it so? You are  of that stuped phalanx the PPP put out into the field and left hanging with no real opinion to inform your thinking. You simply make shit up.


And the constitution was not in place for the 28 years of the PNC. It was a rigged referendum in '78. The PPP is on record defining it in terms that I now use so if it was they called it then what makes it different now? The point is not that the PNC created it but the PPP enjoys its privileges so lets not miss who is committing the transgression against hope of us ever achieving a functioning democracy.


Also, since when does two wrongs make a right and since when  can a  sin can be passed off as normal because there are sinners elsewhere? Did you say you were an avowed ritual exacting and spiritual Brahmin? On what principles are your morals informed? Dude, when you have to obfuscate, lie,  and invent excuses to support a viewpoint, the foundation is already washed away.  You have no place to stand on and mount an argument.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

To whom do you intend to convey the lie th at Carter supported this constitution. Further, do you believe that saying the PNC is my beloved party will make it so? You are  of that stuped phalanx the PPP put out into the field and left hanging with no real opinion to inform your thinking. You simply make shit up.


And the constitution was not in place for the 28 years of the PNC. It was a rigged referendum in '78. The PPP is on record defining it in terms that I now use so if it was they called it then what makes it different now? The point is not that the PNC created it but the PPP enjoys its privileges so lets not miss who is committing the transgression against hope of us ever achieving a functioning democracy.


Also, since when does two wrongs make a right and since when  can a  sin can be passed off as normal because there are sinners elsewhere? Did you say you were an avowed ritual exacting and spiritual Brahmin? On what principles are your morals informed? Dude, when you have to obfuscate, lie,  and invent excuses to support a viewpoint, the foundation is already washed away.  You have no place to stand on and mount an argument.

You can say whatever you want but you and redux are on record of being quick on your feet in defending the PNC. You have openly called for an overthrow and the natives using arms to overthrow the PPP. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop the name calling. Admin rightfully wants it to end.


. . . Nigel and his radical brand of perceived terrorism . . .

yugee, our (x-born) 'Brahman' primitive trying to be clever

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

With all the benign talk of the PNC today, it's all hog wash.  They will regress to the old PNC within one-two terms and become even worse.  The PNC will always have to rely on unconstitutional means to hold power, even if they honestly win at first.  They will use the military to enforce their will and we will see a return to the oppression and brutality of their first reign of terror.

i will humor you and ask for your 'evidence' to support this . . . other than the "blackman" thing, that is

Evidence FOOL????   You are that ILLITERATE on the History of Guyana???? Which bloody University employed a Pea brain like you????

yes . . . "EVIDENCE" bai


i ask for this everytime alyuh tribesmen start baking hot shyte patties and offering dem up as argument

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

To whom do you intend to convey the lie th at Carter supported this constitution. Further, do you believe that saying the PNC is my beloved party will make it so? You are  of that stuped phalanx the PPP put out into the field and left hanging with no real opinion to inform your thinking. You simply make shit up.


And the constitution was not in place for the 28 years of the PNC. It was a rigged referendum in '78. The PPP is on record defining it in terms that I now use so if it was they called it then what makes it different now? The point is not that the PNC created it but the PPP enjoys its privileges so lets not miss who is committing the transgression against hope of us ever achieving a functioning democracy.


Also, since when does two wrongs make a right and since when  can a  sin can be passed off as normal because there are sinners elsewhere? Did you say you were an avowed ritual exacting and spiritual Brahmin? On what principles are your morals informed? Dude, when you have to obfuscate, lie,  and invent excuses to support a viewpoint, the foundation is already washed away.  You have no place to stand on and mount an argument.

You can say whatever you want but you and redux are on record of being quick on your feet in defending the PNC. You have openly called for an overthrow and the natives using arms to overthrow the PPP. 

 I call you a liar openly. I do not care for the PNC and never defended anything from them. I see them as a foil to the PPP as a breakwater is to the ocean. They exist and are in the PPP's way and the PPP's way is to rob us blind.


One does not have to overthrow the PPP one has to cripple their autocratic authority. That is being done. They are left with nothing than to cry into the wind about fictive attacks and farcical insults ( as with the insult to women recently) They are hopelessly without any moral moorings so there is nothing they can do our say absent an attempt at contrition for errors that is of relevance. They are Markos and Suharto regime incarnate

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

To whom do you intend to convey the lie th at Carter supported this constitution. Further, do you believe that saying the PNC is my beloved party will make it so? You are  of that stuped phalanx the PPP put out into the field and left hanging with no real opinion to inform your thinking. You simply make shit up.


And the constitution was not in place for the 28 years of the PNC. It was a rigged referendum in '78. The PPP is on record defining it in terms that I now use so if it was they called it then what makes it different now? The point is not that the PNC created it but the PPP enjoys its privileges so lets not miss who is committing the transgression against hope of us ever achieving a functioning democracy.


Also, since when does two wrongs make a right and since when  can a  sin can be passed off as normal because there are sinners elsewhere? Did you say you were an avowed ritual exacting and spiritual Brahmin? On what principles are your morals informed? Dude, when you have to obfuscate, lie,  and invent excuses to support a viewpoint, the foundation is already washed away.  You have no place to stand on and mount an argument.

You can say whatever you want but you and redux are on record of being quick on your feet in defending the PNC. You have openly called for an overthrow and the natives using arms to overthrow the PPP. 

 I call you a liar openly. I do not care for the PNC and never defended anything from them. I see them as a foil to the PPP as a breakwater is to the ocean. They exist and are in the PPP's way and the PPP's way is to rob us blind.


One does not have to overthrow the PPP one has to cripple their autocratic authority. That is being done. They are left with nothing than to cry into the wind about fictive attacks and farcical insults ( as with the insult to women recently) They are hopelessly without any moral moorings so there is nothing they can do our say absent an attempt at contrition for errors that is of relevance. They are Markos and Suharto regime incarnate

Keep singing and dancing but your record here stands and you have always defended the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana is already a semi-democracy. Or if you prefer a semi-dictatorship. 

The very fact that you can openly criticize the PPP and not brutalized when you visit Guyana is proof of democracy in action. Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 



 Proof of democracy is in the existence of the precepts for democracy to flourish. I wonder if you saw the beating of the Amerind woman and her child last week and if you did can you point me to one instance where any  in the administration commented on it as antitethical to what they deem as responsible policing. To the contrary, they and their agents ignored it completely. Note as well that this party  hired a drug lord as their agent of state security and he murdered on their behalf over 400 people.


I am willing to demonstrate to you using  clear, precise and  well worn metrics for assessing a democracy to illustrate why we are in an autocracy. Start a thread on it if you want to discuss that rather than yap in an uninformed manner.


For starters, you should grasp that fact when they insisted that they are not accountable to the legislature. Note, the constitution that actualized the dictatorship you so abhor ( and I do as well  though my reasons do not rely on race as a metric) is the constitution that the PPP hide behind and use as their shield do defend "democracy". If you do not see that as strange then you are prescient to the raw material  in our experience that makes a democracy work

The constitution that you so passionately criticize was supported and amended by the intervention of former President Carter. 


Your beloved PNC ruled Guyana for 28 long years and saw no reason to change it. Listen, try changing the US construction and you will get the backlash of your lifetime.


Keep your distorted political opinion to yourself. The natives in Canada are living below third world conditions. I do not see the US government or any other government calling out this horrible situation. Yes, this is happening in Canada, your own backyard.


Google the case of Dudley Geroge. 

To whom do you intend to convey the lie th at Carter supported this constitution. Further, do you believe that saying the PNC is my beloved party will make it so? You are  of that stuped phalanx the PPP put out into the field and left hanging with no real opinion to inform your thinking. You simply make shit up.


And the constitution was not in place for the 28 years of the PNC. It was a rigged referendum in '78. The PPP is on record defining it in terms that I now use so if it was they called it then what makes it different now? The point is not that the PNC created it but the PPP enjoys its privileges so lets not miss who is committing the transgression against hope of us ever achieving a functioning democracy.


Also, since when does two wrongs make a right and since when  can a  sin can be passed off as normal because there are sinners elsewhere? Did you say you were an avowed ritual exacting and spiritual Brahmin? On what principles are your morals informed? Dude, when you have to obfuscate, lie,  and invent excuses to support a viewpoint, the foundation is already washed away.  You have no place to stand on and mount an argument.

You can say whatever you want but you and redux are on record of being quick on your feet in defending the PNC. You have openly called for an overthrow and the natives using arms to overthrow the PPP. 

 I call you a liar openly. I do not care for the PNC and never defended anything from them. I see them as a foil to the PPP as a breakwater is to the ocean. They exist and are in the PPP's way and the PPP's way is to rob us blind.


One does not have to overthrow the PPP one has to cripple their autocratic authority. That is being done. They are left with nothing than to cry into the wind about fictive attacks and farcical insults ( as with the insult to women recently) They are hopelessly without any moral moorings so there is nothing they can do our say absent an attempt at contrition for errors that is of relevance. They are Markos and Suharto regime incarnate

Keep singing and dancing but your record here stands and you have always defended the PNC.

 My record is the one you imagined. That I always defend the PNC is one that everyone here who ever read my writing will state is a complete and utter barefaced lie. I can even bring back threads from the archive a decade old that affirms my criticism of the PNC. My first post ever on this site was a condemnation of the PNC era and a hope for the new.


Criticizing the PPP is not the same as supporting the PNC. Actually, if the past PNC was a benchmark of corrupt practices these scoundrels have out matched that  at every level from theft, to murder. Go and read my postings of October 2011 which is still on the site  where I laid out completely what I hoped for in this parliament. You are a disgusting and bare faced liar.


You are violating the very standards that admin is talking about.... Name calling. This is political discussion and if you cannot stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen. You are first to run to admin like a cry baby yet you call other posters names like moron, liar and stupid.


Very sad indeed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are violating the very standards that admin is talking about.... Name calling. This is political discussion and if you cannot stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen. You are first to run to admin like a cry baby yet you call other posters names like moron, liar and stupid.


Very sad indeed.

 You are a skunk, a liar and a persistent amoral cad. There is no other way to describe you and the admin can suck on that if they accept as you do that I defend the PNC or condone any error or corrupt practices attributable to them.


The only thing sad here is you are the one pretending to be a devout religious ritual abiding-to Brahmin. I am an avowed heathen so there is none of that ritualistic bullshit cover.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is political discussion . . .

ahmmm . . . actually, it's not


the thread is a poorly disguised race-baiting platform set up by tribesmen aligned with Guyana's gangster government 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are violating the very standards that admin is talking about.... Name calling. This is political discussion and if you cannot stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen. You are first to run to admin like a cry baby yet you call other posters names like moron, liar and stupid.


Very sad indeed.

 You are a skunk, a liar and a persistent amoral cad. There is no other way to describe you and the admin can suck on that if they accept as you do that I defend the PNC or condone any error or corrupt practices attributable to them.


The only thing sad here is you are the one pretending to be a devout religious ritual abiding-to Brahmin. I am an avowed heathen so there is none of that ritualistic bullshit cover.

Why drag religion to the discussion ? As I said before, this is politics. Engage but stop the name calling.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are violating the very standards that admin is talking about.... Name calling. This is political discussion and if you cannot stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen. You are first to run to admin like a cry baby yet you call other posters names like moron, liar and stupid.


Very sad indeed.

 You are a skunk, a liar and a persistent amoral cad. There is no other way to describe you and the admin can suck on that if they accept as you do that I defend the PNC or condone any error or corrupt practices attributable to them.


The only thing sad here is you are the one pretending to be a devout religious ritual abiding-to Brahmin. I am an avowed heathen so there is none of that ritualistic bullshit cover.

Why drag religion to the discussion ? As I said before, this is politics. Engage but stop the name calling.

One stands on something to gain a moral foothold. You are are the one who build your moral standing on your pious practices. I say you are as rotten as any common street punk and as informed as the worse of them if you continue to excuse the crookedness of the present PPP on some nebulous potential of a new coming of the PNC.


Politics is about the polis and the polis is a collection of people sharing a state. We are the demos part that makes up democracy. If components of it are as acquiescent to corrupt practices and hide behind piety than that must be disinfected in the light of day.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

. . . Burnham and Hoyte prevented newspapers from being printed and TV stations were not allowed. Those who opposed Burnham and Hoyte were brutalized. Rodney was murdered for opposing the dictatorship. I can creat a very long shopping list of injustices by an Afro led PNC dictatorship. 

these very things [and much much more!], in a 21st Century context, are occurring RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES in Guyana today under an Indo led PPP gangster govt



I see that you are quite disturbed that I called out facts. All historians know who the PNC dictators were. The PNC will always remain the same.

you actually do not dispute ANYTHING i said . . . do you?


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