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PNCR general council to assess relationship with APNU

February 13, 2012 By admin

High-level officials from the People’s National Congress Reform are expected to converge at Congress Place on March 3 and 4 for the staging of the party’s first General Council Meeting for the year.
The General Council is the second highest decision-making forum for the party, and it is expected that several topical issues relating to the future of the political party will be up for discussion.

PNCR leader Robert Corbin
When contacted on Monday, PNCR leader Robert Corbin said the members of the General Council are slated to review the party’s relationship with the coalition group A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), assess its performance during the November 28 elections and discuss other issues related to the business of the party. APNU is an amalgamation of a number of parties, the largest outside of the PNCR being the Working People’s Alliance. The grouping was able to secure 26 seats at the recent polls.
He said that plans for the council are progressing smoothly. Asked whether the issue of electing a leader would be on the agenda at the General Council Meeting, Corbin responded in the negative, explaining that it is at the party’s bi-annual congress that leaders and office bearers are elected.
Questioned further as to whether he would be running again for the leadership post of the party, which has somewhat been overshadowed by the establishment of APNU, Corbin said “that’s not the issue now”, while indicating that the council would be focused on setting a date and place for the next bi-annual congress which would see those matters fully discussed and voted upon.
Guyana Times was able to confirm that the General Council Meeting this year would see hundreds of PNCR members, the crème of the crop of leaders of the party’s various community groups, youth arms and women organisations, attending and venting views about issues of concern.
This year’s congress is likely to be a very critical one and it would be interesting to see if the party uses the same method it adopted to elect its presidential candidate last year for the election of the party leader. If Corbin decides not to contest the leadership post, then it will be easy for Granger to ease his way into the position. Sources close to the party have informed Guyana Times that Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Deborah Backer might be a possible candidate to take over the leadership of the party.

The three card monty game of the PNC/ APNU - So, who is he real leader- Corbin or Granger? Now you see em , now you don't. As far as I am concern, APNU is coalition only in name and the quicker they bring this charade to a halt, the better for all
Excuse me but ... who is "admin" the author? The dude doesn't even capitalize the "a" in admin. He's is all lower case. Smile

Mara, Do you really believe what you posted up above. What you posted is for rookies or senior citizens who are new to email/internet and send their money in response to some email they receieved because they are informed that their distant relative died and left them tens of thousands of dollars.

Come on Mara ... you have been posting too long to post junk like that. That stuff is chain email.

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