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The worst disease the planet has discovered!!!

Chronicle under 32 versus 33, Chronicle under 33 versus 32.

The PPP under the presidential candidacy of Donald Ramotar won 32 seats in the 2011 elections as against 33 seats for the combined APNU and AFC. The PPP won the largest number of votes so under the constitution it secured the presidency.
The APNU and AFC used its one set advantage to cut the 2012 budget. One of the areas cut was the state media. Both opposition parties did not approve of the line item of funds for the state media which included the Chronicle and NCN.
The reason of APNU and AFC for denying budgetary allocation to the state media was clearer than even the sunniest day in a tropical country – the PPP government was using the state media, a state funded entity as a propaganda weapon. The argument went on that the state media should be opened up to opposition views.
The AFC in 2012 spread out in Berbice to explain the lines in the budget that were cut. At one of those meetings up the East Coast, the Speakers were Khemraj Ramjattan, Chris Ram, Gerhard Ramsaroop and I. At one of those meetings, Chris Ram while on the platform, lost his voice and had to be replaced. I suspect why there was a predominant number of East Indian speakers was because the AFC needed to explain to its supporters why it chopped many parts of the 2012 budget.
So back then, in 2012, 2013, and 2014, the Chronicle was the hunted in a game of 32 versus 33. The PPP had 32 seats and its yearly budget was subjected to line chops but the Chronicle in reality was in the hands of the owners of 32 because the owners of 32 formed the government. Enter 2016. The 32 versus 33 continues but we can put it in reverse mode. In 2011, it was 32 versus 33. Because the owners of 33 was putting inexorable pressure on the owners of 32 to free up the state media.
In 2015, it is the same 32 versus 33 but we can refer to the Chronicle in the operation room as point 3 percent. The point 3 percent represents the margin of victory of the owners of 33 at it stands right now. Chronicle is not longer the hunted. But its use as a propaganda weapon continues. It would be interesting to see how the AFC explain to its supporters (assuming g it still has supporters) how different is the state media in 2011 when the 32 controlled the government and the 33 pursued it relentlessly to free up the state media.
So the Chronicle of point 3 percent operates as in 2011 when a minority of 32 in parliament still controlled and used the state media as if it owned it. The point 3 percent controls the state media since 2015 as if it owns it. But there is a big difference from 2011. That point 3 percent has allowed for the 32 versus 33 to continue. So the owners of 32 cannot cut the budgetary allocation to the state media for a commonsensical reason – 33 is larger than 32.
Let’s discuss the Chronicle at point 3 percent. If a political formation wins a national election by point 3 percent, then in my inflexible opinion it cannot have a total mandate. The emphasis is on the noun, “mandate.” How then can the Chronicle at point 3 percent continue as in 2011 when the minority owners of 32 used and abused the state media?
I will repeat it and never stop once the APNU+AFC remains in office – what mandate the political owners of government had in a situation where they won the election by point 3 percent and arrogated to themselves the authority to remove Lincoln Lewis and David Hinds as columnists with the Chronicle?
My contestation is that point 3 percent did not give them the mandate to do so. There should have been consultations with the other half, meaning those sections of Guyana that lost the election by point 3 percent. I think I have confused readers enough with all this jazz of 32 versus 33 and 33 versus 32 and point 3 percent.
Here is my point. I do not see the state media as being any different from the bad old days when the PPP ruled this country. In those days, private party gatherings made the headlines in the Chronicle and NCN. The identical thing is happening here. So when my friends in the new parties will get front page coverage from the point 3 percent Chronicle? I want to know that because I am voting for one of them.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t think the PNC are hypocrites. They have no problem advertising their lawlessness. I do think the AFC are hypocrites.

I say traitors!

I agree.

Nehru posted:

When I used to see his face on my Exercise Book I used to vomit!!!!!!!!!

....but you bowed to his picture at Congress Place, where you stood resolutely in line to get "piece of the action" to guh rob yuh mattie and teef they channa. The only dog and HYPOCRITE hay is YOU!

Nehru posted:

If pissing on his grave is bowing then I am guilty!!!

You don't have the guts to guh anywhere near Burnham grave! You, like plenty of de BIG MOUTH Indians hay, were part of the oppressive Burnham machinery.

You were teefing from yuh Indian mattie. Ray was running KSM, but at least he don't talk hypocritical shit like you. KP and Happo eating free duck curry. Dem Guy running afta Burnham and fck up the whole hyropower thing. Baseman still running afta Granger and "Baawwwww Barra" to dis day.Not to mention most of the de Indians worshipping Burnham were Muslims (check out Chief) and de swamp creature from Florida family.

Alyuh Indians posting hay gat no fking shame. Sitting hay talking fat when alyuh was de ones worshipping Burnham. Cussing black man hay day after day!

Nah fret. A black man like Rodney gon rise up to save alyuh again!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t think the PNC are hypocrites. They have no problem advertising their lawlessness. I do think the AFC are hypocrites.

I say, traitors!

Traitors? Nah you bin get all the dhall, allou and flour when Nehru was hustling he neighbor data fuh lil bit? 

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I don’t think the PNC are hypocrites. They have no problem advertising their lawlessness. I do think the AFC are hypocrites.

I say, traitors!

Traitors? Nah you bin get all the dhall, allou and flour when Nehru was hustling he neighbor data fuh lil bit? 

I was referring to the AFC.  The PNC did their thing, the AFC sold out!

Nehru posted:

Rodney I walked with to face the PNC Goons. He will always be my hero.

You are a damn liar! You never walked with Rodney. You were following yuh hero Cheddi and he "critical support". Hence yuh presence at Congress Place!

Not to mention yuh visits to Belfield where yuh learn the term "batty washer". But ah gon spare yuh de ignominy of dat one.

Nehru posted:

I am/was NOT the slave.!!!!!

You are a damn slave bai! Yuh duz talk nuff shit hay to mek up fuh yuh dutty, teefing behavior in Guyana. Guilty conscience. Can't wait til ICE haul yuh ass out pon Queens Boulevard put yuh in a van and send yuh rass back to Guyana.

Iguana posted:
Nehru posted:

If pissing on his grave is bowing then I am guilty!!!

You don't have the guts to guh anywhere near Burnham grave! You, like plenty of de BIG MOUTH Indians hay, were part of the oppressive Burnham machinery.

You were teefing from yuh Indian mattie. Ray was running KSM, but at least he don't talk hypocritical shit like you. KP and Happo eating free duck curry. Dem Guy running afta Burnham and fck up the whole hyropower thing. Baseman still running afta Granger and "Baawwwww Barra" to dis day.Not to mention most of the de Indians worshipping Burnham were Muslims (check out Chief) and de swamp creature from Florida family.

Alyuh Indians posting hay gat no fking shame. Sitting hay talking fat when alyuh was de ones worshipping Burnham. Cussing black man hay day after day!

Nah fret. A black man like Rodney gon rise up to save alyuh again!

And you were busy thieving from the Indians, damn Choke & robber.

 Once you are a criminal ,you always will be a jail bird.

 Look like you looking for a Raise, get a job.

kp posted:
 Once you are a criminal ,you always will be a jail bird.

 Look like you looking for a Raise, get a job.

Banna who know mo about getting a raise in Georgetown mo dan you? You could write a book pon how to do it, duck curry and all lol...

Y'all iz a rale jokey bunch!

Iguana posted:
kp posted:
 Once you are a criminal ,you always will be a jail bird.

 Look like you looking for a Raise, get a job.

Banna who know mo about getting a raise in Georgetown mo dan you? You could write a book pon how to do it, duck curry and all lol...

Y'all iz a rale jokey bunch!

You sound hungry, blame the world for your misfortunes, lazy SOB.

Sean posted:
Nehru posted:

Rodney I walked with to face the PNC Goons. He will always be my hero.

Sadly, PNC murdered Rodney. He could have united Guyana. 

Or become Guyana's Robert Mugabe!

Heroes die young, Rodney, Che, etc because they never had to fulfill their promises!


Walter Rodney was a Pan Africanist, part of the black power movement, and evidently very PROUD of his African roots. He was cognizant of the multi racial roots and society of the Caribbean as evidenced by his books, which include "Lakshmi, out of India".

That some of you racist Indian dogs post here that "black people are the scourge of the earth" and then claim that you were supporters of Rodney is laughable. He would spit on you racist dogs were he alive. You were the people he fought against - oppressors and overt racists of all stripes!

It is telling that Jagan gave Burnham "critical support" but never Rodney. Now all you mealy mouth racist dogs lining up to claim kinship with Rodney. Pathetic bastards.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:
 Once you are a criminal ,you always will be a jail bird.

 Look like you looking for a Raise, get a job.

Banna who know mo about getting a raise in Georgetown mo dan you? You could write a book pon how to do it, duck curry and all lol...

Y'all iz a rale jokey bunch!

You sound hungry, blame the world for your misfortunes, lazy SOB.

Misfortune? I didn't grow up in fowl shit in Uivlugt and had to come to GT to bum around fuh some duck curry wid govt. teefmen.

If you call pointing out how most of you racist Indian dogs here were part of the PNC apparatus and sold your souls for money is "blaming the world" then I am guilty.

Lazy? Do you see me posting hay non stop all day like y'all lazy ass Indians? I busy wukking bai. Rest assured, I'm well taken care of. GT born and bred from old school black Guyanese that taught non entities like you and yuh family to read and write and hold a spoon.


Oh raaassssss, is like a banna step pon another bannas corn.

Ohhh man! Would I love to see a pic showing Rodney an Nehruski chillin with Nehruski flashing 'e govt credit card taraass.

cain posted:

Oh raaassssss, is like a banna step pon another bannas corn.

Ohhh man! Would I love to see a pic showing Rodney an Nehruski chillin with Nehruski flashing 'e govt credit card taraass.

I wouldn’t wish to walk with Rodney. The more you read about him, the more you see that wherever he goes, violence follows. He was all about Africa and Africans only. Chances are that his early campaigns against the PNC would probably end up being no different than Castro’s against Bautista. Rodney was the central cause of political violence in Jamaica, Grenada and Trinidad to name a few. Then he came to Guyana and violence ensued. Lot’s of CCWU workers misguidedly took his advice and ended up losing their jobs. For all you know, he was probably killed by his own device. What was such a high profile political doing so late outside the jail? Maybe he was planning to blow it up to let out some prisoners.

Iguana posted:

Walter Rodney was a Pan Africanist, part of the black power movement, and evidently very PROUD of his African roots. He was cognizant of the multi racial roots and society of the Caribbean as evidenced by his books, which include "Lakshmi, out of India".

That some of you racist Indian dogs post here that "black people are the scourge of the earth" and then claim that you were supporters of Rodney is laughable. He would spit on you racist dogs were he alive. You were the people he fought against - oppressors and overt racists of all stripes!

It is telling that Jagan gave Burnham "critical support" but never Rodney. Now all you mealy mouth racist dogs lining up to claim kinship with Rodney. Pathetic bastards.

A pan-Afro and proud Afro does not make him racist.   We knew several of his supporters and the were far from racist. I believe he got a lot of attention across the board because he was the only one rocking Burnham boat at that time.  

How he would have eventually deliver is now just a matter of discussion. 

Baseman posted:

A pan-Afro and proud Afro does not make him racist.   We knew several of his supporters and the were far from racist.

And where  did I say he was racist? You are actually making my point for me. Now run along and lecture yuh buddies hay like Nehru, KP, Skeldon Jerk, Dave and swamp rat from Florida who fulla man family used to lick Burnham's balls before they found out "black people are the scourge of the earth". Start wid yuh mattie, arite?

ksazma posted:
cain posted:

Oh raaassssss, is like a banna step pon another bannas corn.

Ohhh man! Would I love to see a pic showing Rodney an Nehruski chillin with Nehruski flashing 'e govt credit card taraass.

I wouldn’t wish to walk with Rodney. The more you read about him, the more you see that wherever he goes, violence follows. He was all about Africa and Africans only. Chances are that his early campaigns against the PNC would probably end up being no different than Castro’s against Bautista. Rodney was the central cause of political violence in Jamaica, Grenada and Trinidad to name a few. Then he came to Guyana and violence ensued. Lot’s of CCWU workers misguidedly took his advice and ended up losing their jobs. For all you know, he was probably killed by his own device. What was such a high profile political doing so late outside the jail? Maybe he was planning to blow it up to let out some prisoners.

You smoke up with Cain?  Rodney was murdered.

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

A pan-Afro and proud Afro does not make him racist.   We knew several of his supporters and the were far from racist.

And where  did I say he was racist? You are actually making my point for me. Now run along and lecture yuh buddies hay like Nehru, KP, Skeldon Jerk, Dave and swamp rat from Florida who fulla man family used to lick Burnham's balls before they found out "black people are the scourge of the earth". Start wid yuh mattie, arite?

Me don’t lecture no body bai, well only my children!  But dem also developed independent thoughts!!

Prashad posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

Oh raaassssss, is like a banna step pon another bannas corn.

Ohhh man! Would I love to see a pic showing Rodney an Nehruski chillin with Nehruski flashing 'e govt credit card taraass.

I wouldn’t wish to walk with Rodney. The more you read about him, the more you see that wherever he goes, violence follows. He was all about Africa and Africans only. Chances are that his early campaigns against the PNC would probably end up being no different than Castro’s against Bautista. Rodney was the central cause of political violence in Jamaica, Grenada and Trinidad to name a few. Then he came to Guyana and violence ensued. Lot’s of CCWU workers misguidedly took his advice and ended up losing their jobs. For all you know, he was probably killed by his own device. What was such a high profile political doing so late outside the jail? Maybe he was planning to blow it up to let out some prisoners.

You smoke up with Cain?  Rodney was murdered.

Perhaps by his own device.

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

A pan-Afro and proud Afro does not make him racist.   We knew several of his supporters and the were far from racist.

And where  did I say he was racist? You are actually making my point for me. Now run along and lecture yuh buddies hay like Nehru, KP, Skeldon Jerk, Dave and swamp rat from Florida who fulla man family used to lick Burnham's balls before they found out "black people are the scourge of the earth". Start wid yuh mattie, arite?

Me don’t lecture no body bai, well only my children!  But dem also developed independent thoughts!!

Banna, why are you wasting your time with that fool. Blacks never want to take responsibility for their bad behavior. They grossly lack contrition. It is always someone else’s fault that they couldn’t behave in a civilized manner.

ksazma posted:
Prashad posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

Oh raaassssss, is like a banna step pon another bannas corn.

Ohhh man! Would I love to see a pic showing Rodney an Nehruski chillin with Nehruski flashing 'e govt credit card taraass.

I wouldn’t wish to walk with Rodney. The more you read about him, the more you see that wherever he goes, violence follows. He was all about Africa and Africans only. Chances are that his early campaigns against the PNC would probably end up being no different than Castro’s against Bautista. Rodney was the central cause of political violence in Jamaica, Grenada and Trinidad to name a few. Then he came to Guyana and violence ensued. Lot’s of CCWU workers misguidedly took his advice and ended up losing their jobs. For all you know, he was probably killed by his own device. What was such a high profile political doing so late outside the jail? Maybe he was planning to blow it up to let out some prisoners.

You smoke up with Cain?  Rodney was murdered.

Perhaps by his own device.

Who paid the Chec dissident hotel bill when he was at the Pegasus Hotel room making the bomb?


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