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Is it too much to ask for a reliable supply of potable water?

January 8, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters 
Guyanese have become so accustomed to poor governance, corruption and lack of accountability and integrity by the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime over the last 12 years that they have come to accept gross incompetency and very low standards for State-provided services such as in security, electricity, water, roads, health, education, social services, and the like, as the norm in society.
The key functions of a government are to keep law and order within its boundaries, protect its people and guard its borders from invasion by external enemies, prevent man-made floods and create and maintain the conditions for the people to survive and hopefully for economic and human development.
The availability of adequate supplies of potable water is part of the minimum conditions for the people to exist. But if water is the criterion for judging the establishment of the conditions for Guyanese to thrive and exist, then the minority regime will definitely get a failing grade. This is also true of health care, especially in the public hospitals where maternal deaths are frequent due to incompetent and inexperienced medical personnel and lack of proper drugs; and the educational system where the public schools are failing the majority of students and the infrastructure at University of Guyana has collapsed.
At least four times a month, and in some areas almost all year long, there is a water shortage. How severe and how prolonged the shortage depends on where one lives. In the rural areas, there are water shortages almost every day and nothing has been done to improve the situation.
Ironically, in the old days, water was available to the people year-round from the continuous flow of wells in the rural areas. Today, the people have their own domestic catchment and storage facilities, and yet for days some people are experiencing water shortage. The old, self-reliant system of wells has fallen into disrepair because the unconcerned administration has not invested in the infrastructure of the water supply system.
The PPP has lulled Guyanese into a false sense of security that the Water Commission will always be able to supply adequate amounts of water to everyone; if only it would improve the efficiency of its operations. This is a fallacy, because the problem starts with the absence of a policy on water, regrettably because of gross incompetency.  There is enough rainfall and ground water to serve the needs of the country well into the future, but the government is incapable of providing adequate mechanisms to supply adequate water to the people.
Because of the PPP cabal’s lack of management skills, one in three Guyanese, most of them in the poorest 30 per cent of the population do not have access to piped water supply. The symbols of this failure are the large, ugly, expensive, black water storage tanks, on top of roofs of houses, every business place, school, hospital and public building that deface the landscape in the more affluent areas of the country.
Is it too much to ask of the government that all Guyanese be guaranteed a reliable, accessible, affordable, year-round supply of a minimum of 1,000 cubic metres of potable water per capita? This is the internationally accepted minimum requirement and, given Guyana’s climate, geography and water resources, it is a perfectly attainable target. After all, Guyana is the land of many waters. But where is the water? That is the question the government ought to answer.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prophets of gloom and doom: Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

When people speak the truth they are speaking doom and gloom?


You cannot deny the facts were a living with it daily right? but if people speak up they are slapped or persecuted like Maurice Arjoon and others who have been vilified by the dictators.


These same dictators used to reject the use of that language by the PNC, the PPP has now become worse than the very thing they were supposedly against.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prophets of gloom and doom: Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

When people speak the truth they are speaking doom and gloom?


You cannot deny the facts were a living with it daily right? but if people speak up they are slapped or persecuted like Maurice Arjoon and others who have been vilified by the dictators.


These same dictators used to reject the use of that language by the PNC, the PPP has now become worse than the very thing they were supposedly against.

Haas_man, PNC was not a democracy. I have seen both PNC and PPP. The PNC was atrocious.  People will have their say whether they want to elect a new government or not. Guyana is a democracy.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prophets of gloom and doom: Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

When people speak the truth they are speaking doom and gloom?


You cannot deny the facts were a living with it daily right? but if people speak up they are slapped or persecuted like Maurice Arjoon and others who have been vilified by the dictators.


These same dictators used to reject the use of that language by the PNC, the PPP has now become worse than the very thing they were supposedly against.

Haas_man, PNC was not a democracy. I have seen both PNC and PPP. The PNC was atrocious.  People will have their say whether they want to elect a new government or not. Guyana is a democracy.

The PPP is not a democracy either so what is your point?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prophets of gloom and doom: Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

When people speak the truth they are speaking doom and gloom?


You cannot deny the facts were a living with it daily right? but if people speak up they are slapped or persecuted like Maurice Arjoon and others who have been vilified by the dictators.


These same dictators used to reject the use of that language by the PNC, the PPP has now become worse than the very thing they were supposedly against.

Haas_man, PNC was not a democracy. I have seen both PNC and PPP. The PNC was atrocious.  People will have their say whether they want to elect a new government or not. Guyana is a democracy.

The PPP is not a democracy either so what is your point?

So you voted them in office?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Prophets of gloom and doom: Asquith Rose and Harish Singh.

When people speak the truth they are speaking doom and gloom?


You cannot deny the facts were a living with it daily right? but if people speak up they are slapped or persecuted like Maurice Arjoon and others who have been vilified by the dictators.


These same dictators used to reject the use of that language by the PNC, the PPP has now become worse than the very thing they were supposedly against.

Haas_man, PNC was not a democracy. I have seen both PNC and PPP. The PNC was atrocious.  People will have their say whether they want to elect a new government or not. Guyana is a democracy.

The PPP is not a democracy either so what is your point?

So you voted them in office?

Elections is not the only measure of democracy, I know this is very difficult for you dullards in the PPP to comprehend. Do some more reading and educate your damn self for the new year.


Sovereignty of the people

The people are ultimately the ones who are in charge in a democracy.


Government based upon consent of the governed

Representatives only get to be in charge if the people give them their consent (normally by voting them into office).


Majority rules

What goes in a democracy is what the most people want.


Minority rights

Individuals who are not part of the majority (minority) still have rights that are guaranteed/protected. This way the majority cannot simply trample over them.


Guarantee of basic human rights

Governments must guarantee/respect certain basic human rights. All people are entitled to these rights.


Free and fair elections

Governments are elected to office, everyone is free to vote or to run, and the whole election process is "fair." There can be no cheating or tampering with the results.

Equality before the law

Everyone is equal before the law and no one is above the law - not even members of government.


Due process of law

A person cannot be deprived of life or liberty or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards.


Constitutional limits on government

Constitutions says what governments can and cannot do; government power is not absolute.


Social, economic, and political pluralism

In a democracy there is a diversity of groups, associations etc. which do not depend on the government but play a role in politics.


Values of tolerance pragmatism


Originally Posted by ball:

We used to have canvas wata bottles or if we go in by boat or tractor we carry wan drum ah wata

My folks had those canvas containers too. Bookers supplied those for the cane cutters. Some people sold theirs. When you go to the backdam for a week or two, you need more than a couple of those. Not everyone who goes to the backdam has a tractor or boat. Some people go by canoe or bicycle. 


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