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Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

Residents of the capital city and parts of Demerara are bracing for several hours of blackout today as technicians carry out emergency maintenance works on a critical high power transmission line linking the Kingston and

GPL will be shutting down power for up to 10 hours today in the city and parts of Demerara.

GPL will be shutting down power for up to 10 hours today in the city and parts of Demerara.

Sophia power stations.
The lines run from Kingston, Georgetown, along the Lamaha railway embankment to the Sophia power plant.
Commissioned only last year February, and built by Chinese contractor, CMC, the 69kv transmission line has been experiencing problems. It was blamed for shutdowns last month that saw widespread condemnation of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL).
As the under-pressure GPL is carrying out checks to find the faults, it is also racing against time to repair a broken submarine power cable that CMC constructed across the Demerara River. It was damaged, reportedly by a dredging ship in July. This cut the supply of excess power from West Demerara to Georgetown.
Technical persons have been blaming the poor laying of the submarine power cable as one of the major causes for the current power woes facing the city. GPL has been forced to spend in excess of $150M to repair the cable with the parts expected in Guyana anytime now.
It was reported that GPL is giving CMC the job to fix the cable that was in the first place laid badly.
A key engineer report by a consultant had flagged the submarine cable work as being poorly thought out. There will be remedial works or another cable, maybe overhead, needed in the future.
The submarine cable across the Demerara River was one of two– the other was laid across the Berbice River– to create a grid in Berbice and Demerara.
CMC would have been contracted to also build seven sub-stations along with the transmission lines which have a fibre optic cable built in.
The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.
GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.
CMC is now again on the scene as one of several companies vying for a major project to install more than 25,000 smart meters and run more transmission lines along the coast.
The tenders were opened since February but no awards have been made more than nine months later, sparking suspicion over the transparency of the process.
In recent weeks, in addition to Demerara, GPL has been facing hours of outages in Bartica, Region Seven and on the Essequibo Coast, Region Three.
The state-owned power company said it is procuring new engines and working on a plan to introduce alternative power for especially those areas.
On one occasion, Bartica, a mining community, was faced with over 30 hours of outages.
With regards to today’s scheduled maintenance, GPL said it intends to conduct a comprehensive maintenance exercise, in keeping with its Annual Maintenance Programme, on the medium voltage (11 kv, 50 Hz) and high voltage (69kv) transmission line linking the Kingston Power Stations to the Sophia Substation scheduled for Sunday November 6, 2016.
GPL explained that this planned maintenance exercise, expected to be of 10 hours duration, will affect areas on East Coast Demerara, East Bank Demerara and Georgetown as “switching activities to facilitate alternative supply arrangements” are carried out, and will result in some areas being without power for the duration of the exercise.
GPL announced also that to prevent an re-occurrence of the problems encountered with the Sophia and Kingston lines, starting next year it intends to commence construction of additional ones – a second 69kv transmission line linking Kingston substation and Sophia substation and another one linking Sophia, Good Hope and Columbia substations for the same reasons.
”These second lines will provide redundancies in the transmission network,” GPL said.
Four new substations will be constructed between 2017-2018 at Parika, East Bank Essequibo; Canal Number 2, West Bank Demerara; Kuru Kururu, East Bank Demerara and Williamsburg, East Bank Berbice.
GPL last week said that the majority of blackouts resulted from feeder trips. The company insisted that there is no shortage of generating capacity in the Demerara-Berbice Interconnection system, despite the Chinese-built submarine cable across the Demerara River being damaged. The damage has hampered excess power from West Bank being brought to the city.
There are other plans afoot, too, to safeguard the transmissions.
”The company plans to install electronic remote control devices on its distribution feeders in order to reduce the duration and frequency of these outages,” GPL said.
This would reduce the current level of manual intervention for fault detection, isolation of affected areas and fault correction

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Last edited by Mars

PNC is making excuses and attempt to pin this on the PPP. This Blackout is happening under the PNC watch and it is happening across Guyana.

Stock up on Hand Lamp and Kero, the PNC days are back.


Anything the PNC touches turn to shyte.  The PPP left them a full treasury and strong economy. In 1 1/2 years they took a thriving economy and full treasury and turn it to filth. Que que logic at work, now rolling blackouts are back in full  swing and Guysuco about to be closed down. 

Drugb posted:

Anything the PNC touches turn to shyte.  The PPP left them a full treasury and strong economy. In 1 1/2 years they took a thriving economy and full treasury and turn it to filth. Que que logic at work, now rolling blackouts are back in full  swing and Guysuco about to be closed down. 

PNC cannot even build a toilet, how can these clowns runs country ?

Drugb posted:

Anything the PNC touches turn to shyte.

The PPP left them a full treasury and strong economy.

In 1 1/2 years they took a thriving economy and full treasury and turn it to filth.

Que que logic at work, now rolling blackouts are back in full  swing and Guysuco about to be closed down. 

Indeed, a disaster with the PNC/AFC management.

The only thing they can show was the 50th Anniversary Celebrations, demonstrated as another mismanagement.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

Anything the PNC touches turn to shyte.  The PPP left them a full treasury and strong economy. In 1 1/2 years they took a thriving economy and full treasury and turn it to filth. Que que logic at work, now rolling blackouts are back in full  swing and Guysuco about to be closed down. 

PNC cannot even build a toilet, how can these clowns runs country ?

YUji bhai, stop using the word "toilet". Start using the word "latrine". Installing a toilet is a job only for the professionals. PNC lacks anyone who can be labeled as a professional.


yuji22 posted:

PNC is making excuses and attempt to pin this on the PPP. This Blackout is happening under the PNC watch and it is happening across Guyana.

Stock up on Hand Lamp and Kero, the PNC days are back.

Bhai, PNC know their FILTH HEAD Supporters are going to fall for any excuse. No surprise here, certified FILTH HEADS are helpless!!!


Me feel sorry for dem girls who watching Soap Opera and suddenly - Poof! - Black out - and they can't see the ending of the story.  The husbands smile and say, "Since you can't watch soap opera, go and cook two roti fuh me nah."

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Typical PNC man. Address the current situation with a pivot to an irrelevant topic. They have no progress they can boast about, so they pull a sharp detour. These guys should be voting for the republicans. They would fit right in with them.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Typical PNC man. Address the current situation with a pivot to an irrelevant topic. They have no progress they can boast about, so they pull a sharp detour. These guys should be voting for the republicans. They would fit right in with them.

First of all, I'm not affiliated with any political party in Guyana. That's the first thing you jump to whenever someone has an opinion that does not fit with yours. If you read the newspaper article and all the other reports coming out of Guyana, you would know that the transmission lines were messed up by the Chinese company who was contracted by the PPP to run them. It's the same disaster with the Skeldon Factory. The PPP hired incompetent Chinese firms to execute major projects when these people have no experience in doing the job. The kickbacks filling the PPP pockets were just to big to resist and they put the country's welfare in jeopardy while looking out for their own selfish needs.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Typical PNC man. Address the current situation with a pivot to an irrelevant topic. They have no progress they can boast about, so they pull a sharp detour. These guys should be voting for the republicans. They would fit right in with them.

First of all, I'm not affiliated with any political party in Guyana. That's the first thing you jump to whenever someone has an opinion that does not fit with yours. If you read the newspaper article and all the other reports coming out of Guyana, you would know that the transmission lines were messed up by the Chinese company who was contracted by the PPP to run them. It's the same disaster with the Skeldon Factory. The PPP hired incompetent Chinese firms to execute major projects when these people have no experience in doing the job. The kickbacks filling the PPP pockets were just to big to resist and they put the country's welfare in jeopardy while looking out for their own selfish needs.

Stop blaming the PPP. Your PNC is running things now. They promised Guyanese the best of everything and as of now they cannot deliver a functioning latrine.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Typical PNC man. Address the current situation with a pivot to an irrelevant topic. They have no progress they can boast about, so they pull a sharp detour. These guys should be voting for the republicans. They would fit right in with them.

First of all, I'm not affiliated with any political party in Guyana. That's the first thing you jump to whenever someone has an opinion that does not fit with yours. If you read the newspaper article and all the other reports coming out of Guyana, you would know that the transmission lines were messed up by the Chinese company who was contracted by the PPP to run them. It's the same disaster with the Skeldon Factory. The PPP hired incompetent Chinese firms to execute major projects when these people have no experience in doing the job. The kickbacks filling the PPP pockets were just to big to resist and they put the country's welfare in jeopardy while looking out for their own selfish needs.

Stop blaming the PPP. Your PNC is running things now. They promised Guyanese the best of everything and as of now they cannot deliver a functioning latrine.

The new government is responsible for managing the country, no doubt. However, you can't inherit a donkey cart and think you will win the Indy 500 with it.


Oh yes Treasury full and run over with money, so much so 50th Anniversary celebration and 100% salary increases for GADAHAS.


Now, can anyone doubt these people are REAL SHIT HEADS. The GNI Slaves are brain dead and obviously too STUPID to know what is hitting them.

Mars posted

The new government is responsible for managing the country, no doubt. However, you can't inherit a donkey cart and think you will win the Indy 500 with it.

PPP took an empty treasury(talking about Danky Dart) and left billions. I am not sure about your donkey cart reference. Nobody is asking the PNC to run an Indy 500, not even a NASCAR. STOP USING THE PEOPLES' MONEY TO SPORT UP, DANCING AND PERSONAL TRAVEL TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. TAKE CARE OF THINGS AT HOME FIRST AS THE PPP DID.Now don't go off on Jagdeo and thieving..they left a lot for the PNC to loot.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted

The new government is responsible for managing the country, no doubt. However, you can't inherit a donkey cart and think you will win the Indy 500 with it.

PPP took an empty treasury(talking about Danky Dart) and left billions. I am not sure about your donkey cart reference. Nobody is asking the PNC to run an Indy 500, not even a NASCAR. STOP USING THE PEOPLES' MONEY TO SPORT UP, DANCING AND PERSONAL TRAVEL TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. TAKE CARE OF THINGS AT HOME FIRST AS THE PPP DID.Now don't go off on Jagdeo and thieving..they left a lot for the PNC to loot.

The PPP really took care of things at home. Look at all those mansions that they built. Two years in government and men who previously were riding bicycles are suddenly filthy rich. They were tiefin money to fix their teeth and travelling all over the world. Jagdeo get lil belly wuk and he hired a private jet to fly him to Miami along with his boyfriend and a whole entourage. How about all the weekend trips to go and drink rum at Club Tobago?

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

Typical PNC man. Address the current situation with a pivot to an irrelevant topic. They have no progress they can boast about, so they pull a sharp detour. These guys should be voting for the republicans. They would fit right in with them.

First of all, I'm not affiliated with any political party in Guyana. That's the first thing you jump to whenever someone has an opinion that does not fit with yours. If you read the newspaper article and all the other reports coming out of Guyana, you would know that the transmission lines were messed up by the Chinese company who was contracted by the PPP to run them. It's the same disaster with the Skeldon Factory. The PPP hired incompetent Chinese firms to execute major projects when these people have no experience in doing the job. The kickbacks filling the PPP pockets were just to big to resist and they put the country's welfare in jeopardy while looking out for their own selfish needs.

Stop blaming the PPP. Your PNC is running things now. They promised Guyanese the best of everything and as of now they cannot deliver a functioning latrine.

The new government is responsible for managing the country, no doubt. However, you can't inherit a donkey cart and think you will win the Indy 500 with it.

Looks like the donkey cart was filled with money for the Ministers salary increases though. 

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted

The new government is responsible for managing the country, no doubt. However, you can't inherit a donkey cart and think you will win the Indy 500 with it.

PPP took an empty treasury(talking about Danky Dart) and left billions. I am not sure about your donkey cart reference. Nobody is asking the PNC to run an Indy 500, not even a NASCAR. STOP USING THE PEOPLES' MONEY TO SPORT UP, DANCING AND PERSONAL TRAVEL TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. TAKE CARE OF THINGS AT HOME FIRST AS THE PPP DID.Now don't go off on Jagdeo and thieving..they left a lot for the PNC to loot.

The PPP really took care of things at home. Look at all those mansions that they built. Two years in government and men who previously were riding bicycles are suddenly filthy rich. They were tiefin money to fix their teeth and travelling all over the world. Jagdeo get lil belly wuk and he hired a private jet to fly him to Miami along with his boyfriend and a whole entourage. How about all the weekend trips to go and drink rum at Club Tobago?

Jagdeo did not travel needlessly on taxpayers' sweat. Dem tief lil bit and leff nuff nuff. Why you think Grainjaw waited before he said there was no money left when he took over? They emptied the cookie jar first and then made the announcement. You don't see PNC boys traveling heh?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Residents brace for 10-hour blackout today


-as GPL tries to fix faults along Chinese-built transmission lines

The entire project, commissioned in early 2015 by the previous administration would have cost Guyana up to US$40M.

GPL has been insisting that the recent outages are because of technical issues with the transmission and distribution network and not with its available power– it had enough of that.

The PPP received major kickbacks from these fly by night Chinese companies for major projects in Guyana. No wonder GPL is falling apart and the Skeldon Factory is a disaster. Meanwhile Jagdeo is sitting pretty in his mansion and the new government is stuck with cleaning up the mess left behind.

Dude, there has been no maintenance on the GPL equipment and power lines in the 20 months the PNC are running the country.  What do you expect?  When Dindial was running GPL, it was the best managed State entity in Guyana.  And don't get too wound up about Jagdeo so called mansion.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be. 

The operative word here being "crack"


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