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PM Nagamootoo attends ‘Rice Cocktail’ event


Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who is performing the functions of the President, attended the Guyana Rice Development Board’s (GRDB) ‘An Evening of Rice, a cocktail and Exhibition celebrating the versatility of rice’, held at the Umana Yana. Members of Government, Members of the Diplomatic Corp among others also attended ‘last evening’s event.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Agriculture Minister Noel Holder with other guests at the event
Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and Agriculture Minister Noel Holder with other guests at the event

As reported by INews yesterday morning, this event was heavily criticised by General Secretary of the Guyana Rice Producers Association Mr Dharamkumar Seeraj who dubbed the event as another demonstration of “reckless spending and misuse of rice farmers money by the current Administrators of the industry”.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo at the 'Rice Cocktail' event [Photo from PM office)
Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo at the ‘Rice Cocktail’ event (Photo from PM office)
 RPA General Secretary Dharamkumar SeerajRPA General Secretary Dharamkumar Seeraj
Seeraj noted that only recently, nearly $150 million dollars of farmers hard-earn money were taken by the APNU/AFC government and given to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO) to experiment with rice cultivation.   
Seeraj, in a statement to the media, said he is strongly of the view that “this Cocktail and Exhibition provide another opportunity for bureaucrats to rub shoulders and enjoy drinks at farmers’ expense”.

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Sat Namakaram Crabdaag showing what an egg sucking Parasite he is. People like dat is way, way beyond SHAMELESS!!! Who remember when only 18 months ago this unique Uncle Tom was hollering like a HO he is daily like he shouting for Clients at Gaumont about excesses and what he will do if the PNC win . I guess a rotten scoundrel like dat was born to thief, deceive, LIE, be ungrateful, shady and plain Robber man crabdaag!!!!!!!!!


Nehru bhai,  don't fret.  General elections will be here again.  18 months have gone by and the people of Guyana are still asking for the changes promised. Moses is worried that all he will be left with is a pension and the free Dashiki Carib and his friends bought him.

Billy Ram Balgobin

When the Tamil Chief uttered these now famous words, "Ladies and gentlemen, when I become the Ministaaaaa of Agriculchaaaa, I will pay the rice farmers $9,000 a bag fuh Paddy."   they all voted for APNU.

But seriously though, what the hell is a Rice Cocktail?  And who are those rice farmers in that pic?  Other than the Tamil Chief of course.


Bibi Haniffa

Guyana's rice industry has potential to produce a variety of byproducts. Yes, during Burnham's time rice wine under the brand name RICEWAH was made and sold locally. A strong white wine. Good. I drank it.

In India and China and some other rice-producing countries there is not only rice wine but rice vinegar, rice crispies etc.

Image result for rice wine

Now, back to Guyana, the government should offer entrepreneurs incentives to make these things. And, from a consumer's point of view, supporting the local economy is never a bad thing. When I lived in Guyana I gave preference to locally produced goods. I drank Banks beer instead of Heineken, DDL's Diamond Club Whisky instead of Johnny Walker, etc.

Here in Toronto, I usually buy Canadian rum, whisky and wine instead of foreign liquor. They are cheaper and the local manufacturers and economy are happy. A win-win situation.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Gilly,wha wrong with you instigating Guyanese to produce locally will wake up Burnham,imports are better.

Bai, straighten yuh head. Given favorable conditions, Guyanese can produce great stuff. During Burnham time I used to buy DDL carambola liqueur at Guyana Stores Supermarket. At the same place I got nicely packaged guava cheese that was made in Adventure, Essequibo Coast. At one time Lyla Kissoon canned orange juice and mango juice. Really good. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Gilly,wha wrong with you instigating Guyanese to produce locally will wake up Burnham,imports are better.

Bai, straighten yuh head. Given favorable conditions, Guyanese can produce great stuff. During Burnham time I used to buy DDL carambola liqueur at Guyana Stores Supermarket. At the same place I got nicely packaged guava cheese that was made in Adventure, Essequibo Coast. At one time Lyla Kissoon canned orange juice and mango juice. Really good. 

Me thinks Toucan Industries had some tin products.

Django posted:
Me thinks Toucan Industries had some tin products.

Harrison's Squirrel Industries made tomato ketchup in south Georgetown. So did Ferreira of Barr St Kitty. 

Last edited by Former Member

Indian people should never complain that Burnham days are back. From inception, people said Granger replaces Burnham. If you experienced life under Forbes, it should be no surprise what local products and black people look like at a gathering. Yall lucky allyou still eating chicken and not snakes, crabdaag and rats. 

Chief posted:

I miss Jalil, he would hAve dash a good cuss on these Ppp coolies , especially Nehru.

I don't think Jalli would bring his life so low like you... 

Let the man stay peaceful where he is a good.. . Aren't you afraid when you been down you get a kick in you Azz 

Continue sniffing Granger and Hammy AZZ...

Last edited by Former Member
Imran posted:
Chief posted:

I miss Jalil, he would hAve dash a good cuss on these Ppp coolies , especially Nehru.

I don't think Jalli would bring his life so low like you... 

Let the man stay peaceful where he is a good.. . Aren't you afraid when you been down you get a kick in you Azz 

Continue sniffing Granger and Hammy AZZ...

Chief always say "when they go  low, we go high". Apparently he realized this is not a winning motto as was proven by Donald Trump. Chief should now say, "when they go low, we go lower".


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