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Corentyne businessman gunned down at his home …wife criticalPDFPrintE-mail
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Monday, 07 October 2013 23:18

BUSINESSMAN Divendra Deodat, 34, also known as “Dave”, was last evening gunned down in his home at Hampshire while his wife was wounded as gun and cutlass touting bandits invaded their home on the Corentyne Coast. Berbice.

Last evening the friends of the family could not say if the men were masked but confirmed that the woman, whose name was given as Mala, was attacked with cutlass. The family operates a trucking service and is well-known throughout Berbice.
One woman said that when they got the message and arrived at the home the police were busy carrying out their investigation and were not allowing anyone in the yard. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Two men charged with murder of Hampshire businessman

Posted By Stabroek editor On October 14, 2013 In Local News


Ramnarine Jagmohan, 27 years, of Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne; and Neshan Jagmohan, 23 years, of Belvedere Squatting Area, Corentyne, were charged with the murder of Davindra Deodat called ‘Dave’, of Hampshire Squatting Area, which occurred on October 07, 2013. They appeared at the Albion Magistrate’s Court today and have been remanded to prison until November 03, 2013.


Davindra Deodat

Davindra Deodat



Four men charged over ‘Bingle’ murder at Black Bush Polder


Posted By Stabroek editor On October 14, 2013 @ 7:07 pm In Local News | No Comments

Police today said that Kumar Mangru, 17 years, and Nazim Azimulla, 42 years, of Johanna, South Black Bush Polder; Rajesh Singh, 38 years, of Lesbeholden, North Black Bush Polder and Carlton Chaitram, 37 years, of Mibicuri, South Black Bush Polder have been charged with the murder of Jeewanlall Deonarine called ‘Bingle’, of Lesbeholden, South Black Bush Polder which occurred on October 05, 2013.
They are expected to appear at the New Amsterdam Magistrate Court tomorrow.

Jeewanlall Deonarine

Jeewanlall Deonarine



These are the folks that support Nagamootoo and the AFC/PNC coalition. They were given the directive to rob and kill to fund the afc/pnc campaign coffers. However they took the advice to rob and kill but did not contribute the the afc/pnc coffers, instead they buy rum with the spoils. That is why the pnc is more effective at fund raising, their supporters gives 50% of their spoils to the campaign so the "big one" can sport.


NDIA alleged fraud…CEO approves millions in illegal spending

October 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



An audit report for April 5 to September 30, 2012 has fingered National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)’s Chief Executive Officer in a scheme involving the approval of millions in illegal payments.
The report, which was prepared by the then Field Auditor, Pablo Singh, stated that funds, released under the Community Drainage and  Improvement Project (CDIP), were misappropriated by the Chief Executive Officer, Lionel Wordsworth, and that even the Minister of Agriculture benefited from the fraud.

Minister Leslie amsammy

Minister Leslie amsammy

CDIP was established in 2006 by the Caribbean Development Bank to the tune of US$5.050M ($1billion). The programme was funded in 2007 directly through the Ministry of Finance, with a sum of $800M and shifted to the Ministry of Agriculture under NDIA.
According to the report, which was seen by Kaieteur News, no financials for NDIA was prepared reflecting the expenditure of the project. NIDA is required to maintain its own accounting records and is subject to separate reporting and audit.
It was recommended that financial statements for NDIA should be immediately prepared monthly, including CDIP’s releases and expenditure and supporting systems put in place so that the NIDA Act of 2004 is complied with.
Singh, who was dismissed last year from NDIA for breaching protocol by sending the damning audit report to President Donald Ramotar, discovered a series of financial irregularities in the operations of the entity. Singh had recommended the dismissal of Wordsworth and a Senior Engineer Aneel Chowbay. Besides the non-renewal of Chowbay’s contract, no other action was taken at the entity.
Payment to MMA
The report stated on May 28, 2012, $2M requested by the Accountant was approved by the CEO and paid to Mahaica/Mahaicony Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA-ADA), Region Five, without any documented reason, appropriation or a request from the Region.
It was noted that a CDIP staff and the Accountant signed an MMA-ADA receipt as receiving the $2M cheque, instead of a designated MMA-ADA staff on June 1, 2012.
The report stated the Accountant and an individual, who was identified, confirmed no works were done, but MMA-ADA claimed $7.8M on February 24, 2013 and March 29, 2012 for the month of February 2012.
The Region was asked by Wordsworth to suspend works for the month of February due to cash flow problems.

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

“It is audit’s opinion that this disbursement by CDIP approved by the CEO-NDIA was illegal since no work was done,” the report stated.
Breach of Procurement Act
Singh reported that the procurement process was breached by NDIA deliberately sole-sourcing Phoenix payroll application from Phoenix Software for $825,000 on January 19, 2012, instead of utilizing the open tendering process. “It must be noted that there are other providers of payroll applications available at the time,” the report said.
Though there should be no negotiations between the procuring entity and bidders, NDIA re-negotiated with Phoenix Software, resulting in the procurement of the application for $799,000. “It is audit’s opinion that the breach of the Procurement Act 2003 and findings under this section were fraudulent by manipulating the open tendering/quotation procurement process avoiding the review and approval of NPTAB,” the report stated.
Minister Ali Baksh
According to the report, $10,000 of the CDIP funds was used to cover transportation costs for two truck-loads of items from Food for the Poor to Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Baksh’s residence in Campbellville. The request for payment was done by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, George Jervis and approved by Wordsworth.
Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy
The report revealed that office furniture for Dr. Ramsammy’s office, costing $402,000 was illegally paid to Starcomm using CDIP funds. The CEO who approved the payment explained that the Permanent Secretary submitted the request.
Payments to New Thriving Restaurant
Singh’s audit unearthed that a sum of money, reportedly spent on a technical meeting under the CDIP, was actually spent for a farewell function and personal use.
The report revealed that payment of $70,000 was incorrectly made using a quotation for dinner to New Thriving Restaurant via cheque dated August 14, 2012. The dinner was for participants attending a meeting with technical staff and overseas visitors on the said date.
The Company Secretary, who was responsible for the payment of the bill, allegedly made an additional claim of $36,618 and deliberately stated the expenses were for the technical meeting.
The report said a breakdown of the total cost of $106,618 revealed that $45,702 was spent on August 14 and $2,538 and $58,378 were spent on August 17 and 24.
It was noted that upon inquiry on September 9, the Company Secretary admitted that the monies were utilized for an attachment staff’s farewell and $2,538 was used for his personal expense and proceeded to refund the money the next day.
“It is audit’s opinion that (name given) Company Secretary made an attempt to pay his personal bill using CDIP’s fund and misrepresented the additional costs by stating the monies were for the technical meeting.
Singh had recommended, “Disciplinary action should be taken against the Company Secretary for his initial misrepresentation of expenses subsequently corrected upon audit’s intervention."


Yuji, Rev and BGurd freedom fighters:



Brothers charged with murdering Hampshire businessman


Posted By Staff Writer On October 15, 2013 @ 5:21 am In Local News | No Comments

Two Corentyne brothers were yesterday charged with murdering Hampshire businessman Devindra ‘Dave’ Deodat, who was shot dead during an armed robbery at his home last week, while a third suspect remained on the run.

Ramnarine Jagmohan, 27, a farmer, of Belvedere Squatting Area, and Neshan Jagmohan, 23, a cane harvester of Hampshire Squatting Area, were arraigned before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court.

The brothers were not required to plead to the capital charge.

Ramnarine Jagmohan [left) and Neshan Jagmohan

Ramnarine Jagmohan (left) and Neshan Jagmohan

According to the charge, read by Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus, on October 7, 2013, in the company of another, Jagmohans murdered Deodat.

Stabroek News understands that the brothers were suspects in the armed robbery and murder and were charged after they were picked out in an identification parade that was held.

Meanwhile, the third suspect remains on the run. Police are currently searching for him.

The matter was transferred to the Albion Magistrate’s Court for November 5.

Deodat, 34, of Lot 72 Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne, Berbice was shot to his chest and neck and chopped to his hands and one of his fingers was severed in the attack at his home. His father-in-law, Rafeek Abdul, called ‘King,’ 57, of Lot 63 Williamsburg, Corentyne, was shot twice to his shoulder when he rushed to the residence after learning that bandits were there.

Shaneeza Deodat, 29, wife of the deceased also sustained a chop to her head, during the attack. She said her husband was dealt a chop and was shot after they wrestled the mask off of one of the robbers during a struggle.

Pathologist Dr Vivekanand Brijmohan, who performed the autopsy, stated that the man died from shock and haemorrhage due to gunshot wounds. The robbers stole about $600,000, a laptop and a gold band.


Ramnarine Jagmohan, 27, a farmer, of Belvedere Squatting Area, and Neshan Jagmohan, 23, a cane harvester.


What are the reasons these two young brothers had to go, shoot, chop, kill and loot from someone else? They just destroy a whole family and their own life in the midst. This is very hard for me to comprehend. Is life better behind bars? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramnarine Jagmohan, 27, a farmer, of Belvedere Squatting Area, and Neshan Jagmohan, 23, a cane harvester.


What are the reasons these two young brothers had to go, shoot, chop, kill and loot from someone else? They just destroy a whole family and their own life in the midst. This is very hard for me to comprehend. Is life better behind bars? 

When AFC/pnc get revolution in the heads of their supporters this is what they do. The afc/pnc implored their supporters to create havoc and now we see the repercussions when people take the party literally. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramnarine Jagmohan, 27, a farmer, of Belvedere Squatting Area, and Neshan Jagmohan, 23, a cane harvester.


What are the reasons these two young brothers had to go, shoot, chop, kill and loot from someone else? They just destroy a whole family and their own life in the midst. This is very hard for me to comprehend. Is life better behind bars? 

Bai, not only blacks bad, dem gett some bad c00lies out deh.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, not only blacks bad, dem gett some bad c00lies out deh.

The dirty PNC Indians are not only those degenerates who are longing for the PNC to rule Guyana again---they are also the heinous and murderous criminals like Ramnarine and Neshan Jagmohan above ---the dirty ones in Guyana all need to be exterminated.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, not only blacks bad, dem gett some bad c00lies out deh.

The dirty PNC Indians are not only those degenerates who are longing for the PNC to rule Guyana again---they are also the heinous and murderous criminals like Ramnarine and Neshan Jagmohan above ---the dirty ones in Guyana all need to be exterminated.



Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.



Karma will return to deal with Nigel---Karma didn't complete the job a few months ago---next time around---Karma will finish the job---all evil men must be "karmaized".




Each indo who defected to the PNC has to sign up 2000 new indo members.

That's what they can do for the PNC.


The dirty Indians, as Hamilton Green calls them, has to give their hard earn cash to the PNC. That's what they can do for the PNC..


The stupid Indians will have to take their wives and daughters to all PNC social events.  That's what they can do for the PNC.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Each indo who defected to the PNC has to sign up 2000 new indo members.

That's what they can do for the PNC.


The dirty Indians, as Hamilton Green calls them, has to give their hard earn cash to the PNC. That's what they can do for the PNC..


The stupid Indians will have to take their wives and daughters to all PNC social events.  That's what they can do for the PNC.


Mr Yuji has now changed his handle to Mr Ramakant Persaud. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Bai, not only blacks bad, dem gett some bad c00lies out deh.

The dirty PNC Indians are not only those degenerates who are longing for the PNC to rule Guyana again---they are also the heinous and murderous criminals like Ramnarine and Neshan Jagmohan above ---the dirty ones in Guyana all need to be exterminated.



Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.

Another moronic response from you. These men, however odious their accusations are, require the full faith of the law that they will be treated fairly in a court of law.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Each indo who defected to the PNC has to sign up 2000 new indo members.

That's what they can do for the PNC.


The dirty Indians, as Hamilton Green calls them, has to give their hard earn cash to the PNC. That's what they can do for the PNC..


The stupid Indians will have to take their wives and daughters to all PNC social events.  That's what they can do for the PNC.


Mr Yuji has now changed his handle to Mr Ramakant Persaud. 

naah, he is a long time poster. I should say he has long invested his time in the corrupt practices of the PPP.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Each indo who defected to the PNC has to sign up 2000 new indo members.

That's what they can do for the PNC.


The dirty Indians, as Hamilton Green calls them, has to give their hard earn cash to the PNC. That's what they can do for the PNC..


The stupid Indians will have to take their wives and daughters to all PNC social events.  That's what they can do for the PNC.


Mr Yuji has now changed his handle to Mr Ramakant Persaud. 

naah, he is a long time poster. I should say he has long invested his time in the corrupt practices of the PPP.

I am not worried about the corrupt practices of the PPP but those who left and pretended to be saints like Khemraj Ramjattan and Dr. TK, Moses Nagamootoo and Sase singh.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.



Karma will return to deal with Nigel---Karma didn't complete the job a few months ago---next time around---Karma will finish the job---all evil men must be "karmaized".



Karma will definitely get this evil man.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.



Karma will return to deal with Nigel---Karma didn't complete the job a few months ago---next time around---Karma will finish the job---all evil men must be "karmaized".



Karma will definitely get this evil man.

Stupid ship Brahmin! Karma is not an active force. It is not even a force since there is no "force operating in Hinduism" but a description of what happens inevitably given a person's disposition. It is like saying if you walk into traffic you will get run over is Karma operating!


These labels are merely for the earthly bound to get a toehold to understanding that all is illusion. There is no good no bad no inside no outside no heaven no hell only Brahma. Go read your bloody gita fool. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.



Karma will return to deal with Nigel---Karma didn't complete the job a few months ago---next time around---Karma will finish the job---all evil men must be "karmaized".



Karma will definitely get this evil man.

Stupid ship Brahmin! Karma is not an active force. It is not even a force since there is no "force operating in Hinduism" but a description of what happens inevitably given a person's disposition. It is like saying if you walk into traffic you will get run over is Karma operating!


These labels are merely for the earthly bound to get a toehold to understanding that all is illusion. There is no good no bad no inside no outside no heaven no hell only Brahma. Go read your bloody gita fool. 


Educate that uneducated ignar Mr Danyeal. 


Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils..

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Exterminate them. They deserve to be hanged before Nigel defends them and they are then enlisted by the PNC terror arm.



Karma will return to deal with Nigel---Karma didn't complete the job a few months ago---next time around---Karma will finish the job---all evil men must be "karmaized".



Karma will definitely get this evil man.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils..

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions..

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk hic hic, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils.. hic hic

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions.. hic hic

Let me know when you sober up; I will answer your rum shop questions. With you  who needs debating skills?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk hic hic, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils.. hic hic

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions.. hic hic

Let me know when you sober up; I will answer your rum shop questions. With you  who needs debating skills?

Wow, cuss bird talking about debating skills.  Like Hitler championing human rights.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk hic hic, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils.. hic hic

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions.. hic hic

Let me know when you sober up; I will answer your rum shop questions. With you  who needs debating skills?

Wow, cuss bird talking about debating skills.  Like Hitler championing human rights.

You are an ass hole. Prove me wrong.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk hic hic, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils.. hic hic

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions.. hic hic

Let me know when you sober up; I will answer your rum shop questions. With you  who needs debating skills?

Wow, cuss bird talking about debating skills.  Like Hitler championing human rights.

You are an ass hole. Prove me wrong.

You never cease to prove anyone wrong...about you that is, eh cuss bird!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Mitwahbabu, Are you prepared to sign up and convert 2000 honest Indians to dirty Indians for the PNC?


Ar you prepared to give half your salary to the PNC?


Are you prepared to take your family to all the PNC's social events?


What gives brother?  Don't tell me that I am drunk hic hic, because that is a cop out for your lack of debating skils.. hic hic

Mitwah, are you still stoned, that you can't reply to my questions.. hic hic

Let me know when you sober up; I will answer your rum shop questions. With you  who needs debating skills?

tell us what you can do for the PNC.. druggie..


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