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Are pensioners not entitled to a ‘Christmas bonus’?
December 17, 2015 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters
Dear Editor,
I am a pensioner who has served my country for more than 30 years in the public sector. In the past I was able to benefit when Government announced its retroactive pay increase to public servants which was usually payable in the month of December.
However, it’s December again but this time the new Government that was voted into power to bring about much needed change, has announced a $50,000 one-off pay for public servants.
Mr. Editor, there are many pensioners who have served this country for many years with distinction and I believe we too should be entitled to a ‘Christmas bonus’.
I would be grateful if the relevant authorities could enlighten pensioners if there is anything in store for us this Christmas too.
Curious Pensioner


RACIALNESS OF THE APNU/AFC? Look beyond that $50,000 bonus
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Look beyond that $50, 000 bonus
December 20, 2015 By GuyanaTimes
Dear Editor,
I humble request Guyana Times to publish this letter, bringing the Guyanese public up to speed with the manipulations by the APNU/AFC government in getting their votes in the upcoming Local Government Elections in March 2016.
The APNU/AFC government took 50 percent increases for themselves, gave the public sector 5 per cent, now another bonus $50,000 to public servants – Army, Police, Prisons, Immigration, Nurses, Teachers, Transportation, Marine and all other government employees where the majority are Afro-Guyanese.
The productive sectors such as Sugar and Rice received zilch, because they are PPP/C supporters even though they make up the majority of the electorate.
Fellow Guyanese – Amerindian, Chinese, Portuguese, Africans, Indians and others, please, do not be fooled, this de facto government says they care, but that is a big lie which can be proven if you examine their record after May 2015.
From the President David Granger, Joseph Harmon, Raphael Trotman, Basil Williams, Ronad Bulkhan, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, they have all lied to all of you.

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The PPP was corrupt; the APNU-AFC is calamitous
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The PPP was corrupt; the APNU-AFC is calamitous
December 21, 2015 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters
Dear Editor,
In the last seven months, Guyana seems to have replaced a corrupt regime with a calamitous regime. Here are some prominent ones. First calamity started with the Coalition reneging on its Cummingsburg Accord that called for the Prime Minister, drawn from the AFC, to be responsible for the daily administration of government.
Today, it is obvious the Minister of State in the renamed Ministry of the Presidency is literally responsible for the daily administration of government, making him the de facto Prime Minister.
Incidentally, it does not take rocket science thinking to recognize that even if the daily administration of government portfolio was taken from Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, political tact says he should be assigned responsibility for agriculture and serve as the nexus between the coalition and Guyana’s pre-dominantly Indian agriculture community. But to be paid almost GY$2M a month and be responsible only for information, well, that sucks, big time!
Second calamity came with a revelation that the PPP left the Treasury bare, causing campaign promises of 20% pay hikes for public servants to be replaced with a 5% pay hike and a one-time GY$5,000 bonus. That arbitrary pay hike drew the ire of the GTUC, which quickly reminded the Coalition of its manifesto that promised to consult with labor bodies within the constitutional framework of inclusivity.


And here is AFC Fat Pig Moses. Granger has him like a water boy. He is not allowed to chair cabinet meetings according to the so called Garbage Accord signed by the AFC who were conned by the PNC.

Harmon chairs the meeting and Moses has to fetch water for the cabinet members.

Granger's water boy and AFC Fat Pig Moses:




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