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Volda Lawrence is a powerful PNC Chairperson. Lawrence   engaged in lawlessness at GECOM by attempting to block transparent verification of Region 4 Statements of Poll. Lawrence is Minister of Health. Her ministry has prime responsibility for managing the Coronavirus outbreak in Guyana. 

Certain developments lead me to suspect that Volda Lawrence is abusing her powers related to COVID-19 to block recounting of ballots as agreed to by David Granger and Bharrat Jagdeo. On Monday, just as the recounting was expected to begin in the presence of a CARICOM watchdog team, Health Ministry functionaries swooped down on the Arthur Chung Convention Centre ostensibly to fumigate the premises against COVID-19 infections.

The recounting hangs in limbo due to a court order granted to an APNU+AFC candidate. The CARICOM team departed Guyana without accomplishing their mission. Some foreign elections observers are still in Guyana.

Yesterday Volda Lawrence contrived a high-profile meeting to take concrete measures ostensibly to contain the spread of COVID-19. CJIA and Ogle airports won't permit incoming flights for the next 2 weeks. The reasonable implications are that no more foreign elections observers can enter Guyana and those already in the country should hustle themselves out ASAP. 

So, the PNC is paving the way for GECOM to declare APNU+AFC as winner without any foreign "interference." PNC has 2 weeks to get back in government and consolidate its position. Granger could declare a State of Emergency that prohibits large gatherings of people to stem the COVID-19 tide and, more importantly, to prevent PPP/C and opposition demonstrations against the latest rigging. Volda and she people think dem smart.

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COVID-19 does not stand in the way of sanctions. America and the rest of the civilized world can deal with more than one task at the same time. Had Mingo not played sick this verification could have been done since March 4th and President Ali or those still obsessed with Jagdeo,President Jagdeo been sworn in as Guyana's President that same week. This nonsense that the delay was caused because the PPP stormed Ashmin's building is just a shameless attempt to rewrite history as the record clearly shows that the ONLY reason the PPP stormed the building was because the DRO introduced a tabulation of votes which were not derived from the true and actual votes casted in region 4 on March 2, 2020.

Not counting all those despots around the world, the last real accredited group who could have held the PNC hand to save them some dignity was chased out of Guyana yesterday by Granger and his illegal cabal. More than any other legitimate CARICOM was the PNC closest friend but today, even CARICOM knows how far the PNC would go to deny the citizens of Guyana their inalienable right to choice, a blessing bestowed by no other than God, The Most High.


For the sake and welfare of the people of Guyana, I wish I was wrong about the cancerous PNC. Five years ago I sounded the alarm when the AFC accepted that AIDS infected kiss of death from the PNC. I knew that it will kill the AFC as they had hoped to be. But Nagamootoo and Ramjattan's beavers so eager to be screwed by Granger did not even bother to use protection and today they too have been infected by that AIDS. Now all that is left for them to do is make the transition to the after-life.


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